Vatican to begin paying property tax in Israel

ISRAEL – 01/02/2012 — It’s about time.

 The global organization known as the Catholic Church will finally begin paying property tax as tax exemptions have played a major role in the debt crisis that the nations find themselves in today.

A breakthrough has been made in talks between Israel and the Vatican ahead of a historic agreement on economic and financial issues.

It was also agreed that the Vatican would start paying a reduced property tax for its assets in Israel.

After 18 years of tough negotiations, the Catholic Church agreed to waive its demand to receive sovereignty over the Cenacle (the location of the “Last Supper”) on Jerusalem’s Mount Zion. In return, Israel agreed to consider giving the Church access to the place and even consider a leasing option.

Over the years, Israel suffered losses of tens of millions of shekels due to the Vatican’s failure to pay property tax.

The understandings were reached in a meeting held last weekend between Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and the Vatican’s deputy foreign minister.

 The sides reported that the two officials had reached an agreement as two further steps which will be taken in order to finalize the negotiations over the deal.

 With the soon destruction of the Vatican right around the corner, the world is witnessing how the Great Harlot is quickly being exposed for what it is: the world’s largest financial powerhouse and most criminal organization in existence, which orchestrates child trafficking worldwide:

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