Woman, 80, critically injured in glider accident

Glider crash

An 80-year-old woman  was injured after crashing her glider in Goorambat, near Benalla.
Source: Herald Sun

UPDATE 6.40am: AN elderly woman has critical injuries after crashing her glider in northeast Victoria.

Ambulance officers worked to free the 80-year-old woman from the wreckage after the motorized craft came down at Goorambat, near Benalla, at 6.30pm yesterday.

Emergency services were called to a property in Wilson Rd about 6.30pm after witnesses reported seeing an aircraft circle and then descend quickly.

Police have been told the glider hit the ground and came to rest about 100m away.

It is believed she took off from Benalla airport and glided to New South Wales before coming back to Benalla.

The woman suffered rib and back soreness, an Ambulance Victoria spokesman said.

She was flown to the Alfred Hospital.

Paramedic Michael Whelan said the woman was a very experienced flyer.

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“Her husband was on scene before we left,” Mr Whelan said. 

“He said she’d been flying gliders for 50 years without any other incident.”

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