Posts Tagged ‘bathhouse’

Ancient Greek-Style Bathhouse for Egyptian Military Found near Red Sea

Ancient Egyptians are renowned for their sense of cleanliness and hygiene, and bathhouses for therapeutic purposes have been found dating as far back as 2000 BC.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Africa Read Later  Source

Restoration work begins on Safavid-era bathhouse

TEHRAN—A Safavid-era (1501-1736) public bathhouse in the city of Biarjomand, north-central province of Semnan, has undergone some rehabilitation works, a local tourism official has said. The project involves repairing cracks and walls and replacing worn-out materials, Morteza Nazari explained on Wednesday. The historical structure has been inscribed on the national heritage list. Bathhouses or ‘hammams’ […]

Bathhouse to be repurposed into heritage museum

TEHRAN – The Safavid-era (1501-1736) Haj Saleh public bathhouse in the western Iranian city of Saqqez, Kordestan province will be repurposed into a museum, a local tourism official has announced.  The historical structure has been completely restored and is ready to open as a museum that focuses on history and archaeology, Bahram Nasrollahi said on […]

Qajar-era bathhouse to gain former glory

TEHRAN – Hammam-e Haji Khani, a Qajar-era (1789–1925) public bathhouse located in Fars province has undergone some rehabilitation works, a local tourism official has said. A budget of three billion rials ($71,400 at the official exchange rate of 42,000 rials per dollar) has been allocated to the project, Ahmad Taqavi announced on Thursday. The historical […]

Qajar-era public bathhouse undergoes restoration

TEHRAN – Hammam-e Asgari, the Qajar-era (1789–1925) public bathhouse in the city of Bojnurd, northeastern province of North Khorasan, has undergone some rehabilitation works, the deputy provincial tourism chief has said.  With an area of 305 square meters, the aging structure is located inside Sabzeh Meidan historical complex near a caravanserai, Ali Mostofian announced on […]

Islamic Bathhouse Discovered in Seville Tapas Bar

Renovations in a Spanish tapas bar in Seville, southern Spain, have uncovered a forgotten 12 th-century Islamic bathhouse. The ancient structure was covered up in the early 20th century by an architect while he was constructing a new hotel on the historic site. The lucky tapas bar owners discovered the 800-year-old structure while they were […]

Homeless Vet Denied Help & Dies In Cold, Look What Refugees Got Same Night…

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Muslims are invading civilized nations under the guise of being helpless ‘refugees’ and are given massive amounts of benefits including free housing, food, clothes, medical, entitlements and jobs. Citizens in these countries are paying the price in many ways including, but not limited to, losing their livelihoods and being forced out […]

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