Police identify Sydney boat capsize victim

The body of a man found in the Nepean River, in Sydney’s northwest, has been identified as missing father of three, Peter Reinhardt.

The 25-year-old was last seen clinging to a tree in the flood-swollen river, near the Yarramundi Bridge on Tuesday night.

His body was recovered about 9.30am (AEDT) on Saturday, several kilometres downstream from where his boat is believed to have capsized, Macquarie Radio reports.

Police say debris and fast flowing waters made search efforts more challenging for rescuers.

“That section of the river was moving rapidly, it’s a part of the river that has receded significantly over the search period and more of the river has been exposed and that part of the river is also heavily (filled with debris),” Inspector Bryson Anderson told reporters in Sydney on Saturday.

On Wednesday, Mr Reinhardt’s home was robbed while his family was at the search scene.

Police say burglars took two guns, jewellery and cash.

A report on his death will be prepared for the coroner.

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