Lay off Kevin, says Labor powerbroker


February 22, 2012 06:26:08

Doug Cameron
Defending Rudd: Doug Cameron (Sergio Dionisio: AAP)

One of the powerbrokers of the ALP Left faction has come out in defence of Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd, amid continuing leadership speculation.

Senator Doug Cameron says Kevin Rudd isn’t planning a leadership challenge and his critics should stop publicly attacking him.

And he says Prime Minister Julia Gillard should not bow to some ministers’ suggestions that she sack the Foreign Minister.

His intervention is the strongest endorsement of the Foreign Minister since leadership tensions escalated at the weekend.

“I just say exactly what the Foreign Minister says himself – that there is no challenge and there is no spill,” he told AM.

“People are saying that he shouldn’t be treated like this. [He’s a] former prime minister, former leader of the party, and Kevin Rudd has got a lot of support in terms of him doing his job and doing it effectively.

“The attacks on him, the gratuitous attacks, should stop.

Senator Cameron described Ms Gillard as hardworking, intelligent and one of the best politicians in the country, but says there is still “some lead in her saddlebags” because of the way she came to power by ousting Mr Rudd.

Some Rudd supporters suggest there will have to be a meeting between Ms Gillard and Mr Rudd next week, and the outcome of that will determine whether there is caucus ballot.


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