SXSW vs. KONY 2012: Invasion of The Trendies

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Infowars talks to the trendies who support invading Africa under the banner of Kony 2012.

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15 Responses to “SXSW vs. KONY 2012: Invasion of The Trendies”

  1. Round up all these trendy douchebags and put them on a plane. Drop them in central Africa and see if they change their tune. ANYONE who cheerleads for war should be on the front line EVERY time.

  2. Let’s you know how dumb American women are getting !

    Sarvo Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 11:47 am

    I have to be honest here – I actually amazed at just how much they did know.
    They are not as dumb-ed down as I was expecting to see

    the sage Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    If you are not ugly
    act like a jerk
    make them laugh at their expense
    have a fat wallet, drive a nice car
    have a large dick
    are willing to get them drunk
    and lie to them about how much you want them to have your baby
    and slap them around every once in a while…

    …any woman will abandon all forms of self-identity and accomplishment only to follow you blindly like a zombie. I can’t get them to leave me alone…really.

  3. WAKE-UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As even to quote the late Great Jim Morrison! ie “The Doors”

  4. what has happened to the ‘female” voice ???
    They all talk the same and sound like blunt chainsaws

    the sage Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 12:55 pm

    That is the result of the California valley girl media programming meme from back in the eighties. Quite a long-standing success with that particular mind-control gem.

  5. So much for the Constitution and the NO FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS clause. Not that it was ever followed as US state started “empire-building” from the late 1700′s. Mr./Ms. “righteous two-shoes” always “know better” and spread “civilization”.

  6. Everyone has missed the true point of this video. The true point of the video is not to distract us, or fire us up about some baddy warlord somewhere. This has been going on for years. The true reason is to soften us up, to the possibility that children can be terrorists! In otherwords, our own children can be terrorists! Eventually measures to protect us from this possibility will be in place, at tax payer expense. You know for our “protection”.

  7. what did you expect, white ppl not to get tired of being punked by anyone who isnt white? regardless of who obama works for regarless of his religous belief and his inability to stand up to white ppl(he is the presidnt,lol) until hes no longer president, right now and for the past 4 yrs, ppl like super duper man and his fan club has to bow down to a man with dark skin. is it any wonder these sissies are hiding behind their computer screens crying about it. yeah but no faced ppl who spread hate and say they can do this and that over a computer screen are pretty much the main problem in America. why do you think the cops and military are encouraging white ppl to be blatantly ra cist to piss off the dark skin community into forcing martial law so they can lock up and kill anyone who isnt white. you idiots keep forgetting that the only ppl born natural blonde(the most laughed at trait in America) is you white folks. keep on hating while your kids keep on loving. desperation is a stinky cologne especially once youve realized you wasted your life.

    Tom Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 5:54 pm

    Obama has an inability to stand up to white people? I didn’t know he was supposed to have an AGENDA of standing up to white people. For your information, Obama is the eighth President in a row to commite serious treasons against our country. If YOU aren’t crying about wha Obama has done, you will be.

  8. 11:52 “…You totally changed my whole thought process of it all.”

  9. If there is compelling evidence that giving women the right to vote was the wrong decision, this video is it.

  10. ask them if they saw slam tne balony 2012.

  11. yeah. no judge. no jury. no trial. no law. yeah, let “barry” send a few UAVs into the desert and let “barry” kill kony. if “barry” hits a factory instaed of kony, or some piss-poor village, oh well… what can you do, eh? lol.

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