Posts Tagged ‘lapses’

Shinzo Abe: Police admit security lapses over assassination as Japan holds election

Shinzo Abe: Police admit security lapses over assassination as Japan holds election Source Views: 0

Killer Cop Uses Jeff Sessions’ Memory Lapses as Defense

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions changed his account of what he knew about the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russia earlier this month, he stressed that he had “always told the truth” as he remembered it at the time. “I’ve answered every question to the best of my recollection,” he testified in a closely-watched congressional hearing […]

A Political Revolution For The U.S. Left

Print Friendly Above Photo: Ctakomabibelot The U.S. Left is in the process of emerging from decades of decline. It entered the Obama years in terrible shape: politically incoherent, cut off from its historical continuity, and organizationally and socially fragmented. Yet in the last years there have been signs of awakening, and in the past few months […]