Abbott involved in car accident

Tony Abbott sprung to the aid of a woman who broke her leg when her scooter hit his car in Brisbane.

The scooter ran into the front passenger door about 7.30pm (AEST) on Friday as the car passed through an intersection.

Mr Abbott was in the front passenger seat on his way to a private function.

The car’s occupants were unhurt but the rider suffered a broken leg, a spokesman for Mr Abbott said on Saturday.

The Opposition leader was quick to render first aid, making sure the woman was in the right position and comfortable while waiting for an ambulance.

“He’s qualified in first aid because of the work he does with surf life saving and the Rural Fire Service in NSW,” the spokesman said.

The injured woman was taken to hospital.

The spokesman said Mr Abbott “was very concerned for the welfare of the rider”.

Mr Abbott was the second politician to be involved in a car accident this week.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman was not hurt when he was involved in an accident on the Sunshine Coast on Wednesday.

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