Political play overshadows the pursuit of bright ideas

Digital image: Judy Green

Digital image: Judy Green

AS HE concluded yet another futile attempt to argue for a suspension of standing orders in Federal Parliament on Thursday, Tony Abbott declared that today’s Queensland election, which Labor will lose in a landslide, would be a referendum on the Gillard government. Hansard records him thus: ”This is why standing orders must be suspended. We do not have a federal election but we have a Queensland one and the voters of Queensland will not miss. This Prime Minister and this – (Time expired).”

Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese later revealed how that sentence finished. Abbott had said that Julia Gillard and Albanese had targets on their foreheads. Abbott later apologised for the remark.

This came five days after the Opposition Leader responded to a reporter’s request to comment on the death of Margaret Whitlam by observing that ”there was a lot wrong with the Whitlam government”.

That he was correct in his assessment of the Whitlam government is beyond question. But Margaret Whitlam was not a member of that government. It was not an appropriate comment hours after her death.

Abbott has expended great energy over the years trying to wrest ownership of the Whitlam government’s greatest achievement, a universal health scheme in the form of Medibank, revamped and rebadged as Medicare by the Hawke government, declaring repeatedly that the Coalition is the best friend that Medicare has ever had. Even on his own admission the Whitlam government did some good. But a Labor government, even one that fell from office 36 years ago, must be flayed at every opportunity, even when a 92-year-old woman has died.

After 18 years as an MP, nine years as a minister, and more than two years as Liberal leader, Abbott should be better than this. The Opposition Leader’s pursuit of his political goal – the destruction of the Gillard government – is a form of white-line fever, a thing to behold.

He wants power with such a passion that it makes him say silly, unnecessary things. But is he as passionate about remaking society and the economy in the event that he takes power? The answer is far from clear. After the 2007 election, he wrote a book laying out a series of ideas for the Liberal Party. Since taking over as leader in late 2009, he has shelved almost all of them.

Abbott’s plan for Australia is to undo the work of the Rudd and Gillard governments. As leader, that has become his mission, his promise to the substantial majority of voters who have come to dislike Julia Gillard and who want to be rid of the federal government. Underlying Abbott’s aspiration is a deep nostalgia for the Howard era.

His political promise is not to imagine a newly forged future for the nation but to return it to what he regards as the certainties and comfort of the days when John Howard was prime minister. He is devoted not so much to creating Abbott’s Australia as restoring Howard’s Australia, a time when, as Abbott puts it, the adults were in charge.

His goals are not foreign to conservative politics, which is powered by an impulse to resist change and to return to established verities. But Abbott’s high-testosterone style of conservatism is a special brand.

Abbott’s politics are chiefly concerned with the here and now, about dealing with today’s issue. Tomorrow will be about tomorrow’s issue. For example, his deep concern about the Gillard government’s direct responsibility for gun crimes on Sydney’s streets lasted exactly one day last week. It is difficult to see how his positions will all come together, beyond the destruction of the Labor government.

Certainly, Abbott has not provided an explanation and does not seem in a hurry to do so. Judging by the polls, there will be little pressure on him from voters to articulate in detail the society and economy he wants to establish.

On the other side of politics, there was a leader in the recent past who did outline a comprehensive program for the nation. Kevin Rudd set out an extensive set of policy plans but as prime minister he lost control of its implementation and as a result he also lost the prime ministership. Gillard, as Rudd’s replacement, has drawn a lesson from Rudd’s experience.

Like Abbott, Gillard deals with issues one by one. Unlike Rudd, she does not talk big. Gillard pledged from the day she became Prime Minister to conduct herself in an orderly fashion. She set out then to work through each issue one by one. She is by nature and professional training a maker of deals. Gillard’s mantra as Prime Minister is that she is ”getting on with the job”, which is as prosaic a piece of political sloganeering as you will hear. Like a lawyer working through a heavy caseload, she is methodical.

When she chided reporters this week with her taunt of ”I’m entitled to go: scoreboard” because she had ushered carbon pricing and the resource rent tax through Parliament, she was demonstrating a crucial element of her prime ministerial identity. The deal itself, the working through the to-do list, is the accomplishment. The facts that the carbon pricing regime is not what she promised voters and the mining tax is a pale shadow of the original proposal are less important.

Gillard and Abbott share a micro focus. Gillard promised to move beyond what she characterised as Rudd’s chaotic, undisciplined style and she has done that. But by splitting the policies off from each other, the overarching purpose behind them, the conception of Australian society and its place in the world after a substantial period of Labor government, is lost. Gillard’s policy passions are hard to divine. She has not nominated much beyond giving children a better, more fulfilling experience at school.

Similarly, Abbott’s ideal notion of Australia after a couple of terms of Coalition government is a mystery. His policy settings are predicated on naysaying whatever an unpopular Labor government wants – save for the workplace laws and the disability insurance scheme, which the polling says need to be handled more carefully.

There is a Whitlamesque sensibility to contemporary politics, in which a relentlessly negative opposition appears to have a government that struggles to explain itself on the run. During the Whitlam government’s shortened second term, there was a sort of partnership between the opposition and the public to eject that government as soon as possible.

The obsession with removing the government overrode all else. When the Liberal and National parties under Malcolm Fraser took office at the end of 1975, they had some ideas – but not many – about what they wanted to do. The objective had been achieved but the opposition that had been wildly successful in exploiting the difficulties of a troubled government found it difficult to transition to office, in large part because it did not have a comprehensive legislative program.

That difficulty remained in varying degrees for the life of the Fraser government. Appropriately, it fell after seven years when Fraser tried one last piece of clever politics and called an early election in a failed attempt to thwart Bob Hawke’s rise. That’s the problem with seeing politics as being always about politics rather than policy: it can become an addiction – a lesson for Abbott and for Gillard.

Shaun Carney is an Age associate editor.

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