Where Are The 7 Hills Spoken in Book of Revelations ??

A woman rides the beast, and that woman is a city built on seven hills that reigns over the kings of the earth! Was ever in all of history such a statement made? John immediately equates the readers’ acceptance of this revelation with “wisdom.” We dare not pass over such a disclosure casually. It merits our careful and prayerful attention.

Here is no mystical or allegorical language but an unambiguous statement in plain words: “The woman … is that great city.” There is no justification for seeking some other hidden meaning. Yet books have been written and sermons preached insisting that “Mystery Babylon” is the United States. That is clearly not the case, for the United States is a country, not a city. One might justifiably refer to the United States as Sodom, considering the honor now given to homosexuals, but it is definitely not the Babylon that John sees in this vision. The woman is a city.

Furthermore, she is a city built on seven hills. That specification eliminates ancient Babylon. Only one city has for more than 2000 years been known as the city on seven hills. That city is Rome. The Catholic Encyclopedia states: “It is within the city of Rome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican State proper is now confined.”

There are, of course, other cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, that were also built on seven hills. Therefore, John provides at least seven more characteristics to limit the identification to Rome alone. We will examine each one in detail in subsequent chapters. However, as a preview of where we are going, we will list them now and discuss each one briefly. As we shall see, there is only one city on the earth which, in both historical and contemporary perspectives, passes every test John gives, including its identification as Mystery Babylon. That city is Rome, and more specifically, Vatican City.

Even Catholic apologist Karl Keating admits that Rome has long been known as Babylon. Keating claims that Peter’s statement “The church here in Babylon … sends you her greeting” (from I Peter 5:13) proves that Peter was writing from Rome. He explains further

“Babylon is a code word for Rome. It is used that way six times in the last book of the Bible

” (Jeremiah 3:9); “and with their idols have they committed adultery” (Ezekiel 23:37). The entire chapter of Ezekiel 16 explains lsrael’s spiritual adultery in detail, both with heathen nations and with their false gods, as do many other passages.

There is no way that a city could engage in literal, fleshly fornication. Thus we can only conclude that John, like the prophets in the Old Testament, is using the term in its spiritual sense. The city, therefore, must claim a spiritual relationship with God. Otherwise such an allegation would be meaningless.

Though it is built on seven hills, there would be no reason to accuse Rio de Janeiro of spiritual fornication. It makes no claim of having a special relationship with God. And though Jerusalem has that relationship, it cannot be the woman riding on the beast, for it is not built on seven hills. Nor does it meet the other criteria by which this woman is to be identified.

Against only one other city in history could a charge of fornication be leveled. That city is Rome, and more specifically Vatican City. She claims to have been the worldwide headquarters of Christianity since its beginning and maintains that claim to this day. Her pope enthroned in Rome claims to be the exclusive representative of God, the vicar of Christ. Rome is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, and in that too she is unique.

Numerous churches, of course, are headquartered in cities, but only one city is the headquarters of a church. The Mormon Church, for example, is headquartered in Salt Lake City, but there is much more to Salt Lake City than the Mormon Church. Not so with Vatican City. It is the heartbeat of the Roman Catholic Church and nothing else. She is a spiritual entity that could very well be accused of spiritual fornication if she did not remain true to Christ.

In Bed with the Rulers

Not only does Rome’s pope call himself the vicar of Christ, but the Church he heads claims to be the one true Church and the bride of Christ. Christ’s bride, whose hope is to join her Bridegroom in heaven, is to have no earthly ambitions. Yet the Vatican is obsessed with earthly enterprise, as history proves; and in furtherance of these goals it has been, exactly as John foresaw in his vision, engaged in adulterous relationships with the kings of the earth. That fact is acknowledged even by Catholic historians.

Christ said to His disciples, “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you” (John 15:19). The Catholic Church, however, is very much of this world. Her popes have built an unrivaled worldwide empire of property, wealth, and influence. Nor is empire-building an abandoned feature of the past. We have already seen that Vatican II clearly states that the Roman Catholic Church today still ceaselessly seeks to bring under its control all mankind and all their goods.

Popes have long claimed dominion over the world and its peoples. Pope Gregory XIs papal bull of 1372 (In Coena Domini) claimed papal dominion over the entire Christian world, secular and religious, and excommunicated all who failed to obey the popes and to pay them taxes. In Coena was confirmed by subsequent popes and in 1568 Pope Pius V swore that it was to remain an eternal law.

Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) claimed that all undiscovered lands belonged to the Roman Pontiff, for him to dispose of as he pleased in the name of Christ as His vicar. King John II of Portugal was convinced that in his Bull Romanus Pontifex the pope had granted all that Columbus discovered exclusively to him and his country. Ferdinand and Isabel of Spain, however, thought the pope had given the same lands to them. In May 1493 the Spanish-born Alexander VI issued three bulls to settle the dispute.

In the name of Christ, who had no place on this earth that He called his own, this incredibly evil Borgia pope, claiming to own the world, drew a north-south line down the global map of that day, giving everything on the east to Portugal and on the west to Spain. Thus by papal grant, “out of the plenitude of apostolic power,” Africa went to Portugal and the Americas to Spain. When Portugal “succeeded in reaching India and Malaya, they secured the confirmation of these discoveries from the Papacy…” There was a condition, of course: “to the intent to bring the inhabitants … to profess the Catholic Faith.” It Was largely Central and South America which, as a consequence of this unholy alliance between church and state, had Roman Catholicism forced upon them by the sword and remain Catholic to this day. North America (with the exception of Quebec and Louisiana) was spared the dominance of Roman Catholicism because it was settled largely by Protestants.

Nor have the descendants of Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas forgotten that Roman Catholic priests, backed by the secular sword, gave their ancestors the choice of conversion (which often meant slavery) or death. They made such an outcry when John Paul II in a recent visit to Latin America proposed elevating Junipero Serra (a major eighteenth-century enforcer of Catholicism among the Indians) to sainthood that the pope was forced to hold the ceremony in secret.

Christ said, “My kingdom is not of this world; otherwise my servants would fight.” The popes, however, have fought with armies and navies in the name of Christ to build a huge kingdom which is very much of this world. And to amass their earthly empire they have repeatedly engaged in spiritual fornication with emperors, kings, and princes. Claiming to be the bride of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church has been in bed with godless rulers down through history, and these adulterous relationships continue to this day. This spiritual fornication will be documented in detail later.


The Mother of Harlots and Abominations

The more deeply one probes into the history of the Roman Catholic Church and its current practices, the more impressed one becomes with the amazing accuracy of the vision John received centuries before it would all be lamentable reality. John’s attention is drawn to the inscription boldly emblazoned upon the woman’s forehead: “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (Revelation 17:5). Sadly enough, the Roman Catholic Church fits the description “mother of harlots and abominations” as precisely as she fits the others. Much of the cause can be traced to the unbiblical demand that her priests be celibates.

The great apostle Paul was a celibate and recommended that life to others who wanted to devote themselves fully to serving Christ. He did not, however, make it a condition for church leadership as the Catholic Church has done, thereby imposing an unnatural burden upon all clergy that very few could bear. On the contrary, he wrote that a bishop should be “the husband of one wife” (I Timothy 3:2) and set the same requirement for elders (Titus 1:5,6).

Peter, whom the Catholics erroneously claim was the first pope, was married. So were at least some of the other apostles. This fact was not the chance result of their having been married before Christ called them, but it was accepted as an ongoing norm. Paul himself argued that he had the right to marry like the rest: “Have we not power [Greek exousia, the right or privilege or authority] to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles and as the brethren [half-brothers, sons of Mary and Joseph] of the Lord, and as Cephas [Peter]?” (I Corinthians 9:5).

The Roman Catholic Church, however, has insisted upon celibacy even though many Popes, among them Sergius III (904-11), John X (914-28), John XII (955-63), Benedict V (964), Innocent VIII (1484-92), Urban VIII (1623-44), and Innocent X (1644-55), as well as millions of cardinals, bishops, archbishops, monks, and priests throughout history, have repeatedly violated such vows. Not only has celibacy made sinners of the clergy who engage in fornication, but it makes harlots out of those with whom they secretly cohabit. Rome is indeed “the mother of harlots”! Her identification as such is unmistakable. No other city, church, or institution in the history of the world is her rival in this particular evil.

History is replete with sayings that mocked the church’s false claim to celibacy and revealed the truth: “The holiest hermit has his whore” and “Rome has more prostitutes than any other city because she has the most celibates” are examples. Pius II declared that Rome was “the only city run by bastards” [sons of popes and cardinals]. Catholic historian and former Jesuit Peter de Rosa writes:

Popes had mistresses of fifteen years of age, were guilty of incest and sexual perversions of every sort, had innumerable children, were murdered in the very act of adultery [by jealous husbands who found them in bed with their wives]…. In the old Catholic phrase, why be holier than the pope?

As for abominations, even Catholic historians admit that among the popes were some of the most degenerate and unconscionable ogres in all of history. Their numerous outrageous crimes, many of which are almost beyond belief, have been recited by many historians from preserved documents that reveal the depths of papal depravity, some of which we will cover in later chapters. To call any of these men “His Holiness, Vicar of Christ” makes a mockery of holiness and of Christ. Yet the name of each one of these unbelievably wicked popes, mass murderers, fornicators, robbers, warmongers, some guilty of the massacre of thousands – is emblazoned in honor on the Church’s official list of popes. These abominations that John foresaw not only occurred in the past but continue to this very day, as we shall see.

Reigning over the Kings of the Earth

Finally, the angel reveals to John that the woman “is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:18). Is there such a city? Yes, and again only one: Vatican City. Popes crowned and deposed kings and emperors, exacting obedience by threatening them with excommunication. At the time of the First Vatican Council in 1869, J.H. Ignaz von Dollinger, Professor of Church History in Munich, warned that Pope Pius IX would force the Council to make an infallible dogma out of “that pet theory of the Popes — that they could force kings and magistrates, by excommunication and its consequences, to carry out their sentences of confiscation, imprisonment, and death….” He reminded his fellow Roman Catholics of some of the evil consequences of papal political authority:

When, for instance, [Pope] Martin IV placed King Pedro of Aragon under excommunication and interdict…then promised indulgences for all their sins to these who fought with him and [tyrant] Charles [I of Naples) against Pedro, and finally declared his kingdom forfeit…which cost the two kings of France and Aragon their life, and the French the loss of an army…

Pope Clement IV, in 1265, after selling millions of South Italians to Charles of Anjou for a yearly tribute of eight hundred ounces of gold, declared that he would be excommunicated if the first payment was deferred beyond the appointed term, and that for the second neglect the whole nation would incur interdict….

Though John Paul II lacks the power to enforce such brutal claims today, his Church still retains the dogmas which authorize him to do so. And the practical effects of his power are no less than those of his predecessors, though exercised quietly behind the scenes. The Vatican is the only city which exchanges ambassadors with nations, and she does so with every major country on earth. Ambassadors come to the Vatican from every major country, including the United States, not out of mere courtesy but because the pope is the most powerful ruler on earth today. Even President Clinton journeyed to Denver in August 1993 to greet the pope. He addressed him as “Holy Father” and “Your Holiness.”

Yes, ambassadors of nations come to Washington D.C, to Paris, or to London, but only because the national government has its capital there. Nor does Washington, Paris, London, or any other city send ambassadors to other countries. Only Vatican City does so. Unlike any other city on earth, the Vatican is acknowledged as a sovereign state in its own right, separate and distinct from the nation of Italy surrounding it. There is no other city in history of which this has been true, and such is still the case today.

Only of the Vatican could it be said that a city reigns over the kings of the earth. The phrase “the worldwide influence of Washington” means the influence not of that city but of the United States, which has its capital there. When one speaks, however, of the influence of the Vatican around the world, that is exactly what is meant — the cityand the worldwide power of Roman Catholicism and its leader the pope. VaticanCity is absolutely unique.

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  1. Dear Eddie:

    The human element in the Church’s past indeed had failings. The Divine element had miracles. Today, the Church is apostate. Her apostasy started on October 10, 1958, as explained in the following text in Spanish.

    La Era Montiniana

    Por el Lic. Wulfrano Ruiz Sainz

    Estamos viviendo en carne propia la Era Montiniana. El Rev. P. Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga, S.J., en 1970, con la publicación de su libro “LA NUEVA IGLESIA MONTINIANA”, puso el dedo en la llaga cuando denunció que el entonces “Papa” Paulo VI en realidad no era Papa, sino un judío infiltrado disfrazado de Papa.

    Es como si Caifás o Anás, de haber vivido en nuestros tiempos, se quitaran el Efod y el Pectoral del Juicio judíos y en su lugar se vistieran la Sotana y llevaran un Crucifijo al cuello. Es decir, que a pesar de la indumentaria, ellos seguirán siendo no Papas Católicos, sino judíos miembros de la Sinagoga de Satanás. A este respecto, el Apocalípsis del Apóstol San Juan (II-9), dice: “Sé tu tribulación y tu pobreza, si bien eres rico en gracia y santidad; y que eres blasfemado de los que se llaman judíos, y no lo son, antes bien son una sinagoga de Satanás”.

    Y ya en nuestros tiempos, Malachi Martin, en su libro “WINDSWEPT HOUSE” (CASA BARRIDA POR EL VIENTO), dice que el 29 de junio de 1963, el día anterior a la coronación de Paulo VI, en el Vaticano se celebró una “misa” negra en la cual Satanás fue entronizado. Añade Malachi Martin que ésta fue la coronación del Anticristo cuyo reinado empezaría al día siguiente. ¡Y ya empezó! ¿Cómo? Simplemente se reanudó el Concilio Vaticano II: el mismo que hizo APOSTATAR a la Iglesia. A este propósito pensamos que la Apostasía de la Iglesia se produjo por etapas y por niveles.

    La primera etapa fue en 1958 a nivel papal, cuando muere S.S. el Papa Pío XII (el último Papa católico de la historia), y entra a ocupar la silla papal Angelo Roncalli, mejor conocido como Juan XXIII o “el papa bueno” (aunque en realidad era un masón infiltrado). La segunda etapa fue en 1965 a nivel episcopal, cuando la totalidad de los obispos de todo el mundo acepta e impone en sus diócesis los apóstatas decretos del Concilio Vaticano II que contradicen casi dos mil años de la Tradición y Magisterio Papal Católico. La tercera etapa fue en 1969 a nivel sacerdotal, cuando prácticamente la totalidad de los sacerdotes en el mundo entero aceptó el Novus Ordo Missae de Montini, es decir, la Nueva Falsa Misa de Paulo VI, la cual no sólo no efectúa la Transubstanciación, sino que es una burla o parodia o remedo simiesco de la Verdadera Santa Misa Católica que San Pío V impuso para siempre. En relación con esto, debemos decir que una insignificante minoría, menos del 0.001%, de los sacerdotes se opuso y resistió la Abominación de la Desolación de Montini. Entre éstos cabe mencionar al R.P. Benjamín Campos, S.J., R.P. Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga, S.J., R.P. Esteban Lavagnini, R.P. Feliciano Chávez Nolasco y el R.P. José Payá, S.J.

    La cuarta etapa fue a nivel masa popular en 1976 cuando prácticamente la totalidad de la feligresía montiniana (seguidora de Montini), integrada por unos mil millones de obedientes ciegos, aceptó el nuevo e inútil ritual montiniano que no produce la Gracia Divina, por una parte, y por la otra dicha feligresía se dedicó a idolatrar a Juan Pablo II (otro falso “Papa”). En relación con esto, debemos decir que una insignificante minoría, menos del 0.001%, integrada por laicos creyentes fieles a la Tradición de casi dos mil años, se opuso y resistió esta Traición Iscariota. Cabe aquí mencionar dos grupos que hasta la fecha se mantienen Católicos que rechazan la Gran Traición: (1) los Católicos de la Capilla de San Pío V en la Colonia Santa Isabel Tola de la Ciudad de México, encabezados por Don Rafael Faustino Magallón Jacobo; y (2) los Católicos de la Parroquia de San Pío V en la Capital de Guatemala, Centroamérica, encabezados por el R.P. José Payá Sanchis, S.J.

    Estos son los hechos. Mas surge la pregunta: ¿Saldremos de esta crisis? ¿Hay esperanza? Consideramos que el Apóstol San Pablo tiene la respuesta en su Segunda Carta a los Tesalonicenses, Capítulo II, Versículos 1-3, quien dice así: “Entretanto, hermanos, os suplicamos por el advenimiento de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de nuestra reunión al mismo, que no … os alarméis … como si el día del Señor estuviera ya muy cercano … porque no vendrá este día sin que PRIMERO HAYA ACONTECIDO LA APOSTASIA, casi general de los fieles ….”

    Así, pues, estamos en la Era Montiniana, es decir, en tiempos de la Gran Apostasía profetizada por el Santo Apóstol, en que mil millones han abandonado la Fe Católica, la Fe del Concilio de Trento, la Fe que salva (fuera de la cual no hay salvación). En estas condiciones duele ver a tantos sin Sacramentos. Los responsables de esta tragedia sobrenatural son los integrantes de la jerarquía. Así como Anás y Caifás apartaron al pueblo judío de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, ahora Paulo VI y Juan Pablo II han apartado al pueblo del Camino de Salvación. Debemos, pues, concluir que, estando consumada la Apostasía final, EL DIA DEL SEÑOR ESTA YA A LA PUERTA.

  2. Dear Eddie: In case some of your readers don’t know Spanish, here is the French version of the above text.


    Par le licencié Wulfrano Ruiz Sainz.

    Nous vivons dans l’ère montinienne. En 1970, le Rev. P. Joaquin Sáenz y Arriaga, S.J., avec la publication de son livre « LA NOUVELLE ÉGLISE MONTINIENNE”, a mis le doigt sur la plaie quand il a dénoncé qu’alors le « Pape » Paul VI n’était pas en réalité Pape, mais un juif infiltré déguisé en Pape.

    C’est comme si Caïphe ou Anne avaient vécu dans notre temps et qu’on leur enlèverait l’Éphod qui est l’emblème pectoral du pouvoir judicaire juif et qu’à la place on leur mettrait une soutane et qu’ils porteraient un crucifix dans le cou. C’est-à-dire que, malgré leur habillement, ils demeurent non pas des Papes catholiques, mais des juifs membres de la synagogue de Satan. À ce sujet, l’Apocalypse de l’Apôtre S. Jean ((II-9) dit : « Je sais ton affliction et ta pauvreté; mais tu es riche, et tu es calomnié par ceux qui se disent Juifs et ne le sont pas, mais qui sont de la synagogue de Satan. »

    Et , Malachi Martin, aussi de notre temps, dans son livre « WIND SWEPT HOUSE » (MAISON BALAYÉE PAR LE VENT), dit que ,déjà, le 29 juin 1963, le jour précédent le couronnement de Paul VI, dans le Vatican a eu lieu une « messe » noire dans laquelle Satan a été intronisé. Malachi Martin ajoute qu’elle a été le couronnement de l’Anti Christ dont le règne commencerait le jour suivant. Et il a déjà commencé ! Comment ? On a simplement repris le Concile il Vatican II : le même qui a fait APOSTASIÉ l’Église. À ce propos, nous pensons que l’Apostasie de l’Église s’est produite par étapes et par niveaux.

    La première étape fut 1958, au niveau pontifical, quand mourra S.S. le Pape Pie XII ( le dernier Pape catholique de l’histoire), et l’occupation du Siège pontifical par Angelo Roncalli, mieux connu comme Jean XXIII ou « le bon pape » (bien qu’en réalité il était un maçon infiltré). La seconde étape fut 1965, au niveau épiscopal, quand la totalité des évêques du monde entier acceptera et imposera dans tous les diocèses les décrets apostats du Concile Vatican II que contredisent presque deux mille ans de Tradition et de Magistère Papal Catholique. La troisième étape a été en 1969, au niveau sacerdotal, quand la totalité des prêtres du monde entier a accepté pratiquement le Novus Ordo Missae de Montini, c’est-à-dire, cette Nouvelle Fausse Messe de Paul VI, dans laquelle non seulement ne s’effectue pas la Transsubstantiation , mais est une moquerie ou parodie ou une singerie simiesque ( remedo simiesco) de la véritable Sainte Messe Catholique que Saint Píe V a imposée pour toujours. En relation avec ceci, nous devons dire qu’une minorité insignifiante, moins de le 0.001%, des prêtres s’est opposée et a résisté à l’Abomination de la Désolation de Montini. Parmi ceux-ci, il convient de mentionner les R.P. Benjamín Campos, S.J., R.P. Joaquin Sáenz y Arriaga, S.J., R.P. Esteban Lavagnini, R.P. Feliciano Chávez Nolasco et le R.P. José Payá, S.J.

    La quatrième étape en fut une au niveau populaire, en 1976, quand pratiquement la totalité de « ceux qui prêchent pour la paroisse » (feligresía?) montinienne (partisane de Montini), composée de quelque un milliard de fidèles lui obéissent aveuglément, ont accepté pratiquement le nouveau et invalide rituel montinien qui ne produit pas la Grace Divine, d’une part; et d’autre part, les mêmes « ceux qui prêchent pour la paroisse » (feligresía?) se sont dédiés à idolâtrer Jean Paul II (autre faux « Pape »). En relation avec ceci, nous devons dire qu’une minorité insignifiante, moins de 0.001%, composée des croyants laïques fidèles à la Tradition presque bi-millénaire, s’est opposée et a résisté à cette Trahison Iscariote.

    Ce sont les faits. Alors surgit la question : Sortirons-nous de cette crise ? Y a-t-il un espoir ? Nous considérons que l’Apôtre Saint Paul a la réponse dans sa IIe Lettre aux Thessaloniciens, chapitre II, versets 1-3, et qui dit ainsi : «Or nous vous conjurons, mes frères, par l’avènement de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, et par notre réunion avec lui, De ne point vous laisser… ni effrayer… comme si le jour du Seigneur était proche…. il ne viendra point, qu’auparavant ne soit venue l’apostasie a… »

    (a) Note de Glaire : Cette apostasie est la révolte de toutes les nations contre l’Église catholique, révolte qui a commencé, et qui deviendra plus générale dans les jours de l’Antéchrist, à la fin des temps.

    Ainsi, donc, nous sommes dans cette ère montinienne, c’est-à-dire, dans ces temps de la Grande Apostasie prophétisée par le Saint Apôtre, dans lequel des milliards ont abandonné la Foi Catholique, la Foi du Concile de Trente, la Foi qui sauve (hors de laquelle il n’y a pas de salut). Dans ces conditions, ça fait mal de voir tant de gens sans sacrement. Les responsables de cette tragédie surnaturelle sont les membres de la hiérarchie. Ainsi qu’Anne et Caïphe ont éloigné le peuple juif de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, Paul VI et Jean Paul II éloignent maintenant le peuple du Chemin du Salut. Nous devons donc conclure qu’étant consommée l’Apostasie finale, le JOUR DU SEIGNEUR EST DÉJÀ À NOS PORTES.

  3. Dear Eddie.

    The Apostasy of the Church and the antichristian blasphemies going around everywhere, presages, as initial punishment, The Third World War.

    BTW….‎40 years ago I wrote a book in Spanish titled “La Tercera Guerra Mundial” (The Third World War). On page 212, I said that World War III would start with the israeli attack on Syria via Damascus and on Jordan via Amman.

    And today, what do I see in the night sky? I see the planet Mars which according to Gustav Holtz is the bringer of War!

    Tonight’s perfect alignment of Mars, Earth and Sun, hadn’t happened before in thousands of years.

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