Holder Steps Up Voter Fraud Efforts Ignoring Supreme Court Ruling



On Monday, March 12th, Eric Holder’s Department of Justice barred
the proposed Texas voter ID law from taking effect. Writing for the
DOJ, Assistant Attorney General Robert Perez claimed that the law
requiring all Texas voters to present a state issued photo ID at the
polls would “adversely affect Hispanic voters” because they are “more
than twice as likely not to have valid photo identification than
non-Hispanic registered voters.” ~ Doug Book ~ Related articles

It is hardly surprising that Democrats hold nationwide antipathy for
voter ID laws. After all, as it is the left which benefits from criminal
misadventure at the polls, anything which tends to interfere with
turning the votes of the dead, the illegal, and the non-existent into a
Democrat victory must be fought with every resource of the Obama

The proposed Texas law and a similar South Carolina statute rejected
by the DOJ last year were both victims of Eric Holder’s deliberately
disingenuous use of the 1973 Voting Rights Act,
which requires states or areas with “a history of voting
discrimination” to have proposed changes to their voting laws
“pre-approved” by the federal government.

The fact is, the Obama Regime used Section 5 of the VRA to mask its
real goal of enabling voter fraud by claiming the proposed legislation
of both states to be in violation of the Act’s aim of ensuring fair and
honest voting standards.

And just as it had in the case of South Carolina, the DOJ barred the
revision to the Texas law by completely ignoring a decision of the
United States Supreme Court.

In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled the newly enacted State of Indiana
statute requiring all who come to the polls to present a state issued,
picture ID as legal and constitutional.

Described as one of the strictest voter ID laws in the nation, the
Indiana statute had been opposed by a typical assortment of left-wing
agencies which claimed its enactment would unfairly burden the usual
victim classes of the poor, minorities, the aged and infirm.

Yet in the Court’s 6-3 ruling on the case Crawford v Marion County Election Board,
even far left Justice John Paul Stevens agreed that the requirement
that voters obtain picture ID did not represent an unfair or undue

Writing a concurring opinion on the Court’s judgment, Antonin Scalia said “the Fourteenth Amendment does not regard neutral laws as invidious, even when their burdens purportedly fall disproportionately on a protected class.” 
That is, as the law applies uniformly to all citizens, the fact that it
might burden some more than others is not a basis for discarding it.

The Supreme Court clearly ruled that “…without proof of discriminatory intent, a generally applicable law with disparate impact is not unconstitutional.”

Free voter ID’s made available by the state to any American citizen
who wishes one does not constitute a basis for a claim of
disenfranchisement of Hispanics.

Barack Obama’s Department of
Justice did not look to the Court for guidance as it is the
“disenfranchisement” of illegals and others who should not be voting
that actually BOTHERS Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and the Department of
Justice in the first place!

From Obamacare to immigration law and voter ID laws, the Obama Regime
is interested only in the exercise of power and control over the
American public.

By enabling millions of illegals to vote for Democrats,
the left hopes to secure the legislative and executive authority it
needs to turn a Constitutional republic into a Marxist dictatorship.

Should Obama and his handlers succeed, voter ID laws would become moot
as elections themselves will be a distant memory.


Doug Book – March 16, 2012 – WesternJournalism


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