Exposing the I.S.I.S Lie… How President Obama and Hillary Clinton Created I.S.I.S.


Scott Bennett the author of the book “Shell Game” a Military
Whistleblowing Report to Congress stated he gave Rolling Stone reporter
Michael Hastings information about Swiss bank accounts which directly
implicated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama
in the formation of I.S.I.S. just prior to Hastings being killed in a
suspicious auto accident. ~ Lecture

Nevada City, CA – Former Army psyop officer
Scott Bennett, author of “SHELL GAME” Military Whistleblowing Report to
Congress” was on Agenda 21 Radio May 12, 2015 and reported that
extensive information he had.

He outlined in detail the felonious acts
committed by Hillary Clinton, President Obama and numerous members of
congress who knew and were involved in arms shipments from Qatar to
Libya to Turkey and into Syria where the arms were given to ISIS.

Scott explains the true story about the
report which prompted Edward Snowden to go public with information
about unconstitutional abuses against Americans by the National Security
Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Justice and
the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Provided Material Assistance To Terrorists And Lied To Congress

FOX Business News July 5, 2015, FOX News chief legal correspondent
Judge Andrew Napolitano told FBN host Charles Payne a “conspiracy
existed” among President Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
the Treasury Department and various Congressional leaders to have arms
sent to rebels in Syria and Libya.

Napolitano came to the conclusion
after going through several hundred pages of documents with FOX News’
intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge.

“A conspiracy existed
between the president, and Mrs. Clinton, and Congressional leaders from
both parties in both Houses others in the State Department, the Treasury
Department and the Justice Department to get arms shipped to rebels in
Syria and in Libya,” Napolitano said.

“Some of those rebels are
members of organizations that are on the terror list and providing them
with material assistance is a felony,” Napolitano explained.

“So the
arms dealers applied for and received permission from State and Treasury
lawfully to sell arms to the government of Qatar and they lawfully did

Qatar then sold, delivered, bartered or gave these arms to the
terrorist organizations with the knowledge and consent of Hillary Rodham
Clinton when she was Secretary of State.

The fact is Fox News
has had this information for a long time.

arms shipments were provided by the U.S. government under a plan devised
by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Scott pointed out that
he had given Hannity, O’Reilly, Kelly and Van Sustern detailed
information regarding Swiss bank accounts and the money that was
transferred from the CIA into ISIS accounts by way of Booz, Allen
Hamilton. Additional e-mails were also given to FOX.

Scott has contacted
almost everyone in Congress and made them aware of the information he
has that Fox News is now talking about. Better late than never.





November 9, 2015 – KnowTheLies




Book http://armypsyop.wix.com/scottbennett

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Source Article from http://www.knowthelies.com/node/10911

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