US protesters urge justice for black teen

The Wednesday rally was staged on the anniversary of the assassination of prominent civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Junior.

The protesters called for the apprehension of George Zimmerman, the white man who shot and killed the 17-year-old boy.

Trayvon’s parents participated in the rally.

On February 26, Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch guard, killed the unarmed teenager outside his father’s house in the city of Sanford, Florida, claiming that he had acted in self-defense.

Zimmerman has claimed that the victim punched him, knocked him to the ground and slammed his head into the pavement repeatedly before he fired the gunshot. He has not been charged.

This is while, recently released police security video shows Zimmerman shortly after the shooting without any injuries to his head or face visible on camera.

The suspected racial motivation and police handling of the case has sparked massive, nationwide protests in the US in recent weeks. A grand jury is considering whether to charge Zimmerman and will hear evidence in the case on April 10.


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