Posts Tagged ‘Israeli settlers’

Israeli settlers once again storm al-Aqsa Mosque: Zio-Watch, September 16, 2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of Israeli settlers, backed by the Tel Aviv regime’s security forces, have once again stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). According to reports on Wednesday, there were confrontations between the Israelis and Palestinians at the site of the holy mosque as the Israeli settlers and troops attacked the Muslim […]

Israel Protecting Killers of Immolated Palestinians

Israel Protecting Killers of Immolated Palestinians by Stephen Lendman On July 31, unidentified Israeli settlers set the Dawabsha family home ablaze – killing husband and wife Saad and Riham as well as their 18-month-old infant Ali. Four-year-old Ahmed alone survived so far – […]

Jewish terrorists throwing stones with the israeli army looking on and taking no action

‘Israeli settlers injure 3 Palestinians’ Israeli settlers have attacked Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, injuring three people, medical sources say. The incident happened on Tuesday evening after a group of Israeli extremists threw stones at a Palestinian car in the city of Jenin, according to Palestinian medical sources. The Palestinians were returning from a […]

Weak EU move too late for family burned alive by Israeli settlers

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 7 September 2015 Palestinians pray over the body of Riham Dawabsha during her funeral in the West Bank village of Duma, 7 September. Dawabsha, who died of her injuries the night before, was the mother of Ali Dawabsha, the Palestinian toddler killed in the July firebombing of their family home. […]

israel’s control over Palestine is parasitic, destroying infra-structure to sell services

Palestinians worse off than ever as settler numbers soar, says UN Palestinians wave a flag during a protest against Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, on 28 August. Shadi Hatem APA images   Palestinians are economically worse off than ever before as the number of Israeli settlers on […]

Palestinians worse off than ever as settler numbers soar, says UN

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 2 September 2015 Palestinians wave a flag during a protest against Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, on 28 August. Shadi Hatem APA images Palestinians are economically worse off than ever before as the number of Israeli settlers on their land sets records, […]

Duma murders fail to penetrate the Tel Aviv bubble

At the moment it happened, the July 31 murder of eighteen-month-old Ali Dawabshe by Israeli settlers in a firebombing in the West Bank village of Duma seemed to shake the foundations of the Israeli occupation itself. Anguished cries for accountability rang out worldwide as Israeli politicians declared they would crack down on Jewish terrorism and […]

Palestinians protest settlers’ seizure of hospital

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Palestinians protest Israeli settlers’ seizing a Christian Palestinian hospital in the West Bank city of Al-Khalil. Massive number of Palestinians, including official Christian leaders staged demonstrations outside the Al-Baraka hospital complex in Al-Khalil to protest the occupation of the premises by Israeli Jewish settlers. “Palestinians will never accept Israeli policy […]

Large Portion of Israeli Settlers in Palestine are US Citizens

Native journalist Zebula Hebert told me that, in the Israeli colonization of Palestine, he sees “the United States’ genocide against American Indians. Gaza and the West Bank are two big reservations…” A new study out of Oxford University further reveals that this statement is more literal than symbolic, finding that 15% of Israeli settlers illegally […]

Israeli settlers take over new house in Silwan

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Israeli Jewish settlers took over on Thursday morning new Palestinian house in Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan. The house is exactly located in Batn Al-Hawa area of Silwan neighbourhood. The settlers claimed that the house was sold to the far-right Jewish organisation Ateret Cohanim. Wadi Al-Hilwah Information Centre said in a statement […]

Archbishop Hanna Attends Protest over Settlement Plans for Church Compound

IMEMC : Orthodox Archbishop Atallah Hanna was among a number of political and religious leaders to take part in a march Saturday protesting the purchase, by Israeli settlers, of a Christian church compound in the southern occupied West Bank. The 38-dunam (9.3 acre) compound, known as Beit al-Baraka, is located to the north of al-Arrub refugee […]

Israeli settlers and police assault Palestinian guards at Al-Aqsa mosque

Right-wing Jews and Israeli police ‘assault Al-Aqsa guards’ JERUSALEM (Ma‘an) 19 May — Right-wing Jews and Israeli police officers physically assaulted Palestinian security guards on duty at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound early Tuesday, the director of the compound told Ma‘an. Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani said that a group of Israeli settlers was touring the compound when […]

Widespread immunity for Jewish terrorists attacking Palestinians

Settlers Enjoy Widespread Impunity in Attacks against Palestinians,… TEL AVIV, May 18, 2015 (WAFA) – A report published by the Israeli human rights organization of Yesh Din stated that Israeli settlers enjoy widespread impunity for their attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank. “The IDF and police are neither prepared nor willing to provide the […]

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