Serial killer fears in France after spate of murders in suburban Parisian housing estates

All the attacks appeared to have been committed at the same time of the day,
between 4pm and 6pm, she said, adding that around 100 investigators were
working on the case and that identity checks would be stepped up.

Several witnesses said they saw a tall, thin Caucasian man wearing a black
motorcycle helmet in the vicinity, according to Le Parisien newspaper. They
said the suspect wore a dark leather bomber jacket and a small bag. He is
believed to drive a blue and white Suzuki GXSR 750 made in 2001 with an “R
from the red model”.

“We are putting every effort into finding out who is behind this,”
Mr Guéant told Europe 1 radio.

The first victim was Nathalie Davis, a 35-year-old laboratory assistant who
was also shot dead in her building in Grigny on November 27.

An unemployed man who said he was her ex-boyfriend was arrested and placed
under formal investigation. Michel C, as the press called him, confessed to
having considered taking her life but later retracted.

On February 22, Jean-Yves Bonnerue, 52, Miss Davis’ neighbour who had found
her mortally wounded, was shot from behind as he opened his car boot in
their building’s car park.

Then, on March 19, pensioner Marcel Brunetto, 81, was killed by a shot to the
head with a weapon of the same calibre in the entrance to a similar block of
flats in Grigny’s neighbouring suburb of Ris-Orangis.

The family said he had no connection with the first two victims or Michel C.

None had a criminal record or had received any threats.

The latest victim, Mrs Boudjemia-Lahcenea, was a widow who worked at Orly
Airport and lived with her 18-year-old son.

“Everyone is in shock,” said a neighbour. “She didn’t feel

She’s a normal person, simple, no history.”

Mr Guéant noted that the man arrested in connection with the first killing was
in jail when the latest murder took place.

“That said, this series is worthy of all our attention and we have put
all our means at our disposal behind it,” he said.

Many in France are still coming to terms with the Merah killings in and around

Police killed him in a shoot out after a 32-hour siege following attacks in
which he murdered three off-duty paratroopers, three Jewish children and a
trainee rabbi.

The killings have prompted two high-profile police operations in which dozens
of Islamist suspects were arrested across France.

Mr Guéant yesterday warned the French to be vigilant. “We are
observing in certain Islamist circles the desire to avenge the death of
Mohamed Merah,” he said.

Opponents of President Nicolas Sarkozy accused him of stage-managing the
arrests to boost his chances of re-election in April and May.

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