Action Alert ▶ Israel detains a Birzeit Univeristy Student Ola Haniyeh for Five Days now

March 29, 2012

Ola Haniyeh, student at the Bir Zeir University was detained five days ago. No further facts are available at this moment, but we request to spread this alert.

Israel’s mayhem against students/activists must halt!

These practices of illegal detention, for exercising human rights at non-violent protests, demos, vigils  to manifest for human rights itself is a fundamental and moral right. The ongoing detentions in attempt to silence those who attend these unarmed, civilian demos have to stop. Even detaining all will not silence the issue not will it lead to silence about the crimes against Palestinians in every aspect of their lives.

Aside from this, many students and children are being arrested interrupting their basic needs and rights to education and endangering or at least making their futures more difficult.

Action Alert


We call on all students and universities of this world to issue a statement about these illegal detentions and violations of the right to education, theft of freedom and free speech and expression.


Please spread the appeal.

Updates will be posted as soon as available

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