Syria: The “Emir” of Tripoli fights against Syrian President al-Assad – Syria: al

Syria becomes the staging ground for extremists. According to Western intelligence agencies, there are not only al-Qaeda terrorists, but also Libyan extremists in use in this country of the Middle East. Attacks bore the hallmarks of al-Qaeda, which is no question anymore.

The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said it since months, but it was often (or always) dismissed in the West as propaganda, but now it seems clear that the Syrian ruler al-Assad was right: Syria becomes the staging ground for extremists and should be the staging ground for months. Not to mention that Russian Intelligence Services agree that this so-called “revolution” was armed and violent already from its beginning.

Russian and Western Intelligence Services agree to the statements of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad about the radical and armed Islamistic groups in Syria.

The Intelligence Services from Moscow also published information meanwhile that the statements of the Syrian government about the kidnapping, killings and high level of violence by armed groups are correct. Western Intelligence Services seem to agree finally. What a surprise! As we would not have been saying all this since months.

The U.S. Intelligence chief James Clapper said at a hearing before the U.S. Congress that al-Qaeda had infiltrated Syrian opposition groups. Attacks in Syria bore the hallmarks of al-Qaeda. “We expect that al-Qaeda’s influence spreading from Iraq to Syria,” said the U.S. Intelligence chief James Clapper. Of course, James Clapper sure knows much more than he has stated in public now. There is so much more behind the so-called “uprising” in Syria. Not to mention that the United States always want to pave the path to Iran – over Syria.

According to credible sources, the so-called Syrian “opposition” outside Syria, e.g. based in Istanbul, Turkey, gets support from Libyan “rebels”. At least, about 250 fighters of the Islamist Abdelhakim Belhadj have started the fight against the Syrian security forces and government by the Turkish-Syrian border area a few weeks ago.

Of course, more and more people are convinced that there are much more Libyan armed mercenaries already there. Western Intelligence Services report now that these Libyan fighters always penetrate into Syria to fight – not only against the Syrian army, but also against civilians. Some information of Western Intelligence Services also mentions that the fighting strength of these Libyan mercenaries could already have been increased to up to 600 men.

According to some Arabic sources, the fighting strength of the Libyan armed mercenaries near the Syrian border(s) is even much higher.

The Islamist Abdelhakim Belhadj is the so-called “Emir” of the “Libyan Islamic Fighting Troops”. But if Western Intelligence Services already know about, why does the United Nations (UN) and NATO still support armed Islamistic groups and “rebels” – not only in Libya?

Not only radical religious extremists like Salafists (Salafis / Salafiyah) and members of the Muslim Brotherhood are misusing the so-called “uprising” in Syria since months, but also in Libya it is more and more questionable if it really has been a so-called “revolution” – without Western influencing behind the curtains.

The “Arab Spring” – no movement for democracy, a rebellion for Islamists? Considering Tunisia, Egypt and Libya..  More and more Arabic poets, artists and experts of politics are already convinced about that, and are partly living in fear now – because of their opinions and public statements.

Belhadj is not only the dubious “Emir” of the “Libyan Islamic Fighting Troops”, but he also was the commander of the Military Council in the Libyan capital after the conquest of Tripoli in late August, 2011.

You see, the NATO and United Nations (UN) must have known the Islamistic tendencies behind the movement in Libya. Afterwards, the about 45-year old Islamistic extremist Belhadj has smuggled weapons over Egypt to Syria. This is assumed and should be the truth.

Some years before, the Islamistic commander and extremist Belhadj was wanted by the United States as a terrorist. Belhadj was in direct and good contacts with the Taliban in Afghanistan. At the end of 2001, it is assumed that Belhadj was arrested in Pakistan and has been handed over to U.S. authorities. These authorities surrendered the Islamistic extremist Belhadj (it`s assumed) to Libya.

In the year 2004, the Islamistic “commander” Belhadj was again arrested at the airport of Kuala Lumpur. After a stay in a so-called “CIA prison”, the U.S. authorities have sent him back to Libya. In Libya, Belhadj was tortured in a dungeon in the coming years and with the agreement of the U.S. administration and CIA.

In 2010, there has been a deradicalization program in Libya. The former government under the murdered Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (Qaddafi) released this Islamistic extremist Belhadj then – because of this deradicalization program. No wonder, at the so-called Libyan uprising, this fanatic Islamist and his comrades took the weapons to fight – but sure not for freedom and democracy.

The CIA and other Western Intelligence Service must have known about this Islamistic example behind the “celebrated rebels”. Also, NATO should have known about – already before the “No-Fly Zone” / violent and hypocritically war in Libya.

Image: Simon Howden /

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