Get Qantas pay deal sorted: Gillard


Prime Minister Julia Gillard is keeping a close watch on the Qantas dispute but has declined to say if the federal government will intervene.

The government has been urged to take action in the escalating war between the company and its workers over pay negotiations, with continued strike action causing chaos for passengers.

Qantas estimates about 70,000 passengers have been affected over the past few months, and Ms Gillard on Friday urged a swift resolution to the conflict.

“Australians expect the parties to this dispute to get it resolved and get it fixed,” she told reporters in Perth, where she is hosting Commonwealth leaders.

Asked if the government should get involved, Ms Gillard said: “I am maintaining regular briefings with the relevant ministers about the Qantas dispute, so I’m making sure that I am continuously informed about it.”

Nationals federal leader Warren Truss accused the government of sitting on its hands.

“A government content to be a passive observer during a national crisis is a waste of everybody’s time,” he said in a statement on Friday.

Fellow coalition frontbencher Eric Abetz noted the strikes had already cost the carrier $68 million – and as much as $15 million a week for as long as the industrial action continues.

“Heaven help the small businesses and the tourism sector who have been, and will continue to be, hit even harder,” he said.

Senator Abetz accused Ms Gillard of underestimating the impact of the dispute by not getting involved and urged her to “muscle up”.

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