The Constitutional Court’s ruling breaks ground for LGBTQ rights in Central and Eastern Europe, where several countries have constitutional bans on same-sex marriage. Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘marrying’
Slovenia’s top court strikes out bans on same-sex couples marrying and adopting children

The Jewish women who posed an ‘existential threat’ to Israel by marrying Arab men

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source Views: 0

Biggest ever family tree shows when cousins stopped marrying

Think you’ve got a big family? Check out the world’s biggest family tree, containing 13 million people. The giant family tree is the largest of several built using crowd-sourced data, each of which tells a tale about the history of Western civilisation. Joanna Kaplanis at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK, and […]
Indian woman arrested after posing as man & marrying 2 females for dowries

The bizarre scam apparently began when 26-year-old Sweety Sen from the state of Uttar Pradesh created a fake Facebook profile under the name Krishna Sen in 2013. She then uploaded photos of herself wearing men’s clothing and used the account to get in touch with women, according to Senior Superintendent of Police Janmejay Khanduri, as cited by […]
Tunisia overturned law that prohibited Tunisian Muslim women from marrying non-Muslims

In Agust 2017 Tunisian President Beji Caed Esibsi called on the country’s Prime Minister and Minister of Justice to make changes to legislation that bans Muslim Tunisian women from marrying non-Muslim men. Essibsi’s statement was made during a speech on the occasion of Tunisia’s national women’s day. Esibsi noted that he believes banning Muslim women […]

‘Only 10 years old’: Yemen sees spike in parents marrying off young daughters for cash

A woman by the name of Nasrine told RT that her 10-year-old daughter Mlak has already been engaged to an elderly man, a deal which was apparently arranged by the girl’s father against the Nasrine’s will. The mother and daughter were able to receive help from the Yemen Women’s Union, and the deal did not […]
The List: Cuomo’s anti-BDS executive order is a first amendment nightmare

On June 5 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law an executive order aimed at the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement. BDS is a non-violent economic and political protest against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. In Cuomo’s order, which Salon reporter Ben Norton called “McCarthyite,” there is a provision that requires […]

1933-1936 THE MIRACLE OF THE GERMAN RECOVERY excerpts from the mind blowing book ‘THE BAD WAR – THE TRUTH NEVER TAUGHT ABOUT WW2’ by author and revisionist historian ms king Behold what the victorious “good guys” have wrought in the days since that tragic war. Europe, and by extension America, Canada and Australia, no longer […]