The population of Tribals (Scheduled Tribes) in Uttar Pradesh is 11.35 lakhs of which 80% are landless. That is why the Forest Rights Act – 2006 and Rules 2008 came into force for the empowerment of Tribals. Under this law, Tribals and non-Tribals living in a Reserve Forest area were to be given a […]
Posts Tagged ‘backwardness’
Tribals / Forest Dwellers are facing eviction and backwardness in Yogi Raj
March 22nd, 2021 Awake Goy
Scott Roberts: Know Your Enemy
April 21st, 2016 Awake Goy
Youtube link Scott Roberts lets us know why it is important for us to how the jewish mind operates, to understand how they turn what it is unnatural into the new normal, subverting and destroying us. Source Article from Views: 0