Key HSU report handed to police


May 03, 2012 20:24:25

The Fair Work Australia report into the HSU is now in the hands of police


The Fair Work Australia report into the HSU is now in the hands of police (ABC TV)

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) has handed over the Fair Work Australia report into the embattled Health Services Union to state police.

Fair Work gave the report to the CDPP last month, but the Department said it was not able to act to determine whether there was a case for prosecution because the information was not provided in the form of a brief of evidence.

But now the CDPP Chris Craigie says his office is ready to pass the information on to police.

“The examination process has now been completed and consideration given as to whether the material identifies conduct which could involve potential criminal conduct and whether the gravamen of the alleged conduct related to potential breaches of State or Commonwealth offences,” he said in a statement.

“A careful examination undertaken by my office over recent weeks has included consideration of any potential restrictions on my office’s handling of the material, particularly in circumstances where the FWA investigation included the use of coercive powers.

“I have decided that it is appropriate in all the circumstances to forward the report and the related material to the Victoria Police and New South Wales Police Force. This has been done today.”

The Victorian and New South Wales police have been trying to access the report and related material, and the CDPP says it has now been forwarded to both state police agencies.

Find out how the FWA report relates to the troubles within the HSU.


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