Posts Tagged ‘gentlemen’

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Take My Advise, Pull Down Your Pants and Slide on the Ice”

Has all the bull shit fed to you every day, flat earth vs round earth, the sun rotates around the earth, the earth rotates around the sun, the moon is an artificial space ship, the moon is made of green cheese, Hands Biden Vs Trickster Trumpster, Demophiles Vs Republiphiles have you ready to just damn […]


OCTOBER 17TH, 2023 Source Chris Hedges Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — I have been in urban warfare in El Salvador, Iraq, Gaza, Bosnia and Kosovo. Once you fight street by street, apartment block by apartment block, there is only one rule — kill anything that moves. The talk of safe zones, the reassurances of protecting […]

Not the time for Congress to say ‘gentlemen do not read each other’s mail’

In 1929, Secretary of State Henry Stimson disbanded the State Department’s cryptology office that decoded foreign diplomatic cable traffic, famously saying afterwards, “Gentlemen do not read each other’s mail.” Thankfully, such breathtaking naivety did not last long. Today, the United States has the chance to avoid—or repeat—a similar historic mistake. Before Dec. 31, Congress should renew,… […]

British Gentlemen Drank From Moustache Cups that Protected Their Facial Hair

The attitude to facial hair throughout history has been exceptionally fickle, and the moustache is no exception. As fashions have come and gone, so too have the tools and accessories for grooming Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

These Two Gentlemen Just Want to Enrich Our Neighborhoods

We should not be keeping all of this wonderful enrichment to ourselves. I just wish we could share “our greatest strength” with our political leaders. These guys should move into the White House. Share now! Source

London Railway Orders Conductors to Stop Saying ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ After Offending ‘Non-Binary’ Person

(Evening Standard) — London North Eastern Railway (LNER) has said its conductors will be warned to not use the greeting “ladies and gentlemen” following a complaint from a non-binary passenger. LNER said train managers should not use the phrase to avoid offending passengers who might identify as neither male nor female. It comes after a […]

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