Two charged with murder of missing Perth man


May 31, 2012 09:13:30

David Houston


Police are yet to find David Houston’s body.

Police investigating the disappearance of missing Perth man 24-year-old David Houston have charged two people with his murder.

He was last seen on May 11th when he was dropped off by a taxi near Redmond Road in Coolbellup.

Police held grave fears for the safety of Mr Houston after he was reported missing from the family home in Hilton.

His mother made an emotional plea for help saying it was out of character for him not to call home.

Last night, detectives from the Major Crime Squad arrested a 23-year-old man and his 19-year-old girlfriend.

After interviewing them for several hours they were charged with murder.

Police are yet to establish a motive for the crime.

A search continues for Mr Houston’s body.


First posted

May 31, 2012 08:45:37

stories from Western Australia

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