Ron Paul Releases the ONLY Presidential Candidate Balanced Budget Proposal

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New American
October 18, 2011

Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) unveiled a balanced budget proposal, Plan to Restore America, October 17 that would cut nearly $1 trillion — $981 billion — from the President’s budget proposal in the single fiscal year of 2013 and eliminate the annual deficits completely two years later.

No other presidential candidate has revealed a balanced budget in any number of years, including the incumbent President Barack Obama. And no sitting congressman or senator has proposed a budget plan that would balance the budget in less than 30 years other than Congressman Paul’s son, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (whose proposal would balance the budget within five years).

“A lot of people will say that cutting a trillion dollars in one year, that sounds radical,” the Texas congressman and obstetrician quipped at a press conference announcing the proposal. “But you know, I operate on the assumption that the radicals have been in charge way too long. Both from left and right, we have heard the arguments that deficits don’t really matter. And they really haven’t mattered for a very long time or we wouldn’t have this debt.”

President Barack Obama has proposed “spending cuts” of  $3.1 trillion in recent months, but those cuts would be cuts from expected spending increases in the budget “baseline,” and Obama’s cuts are phased in over 10 years (and mostly on the back end of the 10 years). Paul’s cuts would be in a single budget year and cut real dollar spending by more than $800 billion from fiscal 2012 to fiscal 2013.

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  • Ron Paul Releases the ONLY Presidential Candidate Balanced Budget Proposal

Paul’s program would eliminate the Transportation Security Agency and all foreign aid, abolish five cabinet-level agencies, and freeze most mandatory spending at fiscal 2006 levels. “We get rid of five departments, and that’s a start,” he joked in his October 17 press conference. The Paul proposal would eliminate the Departments of Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior, and Education, but would transfer some operations — such as Pell Grants and management of national parks — to other cabinet-level agencies. Paul said he would accomplish the cuts without federal employee layoffs, noting that “nobody gets laid off immediately, they get laid off through attrition.”

Full article here

Ron Paul Talks Restore America on CNN/MSNBC

Read the full plan here

Ron Paul Releases the ONLY Presidential Candidate Balanced Budget Proposal ron paul economic planRon Paul Releases the ONLY Presidential Candidate Balanced Budget Proposal ron paul economic planRon Paul Releases the ONLY Presidential Candidate Balanced Budget Proposal ron paul economic plan

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15 Responses to “Ron Paul Releases the ONLY Presidential Candidate Balanced Budget Proposal”

  1. After looking over his entire proposed budget, it makes too much sense. Congress will never go for it. It cuts all war-spending, throws out the TSA, and Dr. Paul even agrees to reduce his salary to $39,000 a year. What other politician would ever go for that?
    The lobbyists will be truly gunning for Dr. Paul, if they already haven’t been.
    Just once, I’d like to imagine that Ron Paul actually got nominated, beat Obimbo,and got a Congress that agrees with him. Jobs would be restored, our economy would skyrocket, no American troops would be getting killed overseas, and children and adults would not be getting groped by the Pedophiles of the PSA anymore.
    Wouldn’t that be a wonderful world?
    I can dream, can’t I? Unfortunately, right now, we are all living a nightmare where the communist Kenyan pretender to the throne, is the slave master of all.

    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 10:52 am

    @ ConcernedSenior says:
    October 18, 2011 at 9:03 am

    We won’t know ’till we try, will we ?

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 3:32 pm


  2. True Representation and F.C.R. and Centralized Banking – Article 8, Sect 1

    THE OCCUPY WALL STREET and The Agenda??

    “THE GREATER Republic. ”

    I’ve been watching Fox News all morning…

    I agree with your news network, on a lot of issues, However, we completely disagree about occupy wall street.

    True Representation and F.C.R, and Centralized Banking System.

    I will give you $ ONE MILLION DOLLARS $ , In Fact not Re-Distribution Of Wealth; or Trickle Down economics like Obama, or Reagan, the same with a new label.

    All monies borrowed by the people and it’s reserves % rates collected , pays back, directly, into the Federal Reserves and is represented by the Centralized Bank.

    Preventing price gouging and illegal taxation of the wealth and middle-income class, small business. , and actual protection under the laws, of its state government; and to regulate the market to prevent the monopolies’ from targeting by an unrepresented social economic class. . . therefore , opening a true free trade enterprize … not globalization of world economics.

    Challenge anyone?

    Find The Word CAPITALISM – anywhere in the US Constitution, Bill Of Rights – and or The Declaration Of Independence ?!

    I will Give You Another, $ ONE MILLION DOLLARS $

    Find The Word – DEMOCRACY – Anywhere, in the US Constitution, Bill Of Rights and Or The Declaration Of Independence ?!

    What is the Legal detention and or dictionary – THE Common Wealth?

    The Interstate commerce, By the People – Article 8 sect, 1, and Article 10 Us States Constitution, by the “elective bodied representatives,” that means of the (50 states) not a global agenda, such as Nafta- and Illegal Unlimited Campaign Funding by Corporate Trade Polices.

    The Republic and it can be an elective bodied government., to prevent corruption, and the control illegal by Corporate Trade Commissions, by creating Dictatorships.

    The Fact is EVERY COUNTRY- has a Constitution – and different laws that govern it society.

    If Fact, You DO NOT Loose Freedom., it embrace’s the Constitution The law!

    In fact, it clearly says a “community” of its government of its “Greater Republic” that it is the sole authority, the laws of an aristocratic natural rule, of its true authority, by true delegations; and enterprize over its commerce by its true elective body of representatives, of the Peoples Republic.

    To Prevent The Corporate Monopolies; Wall Street ; from ruling over powering its government by the People, and creating financial dictatorships that dictate the laws of society. Such as a non elective dictatorship by giving unlimited funding; used to promote by bribery; deception; and pork projects, and other bail outs to fiance the commissions by stealing from the Federal Reserves.

    The Articles of Confederation, of The US Constitution and the States Independence, for the true representation of the greater republic, and the people of all natural-born united states citizens, thus to prevent the disparage of you American Freedom.

    1776 – General George Washington, Tomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton.

    The Clean Election Act.

    THOSE Interested – read the declarations follow me at Word Press, Tea Party and Ron Paul Revolution by, We the American Peoples Republic.

    End Of Report.

    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 10/18/2011

  3. Henry Cain?

    Reality, is 9-9-9- a Bad Deal, Why? It Really Lacks Funding For All Programs.

    In addition, Yes, it’s a rip of from 10-10-10 by Ross Perot – Flat Tax Agenda Who ran against, George Hershel Walker Bush – the 41st president, Perot, he who later admitted his running for office was deliberate because he didn’t want to see another year of him as the president of the United States of America.

    “That why – Liar – Liberal , Draft dodger Bill Clinton, became the 42nd President, who, was in fact, impeached by Us Senate for having committed Grand Perjury.”

    Henry Cain ?? Small Government? Yet, limited, or no more public funding – and higher cost for education, and other local, your local programs in your communities.

    What the real cost to you?

    Meanwhile, Mitt Romney, until recently, and Ron Paul – who gets little public air time fair election?

    The Clean Elections Act – Ron Paul 2012 ,

    A Strong, second place Mitt Romney or future Cabinet Member, if Romney, doesn’t run with John McCain as VP ticket.

    End Of Report ,

    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 10/18/2011

  4. 75% budget cut across the board to all agencies. This will disable the ability to destroy individuals and business because they need something to do.

  5. Willard Romney will feel the heat from the Ron Paul Army in tonight’s debate.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 9:57 am




  6. Ron Paul is the man of the hour as far as the United States of America is concerned, but I would like to suggest a few things not pertaining to anything political concerning his platform, but on his manner of presentation marketing wise. First and foremost, honor the person who is introducing you, you Mr. Paul may know him or her personally but the audience needs to know who that person is too, so thank the person by name and give out their position of consequence. Also, before just walking off the stage, thank the audience and reporters for taking the time to attend the event, or you may find that they won’t be there in the future. Furthermore, supply a microphone to be enlisted by the audience when asking questions or if not, repeat the question yourself through your amplified microphone, so all can hear and understand clearly what is being asked of you, and what are your responses to those queries.
    The manner of your presentation and how you handle crowds in staged events will provide more dividends than anything else you may do. Hopefully you get this message, as it certainly counts when presenting yourself to a national or local audience.

  7. If government is not a business, as Ron Paul correctly stated yesterday, then why are we trading with a country that subsidizes their business and how can we compete against slave labor wages in china and what is ron paul going to do about that….Nothing…No amount of deregulation is going to compensate for the wage difference…..Ron Paul thinks it’s fair for American business to compete with slave wages. OF COURSE THERE IS NO COMPETITION FOR HIS GOVERNMENT WAGE. Nobody will touch the holy grail of faux Free Trade which is destroying the backbone of this once great nation. It’s not fair competition….unless you call the utter disintegration of the middle class fair…thats what it will take to compete with them

  8. Ron Paul is scaring them with facts and truth once again!!!!!! What will we ever do with someone in the White House that tells the truth??????

    dhsn Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    Get our country back on track, get our country back.

  9. With Ron Paul’s ‘elegant’ solution to balancing the budget:

    1) Eliminating Dept. of Energy – Reid Pelosi Gore Cap and Trade colossal tax payer waste.

    2) Eliminate Housing and Urban Development – Subsidized projects. Eliminate.

    3) Dept. of Commerce. They do a great Job !! Look at our economy. We really need these guys!! Toss!!

    4) Dept. of Interior? Are these the TSA underwear inspectors ?? TOSSSSSSS !!

    5) Dept. of Education – oversized bureaucracy of liberal ideologues. Tax waste. In the bin.

    Who needs 9-9-9 anymore ??

    If Americans vote themselves a 9% National Sales Tax .. Then Americans are the most gullible naive dupes on the face of the planet. A BRAND NEW tax for politicians to levy on The People. Think the liberal progressives do not salivate at such prospect? Think it isn’t going to 12, 13, 19% on top of your already 9% State Sales Tax ?? Think when they build a bridge and tell you “we will only collect a toll till we pay it off” that that is going to be the case ??

    The majority of politicians want more taxes, its like a ‘drug’ to them. ’999′ will not only be a new ‘fix’ it will be a BRAND NEW DRUG itself in the form of a NATIONAL SALES TAX. With that you might as well then have your National ID affixed to your Visa along with your Tax Payer ID and don’t leave home without it.

  10. we could add several hundred billion to the coffers by decriminalizing pot, allowing people to gamble on-line and legalizing prostitution.

  11. You’re suppose to cook the books, not barbecue them ? Ya can’t have too much rational sense and become President, you’re suppose to be retarded ! Do ya think the Fed’s is going to like the plan ?

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