Can the United States move beyond the narcissism of 9/11?

Gary Younge
London Guardian
September 4, 2011

In the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks the then national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, called in her senior staff and asked them to think seriously about “how [to] capitalise on these opportunities”. The primary opportunity came from a public united in anger, grief and fear which the Bush administration sought to leverage to maximum political effect. “I think September 11 was one of those great earthquakes that clarify and sharpen,” Rice told the New Yorker six months afterwards. “Events are in much sharper relief.”

Ten years later the US response to the terror attacks have clarified three things: the limits to what its enormous military power can achieve, its relative geopolitical decline and the intensity of its polarised political culture. It proved itself both incapable of winning the wars it chose to fight and incapable of paying for them and incapable of coming to any consensus as to why. The combination of domestic repression at home and military aggression abroad kept no one safe, and endangered the lives of many. The execution of Osama bin Laden provoked such joy in part because almost every other American response to 9/11 is regarded as a partial or total failure.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Inevitably, the unity brought about by the tragedy of 9/11 proved as intense as it was fleeting. The rally around the flag was a genuine, impulsive reaction to events in a nation where patriotism is not an optional addendum to the political culture but an essential, central component of it. Having been attacked as a nation, people logically felt the need to identify as a nation.

But beyond mourning of the immediate victims’ friends and families, there was an element of narcissism to this national grief that would play out in policy and remains evident in the tone of many of today’s retrospectives. The problem, for some, was not that such a tragedy had happened but that it could have happened in America and to Americans. The ability to empathise with others who had suffered similar tragedies and the desire to prevent further such suffering proved elusive when set against the need to avenge the attacks. It was as though Americans were unique in their ability to feel pain and the deaths of civilians of other nations were worth less.

It’s a narcissism best exemplified by former vice-president Dick Cheney’s answer when asked just last week on what grounds he would object to Iran waterboarding Americans when he maintained his support for America’s right to use waterboarding. “We have obligations towards our citizens,” he said. “And we do everything to protect our citizens.”

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16 Responses to “Can the United States move beyond the narcissism of 9/11?”

  1. The whole 911 incident doesn’t involve emotion or sadness at all. it’s about getting a piece of the pie. there were massive payout to shut people up. people are still pursuing money. I heard a mother was speaking to a radio talk show host about the death of her son on 911. but her concern now is nothing but money. she was complaining how private organizations are making a lot of money using 911 and only 10% will go to the victim’s family. I bet that woman knows that 911 was planned and carried out by our own government. this is how greedy and crooked people are. they are partners in crimes with their super devilish elites. none of the high profile politicians, CEO’s died on 911. mostly poor people were the victims. people do not care at all. In case of any debate, they just point finger at Saudi Arabia. well, this is why Saudi Arabia is so backward and yet protected by US and Israel so they can point finger at them to justify their own criminal behavior. same thing is going on in Libya where they don’t want freedom for women which makes it difficult to blame them and invade them for a phony reason. I guess there will be sharia law in Libya now with the help of America. I am sure Americans know that the Lockerbie incident is phony as well and people were just happy to receive the fat payout without questioning anything from people who had nothing to do with it. Now I have doubt that the founding fathers were all that great. didn’t they rape and owned slaves, wiped out the entire native population? today’s people are their descendants. how good can they be? they enslave nonwhite immigrants and treat them as second class human beings. I am sure these people will either reelect Obama or elect Rick Perry and not Ron Paul.

  2. The answer is yes if we separate zionist organized crime from control of the media – TV, Publishing, Radio and Internet.

  3. – Why are we still at war?

    And why did we attack an entire COUNTRY, one that had nothing to do with 9/11, when (as they our government tell us…) it was only 19 Arabs that actually tricked us that day?

    And why did we stand around with our thumbs up our a** while there was major BIG TIME rumors flying in every direction regarding electronic voting fraud in this country?

    In that regard why did we allow our Supreme Court to intervene and pick our President for us when that is clearly not the way it is to be done in this country of ours?

    And why have we done nothing to impeach those government officials we believe are corrupt, the same that continue flushing our country even further down the toilet (…many of us knowingly chanting 9/11 was an inside job) while they blatantly operate as protected gangsters similar to what can only be described as a poorly written movie plot unfolding time and time again there on the big screen in front of our wondering eyes?

    And why have we allowed ourselves to believe any of this 9/11 official version crap when it’s the same ones telling us what to believe that have forced us into these numerous illegal wars (with more to surely come our way) that also lied to our face about WMD and other important matters?

    Why do we go to sleep each night and wake each day and do NOTHING to change what we KNOW deep in our heart to be wrong on many levels, while corrupted politicans and corrupted bankers and corrupted greedy others clearly determined to destroy our country are allowed to move about freely while it is ‘We The People’ that are treated as the ‘terrorist’ (??) // thinking TSA procedures where EVERYONE is suspect, regardless.

  4. The Events Of 9-11-2001.

    “It happened.”

    “Just Supossing that it wasn’t an inside job – reference to 9-11-2001.”

    (I) will and have defend George Walker Bush.

    The Facts:

    “Osama Bin Laden.”

    In the 1970- Oil Trade Partner; allies to Saudi Aabia; and royal families;and extended realtions and trained by M-16 British Intellegence.

    1983 abolished, by Ronald Regan.

    Anti Trust Bill – New oil trade partnership; changed transistion; control of power to the regine of Venezela; Hugo Chavez.

    Iraq: Saddam Hussien

    Later established: The Palistine Authorites – Yassar Arafat.

    At Least (I) Believe and at least think that there was “no probability” in his accused or even said to have admitted his involvements.

    Old video tapes – don’t concur; repeated.

    Why: He had a very “diminished” mental compasity; and was diagnosed’ with a neurological as a physical defect linked directly to diabetes and parkison’s diease.

    Radical Isalmic philosphy.

    Wanted the noriety of the movement (media) to extend it’s self throught the middle eastern regions; and presided in Packistan.

    How could the government not have known; location – and reports of detainment before remains were exposed.

    Guatalma Bay – and intellegence – detained many.

    I question this- washed away.


    He had every intention; every means at his very disposal in retaliation for the operation desert storm. He bombed the oil fields; in syria; and attempts in qwiat; and an old allie never spoke; of Manuel Norega.

    The bunker upon his capture ; lap top computers; billions of dollars; all currency or exchanges from every reach of the world.

    He was a mastermind in chemical and bio-logical warfare; he attacked; plagued and brutely murder without regard for life in his regine. The intellegence also lead to the capture of his sibbling; Usted and Ahamad Husssien.

    He terrorized: Egypt and Even Libya; Packistan and Threats of hostility directed towards Saudi Arabia – and Royal Families.

    Long Term Allies – Hugo Chavez, Yassar Arafat: both at war with the country of Iseral. The autorities that ruled (upon it nations) (ditatorship) of vezuela threatened retailations; against the United States; Easten and Westen Europe.

    The esculation of violence – Radical Isalmic Tribes – and it’s council; Hugo Chavez at the peak of war in bagdad.

    The Taped Executions.

    The events of 9-11-2001 – Laughed and danced ; while watching the events unfold; as it happened; well armed and prepared.

    Watched a big screen tv; like the one seen in new york.

    The counties of Iran- Ahmadineja Ahmadinejadd in wanting exchange ; and support for nuclear energy council.

    (He) thier president offered aide – and support to establish an alliance with the united states ; and resolutions for compact agreements in invade with america; to Bagdad. That could have been either disaterous or it could have very likley – more than sdtonger support for the liberation and establishment of a government ending the war.

    If this would been (allowed by the people) -and support of American citizens- the war in Iraq could quite possibly- not only saved lives; but be over; and an earlier projection for a return date for the soilders to come home.

    History of Iran. Iran a country of democracy -for relgious rights (2009) and demnading civil ; and human rights . They acomplished this as a country united; elective bodied- and liberations plight of it’s already and established democracy. With no blood shed; not a single patron; or person as it’s citzens were harmed.

    Something for the people to know:

    A democacy- and Liberation Of It’s Republic.

    It worked.

    The Promises made – and kept.

    Unlike; 1993, Clinton.

    They Built a Nuclear Energy Plant – 09/02/2011 – that generated over 60,000 killowatts of power; and part of a bill that passed; presented it’s self- voted on by the people; giving energy to all the people in poviding elecricity.

    NOTE: If the united states can have a power plant; then why not other counties; epecially with newer technolgies; need of; and proficient that should replace our old facilities; and upgrade for energy plants.

    History Of Islam: The war on terrorism still conitues on today ; and even battled in thier own counties in liberation.

    Western Civilations: They cannot communicate in creating peace; unless it’s represnted by those who shrare the same respects.

    Equality – and Ideology give human moralit to all men; and willingness can express it’s self in many ways to accomplish true values-

    That being Patriotic.

    By setting an example- it is possible- and Saudia Arabia.

    There is many question than many have; some cannot or may not be revealed in our lifetime; but it’s whats learned thats a world of difference.

    It’s all we all can really hope for…

    Very, Very Truly, Robert Lane Aiassa 09/03/2011

    • Samintha;

      If you ever get a chance to read this:

      Now will you marry me- future:

      I’ll go to church; and I really need a companion; a friend, a good southern woman in my life with quality – love – devotion and self respect that will be an awesome wife; and mother; accepting (step child).

      Her Dream; a pearl ring – that they both go scubba diving;together; and find the perfect pearal, (a gift, for her meaning the only woman- a perfect girl) as she is a mermaid that is the queen of all the oceans.

      Her dream:

      She loves horses, and would like to walk ; or ride; on the white sandy beaches , with the man she dreams and remains by her side; if not far behind. Knowing he will always be the one to protect her; and loyal freind, and loving husband.

      Love Robert Lane Aiassa – my freind, and little sister – kind of, not really. , your bro’ 09/03/2011

      Ps- I just saw a great movie- starring Matt Damen – The Adjustment Buerau.

      • Signed with lots of xoxoxo’s for you- i miss you.

  5. The whole 911 incident doesn’t involve emotion or sadness at all. it’s about getting a piece of the pie. there were massive payout to shut people up. people are still pursuing money. today, I heard a mother was speaking to a radio talk show host about the death of her son on 911. but her concern now is nothing but money. she was complaining how private organizations are making a lot of money using 911 and only 10% will go to the victim’s family. I bet that woman knows that 911 was planned and carried out by our own government. this is how greedy and crooked people are. they are partners in the crimes with their super devilish elites. none of the high profile politicians, CEO’s died on 911. mostly poor people were the victims. people do not care at all. Now I have doubt that the founding fathers were all that great. didn’t they rape and owned slaves, wiped out the entire native population? today’s people are their descendants. how good can they be? I am sure people will either reelect Obama or elect Rick Perry and not Ron Paul.

  6. Misguided Bullying and Intimidation for “Truth”
    By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
    .veteranstoday (dot) com/2011/08/14/911-infiltration-and-derailment/

    This brings us full circle, back to 9/11.

    Not one credible political leader in the world, other than Iran’s president, backs 9/11 truth. Not one serious politician in the United States, ten years later, tons of evidence later, supports the organizations that claim tens of thousands of “professionals” in their membership.
    The answer is simple. There is no functioning “organization” at all, simply a pack of yipping spaniels who provide effective cover for one of histories most brutal acts.
    Who is at fault? Some tasks can’t be accomplished, some enemies can’t be beaten. If the strong were strong, why did they run away? If groups were infiltrated, and they most certainly have, why weren’t security precautions put in place? Who prevented it?
    Doesn’t anyone ever notice the patterns, failure upon failure?
    I keep forgetting, the US intelligence agencies themselves have, for decades, been penetrated by Israelis with few caught and even fewer prosecuted. Before that, Soviet agents humiliated the west repeatedly.
    Is giving up the answer? Truth is, most have given up, even as more and more around the world are aware of US government complicity in 9/11, the real moves for accountability have never been at a lower ebb.
    How is this possible? I think we have explained it pretty well.

    reply: from the worlds best remote viewer
    Mr Gordon Duff you did not take into account the top secret remote viewing program (0000X0000) (O0o0?0O0O) [POLICE/CIVILIAN/MILITARY] listen documenting RV sessions! (q/Q)
    911 was remote viewed in GREAT detail back in Jan-Feb 2001……he he
    “there are no secrets there never were”
    /ictory is Ours

  7. Khalezov is emphatic that the wildest possible conspiracy theory involves box cutters, hijackers and a massive building “pancaking” to the ground in total free fall while enough steel to build a naval fleet turns into dust. No idiot could believe that, a “hare brained” lie that has proven to be assembled from planted witnesses, misquotes and total fabrications.

    .veteranstoday (dot) com/2010/10/16/gordon-duff-when-will-the-crimes-of-911-end/

    By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

  8. regurgitated drivel by the media. “Everything that happened after 11th sept 2001 was a reaction ”

    Not one outlet will dare mention the pre-planning of policy and laws.

    Remind me how big the patriot act 2001 was? ‘they’ threw everything into that act.

    The Guardian are playing upon stereotypes of americans i.e hot headed, selfish, reactionary.
    “I think September 11 was one of those great earthquakes that clarify and sharpen” rice
    ermm reminds me of the palisades seismic records.

    911research tried a hatchet job on the recordings but we know that those type of waves arent caused by falling debris. Lerner-Lam explained how the waves are created.

    There is evidence that will stand up in court that massive explosive devices were used on the foundations of WTC1 and 2 on 9/11. Its all there to be used. Where is the court case?

  9. We’re killing terrorists. Lots of them. In Horrible gruesome ways. I’d say thats a win.

    • No not a won til we off the terrorist in DC

    • No, your killing goat herders, women and children in horrible ways..with the occasional couple terrorists caught in the crossfire or carpet bombing.
      Now many terrorists have been killed out of the million plus in iraq and afghanistan? How many non terrorists had to die to get them? something like 10000 to 1? Is that really acceptable?

  10. I doubt that a majority of America will see the real truth. Not so sure I buy into some of it myself. You got these mother fuckers blaming Jew’s for being involved. Thats where I draw the line. Shit, we are on our way out. No more USA, but NWO.

    • “PULL IT!!!”- Larry Silverstein, Zionist Jew….

      • more, not less, reflection is called for from Americans. we are being used as the battering ram of the NWO and it has all but destroyed us. “Stay The Course” scream the bloody Zionists, meaning absolute destruction for the former Land Of The Free.

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