Sharp jump in number of Iranians seeking asylum in Australia


Almost half of all asylum seekers arriving by boat in Australia are coming from Iran – and they’re using Indonesia as a transit point. Foreign affairs Minister Kevin Rudd recently raised the issue with his Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalegawa.


EMILY BOURKE: The Australian Government says it’s concerned about a new trend emerging in the international world of people smuggling.

Recent figures on boat arrivals show that the number of people from Iran has risen sharply in the past few months and they’re using Indonesia as a transit point to get to Australia.

It’s an issue that Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd has raised with his counterpart in Indonesia.

Helen Brown reports from Jakarta.

HELEN BROWN: The complex issue of the people smuggling trade was always going to be raised during Kevin Rudd’s two day stop in Indonesia, but the visit has shone light on what’s been called “a new challenge”.

The minister has told his counterpart Marty Natalegawa about a rapidly growing number of people from Iran landing on Australia’s shores.

Indonesia’s foreign ministry spokesman Michael Tene says they were told that Iranians now comprise almost 50 per cent of those seeking asylum.

MICHAEL TENE: The matter was raised, was mentioned by Foreign Minister Rudd – illegal migrants from Iran are the largest part with almost 50 per cent of those seeking asylum in Australia.

HELEN BROWN: It’s understood that two years ago the number of Iranians on the Immigration Department’s case load was 6 per cent. A year later it was 36 per cent. And now it’s approaching 50, which means almost half the number of people arriving in Australia by boat are from one country.

In Indonesia’s view the issue isn’t specifically about Iran but more about the task of tackling a tricky regional subject – in this instance, with people coming in via Dubai.

MICHAEL TENE: My understanding is from the information provided for Mr Rudd is that the Iranians would be asylum seekers. They came through Dubai, then to Bali, then from there their effort is to get into Australia.

HELEN BROWN: During Mr Rudd’s visit the two foreign ministers agreed to share more information about the flow of people, and on finding ways to disrupt the so-called pipelines.

On another front Australia has decided not to pursue a people smuggling kingpin who has just stepped out of an Indonesian jail.

Zamin Ali, also known as Haji Sakhi, has been in prison since May 2010 for offences related to people smuggling. Australia had been seeking to extradite the Pakistani national, but just a few days before his release withdrew the application.

The Attorney-General’s Department says authorities are no longer in a position to prosecute him for the alleged crimes.

This is Helen Brown for AM.

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