Posts Tagged ‘floundering’

Report: George P. Bush Floundering Due to Family Name

George P. Bush may be floundering in his race for Texas attorney general due to the political toxicity of his family name, according to available data.

Debate Highlights: Trump Repeatedly Zings Floundering Biden, Battles Host Wallace To Speak

The Nation watched last night as Joe Biden managed for the most part to not fall asleep, completely lose his train of thought or declare that millions of Americans have died from Coronavirus. Here is the debate in full: Here is Infowars’ live coverage: And Infowars’ post debate coverage: CNN viewers registered their belief that […]

Why is the Zionist Project Floundering and Netanyahu Panicking?

Alastair CrookeConsortium News A very senior Israeli intelligence delegation, a week ago, visited Washington. Then, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke into President Putin’s summer holiday to meet him in Sochi, where, according to a senior Israeli government official (as cited in the Jerusalem Post), Netanyahu threatened to bomb the Presidential Palace in Damascus, and to disrupt […]

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