Posts Tagged ‘sheehi’

“No evidence”: GWU investigation clears Dr. Lara Sheehi of antisemitism allegations

The pro-Israel group StandWithUs accused GWU professor Lara Sheehi of antisemitism. A third-party investigation found the accusations were “inaccurate or taken out of context and misrepresented.” Source

Protecting academic freedom and solidarity with Dr. Lara Sheehi  

Dr. Lara Sheehi is the latest of far too many professors and clinicians to be slandered by pro-Israeli lobbies for standing up for the rights of Palestinians and other oppressed peoples. Source

Global mental health networks speak out in support of Dr. Lara Sheehi

The Palestine-Global Mental Health Network stands with our colleague Dr. Lara Sheehi who is facing false charges of antisemitism at George Washington University due to her political views on Zionism. Source

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