Support grows for corruption informants

Australia has a patchwork of whistleblowing protections at the state and territory level but many are seen as inadequate.

Last year, Victoria’s ombudsman, George Brouwer, said ”extensive alterations” were needed to the state’s Whistleblower Protection Act.

At the federal level, there is no legislated protection for whistleblowers in government agencies, despite the reform’s inclusion in the agreement of the three independent MPs with the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, to form a minority government in 2010.

The legislation was supposed to be introduced in July last year. A second deadline of December 31 was also missed.

The Herald understands the proposed bill has already been redrafted more than 100 times, such is the sensitivity of the topic, particularly among bureaucrats.

The Special Minister of State, Gary Gray, has told Mr Wilkie and others that the government hasn’t dropped the reform entirely. His spokesman told the Herald it would be delivered before the next election.

The next stage of the universities’ project is a global online survey, which can be accessed at

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