An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street)

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Revolutions are dangerous and unpredictable beasts.

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46 Responses to “An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street)”

  1. Excellent! Share this on you facebook and twitter and wherever.

    nikoli Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    Today i went for luch with a couple of friends….

    sitting behind me was a billionair eating with his wife in a cafe in the city..

    my friend said…. look at all these rich people around here…. he then says “i am not rich”…

    my other friend, he is 70 years old…. say… “you are RICH”…..”you got kids a wife and a roof over your head”””””…

    you see… my 70 year old friends wife has cancer…. he is very well off… but he is about to loose the only thing he cares about in life… and that is his wife…

    HE has plenty of money…. but that means nothing to him… it is his wife which he wants….

    they have no kids….

    so as long as you got your family….. you are rich….

    money is just a means…. it is not life…..

    these are the words of my friend… which is very wise….

    with age comes wisdom…

    dedreckon Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    True weisdom.

    dedreckon Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 2:10 pm

    Sp, Wisdom

  2. Once these useful idiots have served their purpose, the Occupied crowd will be the 1st victims that will die once the gloves come off and big-bro decides to show force.

    Thats when the sane people that work for a living will take notice, and clean their weapons.
    The powers that be will expend a lot of time and resources getting rid of the useless and cowards.

    The rest of the country will be ready and waiting. Most of us that still have a brain and use it to think are not lulled into a state of blissfull ignorance any longer. Anyone that has been paying attention knows that the shit is about to hit the fan and are ready for it, are you?

    ConcernedSenior Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 8:32 am

    You’re absolutely right. They are useful idiots, lazy young bastards that had everything fed to them on a silver platter, and they want more. Look at the cell phones, tablets, iphones and other paraphernalia that they carry, and you realize what frauds they are. They will be the first ones led into the FEMA camps.
    I for one, being a militia member, am prepared, and waiting for the Feds to make their move.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 9:48 am


    Captain Ron Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 9:51 am

    Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

    Same as it ever was…

    dhsn Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 10:16 am


    Peter Wolf Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:21 am

    FuckYoutocracy [Fuck-You-Toc-Rac-Y] – a system of governement that is wholly unrepresentative and does what it likes regardless of those it doesnt represent who voted for it and who replenish it with constant taxation revenue despite this.

    Dont like TSA operatives and scasnning and groping ??

    Fuck You

    Dont like constant bailouts and TARP programmes that you pay for where you get nothing in return except for debt ??

    Fuck You

    Dont like overseas wars and occupations ??

    Fuck You

    Dont like paying CO2 life taxes ??

    Fuck You

    I am sure that there are plenty of other examples that i have missed out.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 1:29 pm

    @ Ronnie. They erased my post………as usual. What I said was that you hit a “home run” with your post.


    Citizen Dildo Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    Oh yeah thats really smart to say over the net there uhh… militia guy…. pshh whatever.

    dedreckon Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    That’s when the weapons will be loaded!

  3. The problem with this is that I never heard this guy give one ounce of suggestion as to how to improve anything. The laundry list of who not to trust, and who is doing what to whom, was not inaccurate. But the supposition that the cause of the current woes is that “bankers have been able to create money out of thin air!” is much on the simpleton side of the equation. The reason that the banker’s can create money out of thin air is because after they do so, we all will stand in line and beg for it because if you get some of it, you can get that new IWidget, and a third car, and a second house and an extra flatscreen so you can watch TV while you take a bath and that cruise to the Bahamas and that weekend in Vegas and……….. Are we gonna learn to tell ourselves “No” ? ‘Cause before we can convincingly tell the bankers to “foff and die”, we are going to have to have the sense of discipline and self-sacrifice to be able to “live” without all those nice toys the bankers (or politicians or con-artists or whomever) dangle in front of our very myopic eyes. I think the current psyche of the good ol’ US of A can be summed up in a not so famous quote from the likes of Homer Simpson, “Oh, why is everything that bad happens to me always somebody else’s fault?”

    Seal Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    He SAID study to show thyself approved!!! Basically, so those that do will-not be mislead during the always confusing protests…

  4. THE WILDCARD here is the 47% of Americans that proudly exercise the 2nd amendment!

    When the gov henchmen take off their gloves the shitstorm of 2nd amendment enforcement will begin, unlike Greece with it’s rocks and molotovs the riots in the USA will be brutal!

    Invest in guillotines, the 3rd American revolution will be French!

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:14 am

    Thr govt henchmen have homes and families but once you start targetting their homes and families you are no better than what you are fighting against.

    sniperpatriot Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:49 am

    To defeat your enemy you sometimes must become your enemy

  5. But they will fall for it. Why? Dumbing down of the schools and universites for 40 years has been a long and continuous process which makes the generation of today maluable. The primary think tank for this was THE UNIVERSITY OF MARXISM, HARVARD. The ulimate insult in a world tuned upside down by lucifrians and quack professors. They gave birth to monsters such as Sonya Sotyamyer and Kagan the Pagan of the supreme court to rule over and destroy the soverign United States.

    Seal Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    Universities are a BIG PROBLEM, given their twisted-psychologies and attitudes towards the people in general…BUT MASON HALLS, there’s another story,…

    Those fire-traps should become just that just like ELIJAH THE TISHBITE, instructed the people then;Catch all their priests of Baal, lock them in their Mason’s Hall with no windows and only one door;Then set it to be cremation of care for our freedoms and those of our sons daughters!

    HOW COME MASON HALLS are allowed no fire exits??? BECAUSE God did-not wish it maybe…so we could more-easily care for their cremation of CARE!!!!(Sound familiar? Bohemian grove perhaps!) Do what they have practiced to them!

  6. Pretty good Video! He focuses on the core tool in the enslavement of the 99% by the1%, which tool is private currency..

    Here are a couple more Videos on the same topic:
    “How International Bankers Gained Control of America”
    ..Full-length movie: Classic in-depth analysis of the financial colonization of America..

    h**p:// –
    “The American Dream Film”

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:06 am

    What?!!! You again? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    between_the_lines Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:45 am

    Reconscoutsniper is the resident stalker and ad-hominem artist. His responses are always red-herrings to distract attention from the issue.
    The issue here is “the core tool in the enslavement of the 99% by private currency”. Does anyone have an opinion?

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    The issue here is “the core tool in the enslavement of the 99% by private currency”. Does anyone have an opinion?

    Exactly. The “tool” you use, is defined as “communism”, which you teach with great enthusiasm at the U. of Ill.

    Communism is slavery. Communism is the 1% ruling over the 99%.

    You are a Russian born communist spreading your communist ideology to students that attend and pay for their own demise.

    Hows that for being on time and on topic, professor?

    You asked for an “opinion”. I gave you FACTS instead.

    “Stalker”? You gonna start that bullshit again?

    You said you knew where I lived and that you own a gun. Who is stalking who? You either lied about knowing where I live, or you in fact are the “stalker” you accuse me of being.

    Which is it hypocrite? Liar!

    between_the_ass_cheeks is the resident communist who portrays himself as being a true “US citizen”, when in fact, he is a Russian born communist who spreads S. Alinsky to young US minds.

    No “opinion” involved….Just the FACTS.

    When ya gonna pay me a visit professor. Surprise me and just show up. You said you knew where I lived, so, come on down.

    Would you care to read your own post again?

    You are a liar! You are a communist.

    You are the enemy of any one who cherishes freedom.


  7. Like all the “revolutions” lately, Occupy was started off by the occultists. That’s why most of occupy is supportive of the Robin Hood tax, and other globalist “solutions”. The first picture was a ballerina standing atop the bull downtown “Taurus”.
    This is symbolic of the tearing up of the former system, out of which rises the new- represented by the Hindu Goddess “Shiva”. In fact, Obama one graced the cover of Newsweek as Shiva.

    The REAL revolution, began with a book by John Robison in the 1700′s called:
    “Proofs of a conspiracy”, and has been gaining steam ever since. The Alex Jones show, and Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory”, and “Coast to Coast AM”, are the tip of the spear of the REAL people’s awakening. As well as a tidal wave of other truther oriented media, You Tube warriors, radio shows, etc.

    We should support Occupy, but not the co opted stuff. What Occupy must realize, is that WE have been fighting this fight alot longer than they have. THEY ARE THE NEW COMERS. And so they should defer to us for the wisdom.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:10 am

    That is the Robin Hood tax that steals from the poor and gives to the rich.

    aktruth93 Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:18 am

    Not every occupier is new. I’ve marched with alex in nyc on 9/11/07. I’ve been an activist for over a decade. There a lot of youth who are just waking up in this movement but we need those who have been paying anention to join with the occupations and help teach those who are new. The biggest thing that must be noted is that the 99% are feed up with both sides of the two party system, as the tea party before was until the republicans co-opted it. The democratic party is allready sniffing around trying to co-opt my local occupation, I know they are in nyc. We must remain strong against their efforts, you can come help. Join your local occupations even if only for half an hour and let them know they are not alone.

    Seal Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 1:42 pm


    What will be needed after any successful revolution:

    INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATION of Constituencies, by solely elected citizens, and NOT any party cliques that influence peddle…then tell members how to VOTE!!!

    OUR CITIZENRY, the Constituents, THEY ARE THE ONES, to tell their representative “how to vote” or they may vote to RECALL and elected-member!!!

    Let the bastard bastards of the NWO G20 try and get their finger around that!

    Seal Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    (Second-last line)( Let me make myself clear) “…they may vote to RECALL (ANY) elected-Member!!!,…!!!

  8. Peacefully these 99%ers protest at Wall Street, that they can not get to because they are not Occupying Wall Street. They are in a park down a couple of blocks. They should be Occupying
    The Federal Reserve Banks and demanding the End of the Fed. But NO, they think these demands are going to make any difference and they are NOT going to change anything. The have been Fooled in to there beliefs and I truly believe they mean well, but the fact is Wall Street people know they are going to lose. When winter sets in they will go home to there warm beds and say I was at OWS and tell stories to there friends. Nothing will come out of this and these brave unemployed people will be defeated and they will walk away with there tails between there legs crying.
    This country is slipping into a debt black hole and the giant sucking sound is getting louder. These OWS people will be sucked in first with there demands, while the FED reserve will keep printing paper IOU’s…Go home OWS and lick your scars, it is going to get worse. I suggest you buy some guns and ammo and prepare for the real Revolution…

  9. THE STUGGLES CAUSED BY CAPITALISM… an unnecessary corporate evil.


    03/06/2000, AZ., Doc No. 00-0380116, my life.

    I’ve seen the good come, and quickly disappear; everything here in this country USA, is controlled by the American Corporations. Meaning that the oppressed are truly left, without means, and is continued to be a burden. The elections funding is unlimited; and unregulated meaning it allows for public deception; meaning; the political figures, they are bought, and paid for; it’s not, a free election system; and often off balance setting the tone in wall street; and often illegal criminal activity; bribery; pork projects, and off shore money laundering schemes, and putting criminal figure in control of the reigns. The Corp. Monopoly’s control the Market, and Wall Street, and Global, that has continued, to oppress several countries, from the free world trade, and has caused problems in the EU Market. If you’re a home owner, or wish to be one, a price tag of $80,000 will end up costing you well over $170,000 in interest, mark ups; and mortgage payments, and government property taxes. “SLAVES” to the corporate banking institutions; and insurance companies, (monopolies), and they even control the education by colleges.

    If you study, in Russia, it’s a very diverse country, it’s not the same here, USA, they seem to hate us, and they teach in history; and in business, they teach “that” Russia, ” is” , and “always,” has been the “natural enemy,” to the United States ever since the Cold War Era.
    . .
    Started by their Corporate Greed!!

    Example media slander, even today, used against, Russia, Germany, France, and Italy, too!!

    America always claimed to being the world super-power- with threats… SUPERIOR??

    What??? Nearly 100 years of Oppression.

    The even more want for control over the global market . . . called Capitalism; and is basically just another word for a total ter’ium government.

    Let’s ask Japan, Iran, Korea, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and even China how they feel??



    I see allot of beautiful Russian, Prussian, and Exotic Asian, women in nice bikini’s!

    Capitalizing (on) Capitalism !! Isn’t That Great?

    It’s Legal In The Business World , and Wall Street, (penny stocks) sold at a ridiculous low price; then it goes up; they get greedy; then falls 500 pts for several weeks at a time.

    The American Corporations invest – withdraw all stock options; and you fold your hand, and watch it plummet. until Bankrupt.

    LEGAL they do it every day to destroy small business., the little people!!

    NEW International Trade Agreement?? Lol.

    (Collective bargaining; same doctrine; and, contract for all new countries).


    Capitalizing (on) Capitalism !! Isn’t That Just Great ?

    HOW TO STOP N.A.T.O.!!

    THE WAR MONGERING- The protest, Russia, and our allies, by the power’s invested in the GENEVA Conventions- Capitalizing – on their very own thier philosophy. $100,000 Per Sq Mile; all Cargo; all Military Convoys, and transport vehicles, $ each $ , by Air, Land, Water and by the use of countries’ territory; if permission denied – penalty.

    How to restore PEACE without conflict…. a new declaration signed by all countries. , and the “same doctrine,” in various languages.

    End of Report.


    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 10/28/2011

  10. I think we should all take a real good look at the days of the James and Younger gang…


    True Representation and F.C.R and Centralized Banking- Article 8, Sect 1


    The Republic- By We The People,

    THE OCCUPY WALL STREET and The Agenda??

    People, Fighting back to prevent a socialist agenda, from stealing from the public wealth, back to the basics, by the people, as it was intended by our forefathers, and defending free speech, and liberty, the Republic, of the United States of America, by our electors, and it’s state representatives, and the protection of law to prevent the country from disparage, and poverty by means of corruption that we face in wall street markets, today, by the American people and it’s Greater Republic.


    I’ve been watching Fox News all morning… HINT?

    THE CLEAN ELECTIONS ACT!! Article 12 Sect 8; all parties are equally funded – it does not go to any one party or persons for the presidential elections.

    When is the last time that a presidential candidate actually won an election with little public funding?

    Can Ron Paul?

    Mr Bill O’ Reilly,

    I agree with your news network, on a lot of issues, However, we completely disagree about occupy wall street.

    True Representation and F.C.R, and Centralized Banking System.

    I will give you $ ONE MILLION DOLLARS $ , In Fact not Re-Distribution Of Wealth; or Trickle Down economics like Obama, or Reagan, the same with a new label.

    All monies borrowed by the people and it’s reserves % rates collected , pays back, directly, into the Federal Reserves and is represented by the Centralized Bank, and equal representation of the States reserves.

    Preventing price gouging and illegal taxation of the wealth and middle-income class, small business. , and actual protection under the laws, of its state government; and to regulate the market to prevent the monopolies’ from targeting by an unrepresented social economic class. . . therefore , opening a true free trade enterprize.

    NAFTA … not legal, and small business free enterprize is not globalization by taxation of the world economics.

    Challenge anyone?

    Find The Word CAPITALISM – anywhere in the US Constitution, Bill Of Rights – and or The Declaration Of Independence ?!

    I will Give You Another, Find The Word – DEMOCRACY – not democratic conventions, anywhere, in the US Constitution, Bill Of Rights and Or The Declaration Of Independence ?!

    What is the Legal definition and or the dictionary – THE Common Wealth?

    The Interstate commerce?

    We the People – Article 8 sect, 1, and Article 10 Us States Constitution, by the “elective bodied representatives.”

    That means of the (50 states) not a global agenda, the corporate socialist such as NAFTA and Illegal Unlimited Campaign Funding by corporate trade polices that is overrunning the united states government today!

    The Monopolies are ruining the country.

    The Republic and it can be an elective bodied government., to prevent corruption, and the control illegal by Corporate Trade Commissions, by creating Dictatorships.

    The Fact is EVERY COUNTRY has a Constitution – and different laws that govern it society.

    If Fact, You DO NOT Loose Freedom., it embrace’s the Constitution The law!

    In fact, it clearly says a “community” of its government of its “Greater Republic” that it is the sole authority, the laws of an aristocratic natural rule, of its true authority, by true delegations; and enterprize over its commerce by its true elective body of representatives, of the Peoples Republic.

    The Main Stream Media says it’s too contoversal- however the truth, and true’ meaning :

    The Articles of Confederation and State Independence – Tomas Jefferson.

    STATE INDEPENDENCE , F.C.R and small business, and free enterprize, by the people , and equal representations over its interstate commerce, under the law of the US Constitution.

    To Prevent The Corporate Monopolies; Wall Street ; from ruling over powering its government by the People, and creating financial dictatorships that dictate the laws of society. Such as, unregulated banks, as a non elective dictatorship by giving unlimited funding; used to promote by bribery; deception; and pork projects, and other bail outs to fiance the commissions by stealing from the Federal Reserves, the tax payers, and the people. The Articles of The US Constitution and the States Independence, for the true representation of the greater republic, and the people of all natural-born united states citizens, thus to prevent the disparage of your American Freedom.

    1776 – Alexander Hamilton, General George Washington, Tomas Jefferson. , The Whip Party.

    The Clean Election Act.

    Repeal Article 16, and 17- too much control over the people.

    Thoes Interested – read the declarations follow me at Word Press, Tea Party and Ron Paul Revolution by, We the American Peoples Republic.

    End Of Report.

    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 10/18/2011

  12. Well the Reverened Giles Fraser has been kicked out of St Pauls in London by The City Corporation (The Crown) along with his wife and kids for being charitable to the protesters.
    Old adage Glies: ” When you sup with The Devil….use a long spoon.”

  13. The Occupy movement has been supported by the extremes – the Nazis and the Communists. If they can agree on something , everybody in between has no excuses not to join in the revolution. We all, on all sides, must destroy our common enemy first and then sort out the differences among ourselves.
    Gather the masses to overrun local National Guard armories , distribute the trophies to Us the People and occupy the DC for regime change.
    November 5th-11th (11th is the day the ruling cabal will shut down communications to prevent the masses from learning that their politico-financial regime is collapsing in an attempt to slow down it’s dynamics) is the opportune time , as the planned run on the banks will draw the cops to defense of the banks from the irate customers unable to withdraw their money since there is not enough to satisfy all the demand ( the banksters’ hand will be forced to expose their bluff) , there won’t be enough cops to protect the National Guard armories from the revolutionaries.
    First things first – execute the regime change while the window of opportunity will be open.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    What goes around comes around as they will find out they cant subdue the regime change without making things worse for themselves in the process.

    They are completely screwed as they could have stayed in the shadows amking money but that wasnt enough for them as they couldnt resist wanting more and more and more……ultimately its all about their own vanity and very little else.Vanity gets them all in the end as well as delusions of grandeur.

    They had better get very used to open hostilities being expressed against them as they cant hide anymore and as the open hostilities increase then they will attempt to clamp down more and more and more and when they do that then it will piss the people off more and more and more so in the end its a self fulfilling prophecy.

    Western nations that are very used to expressing themselves freely and openly are not going to yield to tyranny as the move from covert tyranny to overt tyranny will be their downfall in the end.I say FUCK all this shit and others who are saying FUCK all this shit arent scared to say so either and on and on it goes……

    A lot of the so called revolutionaries need to educate themselves or be educated by others as to what they are up against like the video says or else it will all go to waste and all the righteous anger will be dissipated in a 100 different directions and nothing will get done.

  14. The United States has turned into a supermarket for the world, all businesses have to leave. That’s the agenda for this crooked government spilling on every department, including education. If you don’t throw the EPA on a trash heap, you will lose your country, that’s the bottom line. When a contractor rebuilds a multi-dwelling unit for housing, he’s being controlled by the banks. If a certain amount of work is not completed on time, he can’t make a draw on the monies to continue construction. The regulations force this crap and all of them are directed from the higher areas of regulation which involve the EPA. This also is the driving force for inflation and inflationary costs. Labor becomes so expendable, they have to use Mexicans to rush the work along. At the end, you either break even or it’s a loss; the paperwork will see to that.

  15. No;Your both wrong!!!

    IF THE PEOPLE’s Arrest or Detainment or Destruction WARRANT ISSUED by a CONSTITUTIONAL-JUDGE, if there are any left!,,,…will be to attend their HOMES,…WHY YES OF COURSE!!! WE ARE-NOT ASHAMED!! AND WE hokld authority of justice and truth and right!

    YES we will attend to their homes and arrest or kill those usurpers of Constitutional law and Commonwealth RIGHTS!

    HEY! The men with guns come to OUR HOMES! So whats wrong with the people’s liberation members for re-Constitutional-Accord, will visit them, in a better spirit than they.

    We DO NOT do their ways sniperpatriot, my young dear son…young neighbour…

  16. What most unfortunately do not understand is that MILITARY = ECONOMY. In other words, the real reason the bankers can get away with creating money out of thin air is because they command armies, police, etc. that will point a gun to your head and blow your frickin brains out if you DO NOT accept their scam.

    The fradulent fractional reserve monetary system is backed by weapons of mass destruction and the threat to exterminate or imprison those who resist it — nothing more, nothing less. This is the method that has been used to impose monetary systems upon the people in every part of the world throughout history, and it will be used again against those who resist it.

    Dollars, euros, etc. are backed by BULLETS and the THREAT to blow out the brains of anyone who resists the blatant tyranny. Without the military industrial complex the fradulent banking system would collapse in one day, and the crooks would be dragged into the streets and slaughtered like Gaddafi.

    MILITARY = ECONOMY !!!! It’s really as simple as that.


  17. I’ll also add this to my statement:

    In 2011 you have no rights, the governments are nothing more than a sadistic mafia that exists for the sole purpose of furthering the enslavement of the masses to the will of the ultra-rich in EVERY COUNTRY ON THE EARTH !!!

    The constitution no longer exists, and anybody wasting their time focusing on this document is basically just pissing in the wind. Why ? Because THEY have a frickin GUN pointed at your head and THEY say FUCK YOU AND YOUR CONSTITUTION !!!!! It measn absolutely nothing without the FORCE of the people to back it up — PERIOD, END OF ARGUMENT.

    There is no chance whatsoever to change the existing system through elections either. The system is completely broken and has been that way for at least 50 years.

    The only hope for any chance at restoring freedom for the people is for them to organize armies of their own, stand up and fight the tyranny directly.

    The ONLY hope (and one that will come with much death and destruction) is to pick up a gun and start blowing out the brains of each and every individual that “serves” the establishment and the status quo.

    There is no “infowar” and even if there was it wouldn’t make a goddam bit of difference if 6.99 Billion people were all “awake” and believed everything that AJ company say.

    NOTHING will change until the people pick up some guns and start blowing out some brains !!!!


    Blacklisted Patriot Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    And one more thing.

    For those here who will try to portray me as either 1) a nut job or 2) an “instigator” working for The Man, ask yourself this one question:

    What good will it do to WAIT for the day that the SWAT teams of the NWO come kicking in your door to drag you to the FEMA camp where you and your family will be exterminated ?

    Oh yeah, I forgot that so many of you tough guys are armed and say you will put up a fight to the death ! BIG DEAL !!! You will still DIE and be SLAUGHTERED by the superior military strength of the NWO death squads. For them it will be like a turkey shoot that they will NO DOUBT ENJOY as entertainment !!! And whilst you are being SLAUGHTERED will you recall the good ol days spent on PP making tough guy statements and still DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but making fat bou AJ Company rich selling USELESS “infotainment” ?

    And WHERE will be AJ Company on THAT DAY ? Perhaps having tea and crumpets with members of the NWO that he sold all of your (and others) personal contact information to (which, in case you don’t know, has always been the EXCLUSIVE PURPOSE for this website from the day of its’ inception !!!!!!!!!!!)

    Or, even if the tooth fairy exists and AJ Company actually were real patriots, WHERE WILL HE BE and WHAT WILL HE BE DOING on the day that the NWO swat teams are kicking in america’s doors and rounding up the “dissidents” ? Will he be hiding out in a fortress in the mountains somehwere (with his family comrades) that he bought from all the PROFITS he made selling useless “infotainment” for all these years to those who will be SLAUGHTERED ?

    What good will knowing the truth do any of you when they are kicking in your doors, and when you realize that, instead of TAKING IT TO THE ENEMY whilst you still had a chance, instead you sat back and spent your days sucking down the useless “infotainment” of AJ Company as if it was some kind of movie or video game ?

    You see, that is why us former vets of the REAL PATRIOT MILITIA MOVEMENT have always known that AJ was a conman, very likely working directly for the NWO.

    Why ? Because IF he had 1% of the authenticity he claims he would have called for a 1 million man march of former and active duty disillusioned military officers YEARS AGO !!! I guaruntee everyone here that there are AT LEAST this many that are fed up and can see that the direction of the nation has been COMPLETELY usurped by foriegn powers that paln to enslave and kill us all !!! When he talks about the founders you can rest assured that EVERY ONE OF THEM would have called for an armed revolution by now, regardless of the personal consequences for themselves.

    But he’s obviouslly very comfortable selling useless “infotainment” to the very masses that will soon be slaughtered. Why ? Because his masters of the NWO that he works for have assured him that he and his family will be well protected when TSHTF for doing such a good job of deceiving the hopelessly ignorant and gullible sheeple that swallow the distorted BS on this website daily !!!!!


  18. Running every Jew out of America IS THE SOLUTION to America’s most pressing problems.

    Forbidding Jews from any position in a banking, finance, government (legislative, judicial, and executive branches) entity would be a good start.

    Forbidding Jews from entering a education institution would be a good start.

    Forbidding Jews from owning property would be a good start.


  19. Worse: the Taxes taken out of the paycheck represent no value returned!!!It all goes straight into the BLACK HOLE!!

  20. UR a fucking idiot.

  21. this was @ texas

    TexansReadyAimFire Reply:
    October 27th, 2011 at 4:42 pm

    The truth hurts doesn’t it KIKE.

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