Drivers face drug checkpoints on highways near Flint

Bill Laitner
Detroit Free Press
October 21, 2011

Motorists driving on expressways around Flint are getting surprised by a stunning tactic that the Genesee County sheriff has been using to fight the flow of illegal drugs — one that legal experts said will not withstand a court challenge.

At least seven times this month, including Tuesday, motorists have said they have seen a pickup towing a large sign on I-69 or U.S.-23 that depicts the sheriff’s badge and warns: “Sheriff narcotics check point, 1 mile ahead — drug dog in use.”

The checkpoints are part of a broad sweep for drugs that Genesee County Sheriff Robert Pickell and his self-titled Sheriff’s Posse said are needed, calling Flint a crossroads of drug dealing because nearly a half-dozen major roads and expressways pass in and around the city. Pickell said he decided to try checkpoints when he learned that drug shipments might be passing through Flint in tractor-trailers with false compartments.

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16 Responses to “Drivers face drug checkpoints on highways near Flint”

  1. i agree with stevenx their bosses bring it in at the borders no border patrol except 100miles in the us they also let their bosses go through the checkpoint just legalize it and the problems go away i know no power trips hell with you i wike em.

  2. Yep, it’s all part of the “Guilty until proven innocent” way of doing things here in the “Land of the free, home of the brave”. I wonder how many Mexican trucks and U.S. Government vehicles are being stopped at these checkpoints. They could bring 99% of the drug trade to a screeching halt with tactics like that!

  3. It would be terrible if people started spray painting “RON PAUL 2012″ all over these police signs.

    Sure hope nobody does that.

  4. For the past couple of years they’ve been putting up cameras and steel cable fencing in the median of all the major highways and interstates all over southern Michigan, making it impossible to make u-turns. You get the feeling that you are driving into a prison whenever you approach a major town/city like Lansing or Flint! I think they’ve been planning this crap all along! Also, with Michigan’s new wiretapping laws, the police will arrest you if you are caught videotaping them even though the law clearly was meant for hidden or secret recording devices when one has a reasonable expectation of privacy – not a public servant operating in the public domain!

    • Major Cities? What are you kidding us? They are ghost towns.

  5. Flint is actually one tenth the size of Detroit so there can be little comparison.

    Most of the crime in Flint occurs on the north end. Always been that way.
    It was safe when I lived in that county.

    Regardless, as a former resident of Genesee County I find this police action to be completely inappropriate. Enough is enough people.

    Boot the sheriff out folks! He was in office when I lived there 6 years ago!

    I suppose the residents of that county don’t understand who really ships the drugs in.

    Wake up Mid-Michigan!

  6. There should be a national campaign of phone calls to this fascist pig sheriff’s office letting him know that his worthless totalitarian bullsh_t is being watched and noted and that it will not stand. The police in this country have become little more than a force of corrupt, armed thugs. The things that were done in New Orleans in the wake of Katrina are just one appalling example of the depths to which “law enforceement” in America has sunk. This must not continue. The revolution is close at hand.

  7. Guilty until proven innocent.

    The 4th Amendment WILL PREVAIL!

  8. Things are just getting out of hand. What country do we live in? Flint, I’m sure is hurting for money for the city/county so they are going to do what ever they can to make money. Here in the metro detroit area they have been changing speed limit signs, to a higher speed and then after a few months changing them back to a lower speed. When my daughter was getting in to trouble with the courts. I know that it was because of isues she had, not because she was a bad person. I asked her lawyer why the courts don’t address the isues, instead of just fines and jails. He told me because it’s all about the money. Of course he looked around before saying it, to make sure no one would hear him but me! I am happy to say that one court did address the isues and now my daughter is on the right track and is a up standing person who is no longer getting in trouble. Go figure!!

  9. Maybe the sheriff’s department should pratice what they preach. Along with the US government. We wouldn’t have as many drugs in the US if it wasn’t for the US government.

  10. and 9th amendment – illegalization of “some “drugs, while other dangerous ones remain legal, not trying to make it worse by banning anything legal worsening the violation of the 9th amendment, I’m just trying to get what is illegal, legal – legalize the competition.

    I guess using marijuana for Medical purposes isn’t okay in the eyes of Humanity? Even though it provides nothing but positives, can’t OD on it, it cures cancer? Fucking hypocrites.

  11. Micheal More should Love This Set Up , Flint is Just like Detroit . I hear Flint is #4 in the US for Murder . TSA Comming to Your Town Soon . Have a Nice Day !!

  12. I noticed NO videos posted of last nights Infowars nightly news like they always do, guess TPTB got to Alex not to post his checkpoint footage, afraid of being threatened like with Dallas footage, sad the world we live in.

  13. Hey sheriff, if you really want to stop drugs then stop gov vehicles and planes. You
    know – CIA, BATFE, FBI – the real drug smugglers!!

  14. Hello piggy sheriff get a warrant or F-ck off. I warn all you do not want to live or drive through Flint, Michigan. It is a hell hole like Detriot.

    All they have to do is make drugs legal and many issues and problems will go away.

  15. The sheriff and his thugs should be subject to a piss test immediately.

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