Vest maker attacks surf life saving bosses

An inflatable safety vest manufacturer says the death of a young surf life saver on the Gold Coast could have been avoided but surf life saving officials have been too slow to act.

The body of Matthew Barclay, 14, was found at Kurrawa beach on Thursday, a day after he disappeared during a board event at the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships.

He’s the third person to die at the national championships at Kurrawa since 1996.

After 19-year-old Saxon Bird drowned at the beach in 2010, after being hit by a stray surf ski, a coroner recommended surf life savers wear flotation devices.

Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) chief executive Brett Williamson on Thursday admitted the organisation was yet to implement that recommendation.

He said work was underway to develop a flotation vest that was suitable for use by surf life savers, but that work was not complete.

“That has been going and underway and it’s just too early to stipulate a particular brand or type,” he told reporters.

But Bill Edgar, from Inflatable Rashies, said he’d been trying to convince SLSA for two years to take up his product, which is widely used in other water sports.

“The device has only been available for 18 months, but they could have taken it up for this event,” he told reporters at Kurrawa.

Mr Edgar said he was invited by SLSA to submit the vest for consideration.

But it had failed to introduce the device, which had been tested by iron men and Olympians, and did not impede athletes and could be worn partially inflated, an emotional Mr Edgar said.

“… it’s absolutely disgusting that we’ve brought something out that’s been tested and trialled and (SLSA) has turned around and implemented a shirt for visibility,” he said.

“They haven’t done nearly enough, I don’t understand it. If these people were wearing this device we wouldn’t be here today.”

Mr Edgar said while he had an obvious motive for promoting his product, that was not the reason he was speaking out.

“I was invited by Surf Life Saving Australia OK, I didn’t push them, they asked me.

“It is being used by other federations, kayaking, canoeing … we sell in Amsterdam, Holland, the UK has bought some for their federations, New Zealand – it’s a device that’s well recommended and should be worn.”

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