The Top Ten Worst Sources of Aspartame



Millions of Americans still have no idea that many of the beverages and
foods they eat on a regular basis are contaminated with a neurotoxin
posing as a sugar substitute. ~ Ethan A Huff

So to help raise awareness about the
pervasive presence of toxic aspartame in the American food supply, Mike
Adams, the Health Ranger, has released a helpful infographic that
identifies the top ten worst sources of aspartame.

infographic highlights the use of aspartame in chewing gums, tabletop
sweeteners, flavored water products, sugar-free foods and beverages,
diet sodas, drink flavoring products, cooking sauces, children’s
medicines, yogurts, and cereals.

While these are not the only
sources of aspartame in the food supply, they are among the most common.

You can view the aspartame infographic here:

can also learn more about the dangers of aspartame by watching this
powerful interview between Mike Adams and Dr. Russel Blaylock, the
foremost authority on aspartame and other excitotoxic additives:

every point in the fertility process aspartame destroys, beginning with
the gleam in Mom and Pop’s eyes: it ruins female sexual response and
induces male sexual dysfunction,” wrote Dr. James Bowen, a neurologist
and chemist. “Beyond this, aspartame disrupts fetal development by
aborting it or inducing defects. And if a live child is born aspartame
may have heinously damaged the DNA of the baby, cursing future

This is just one of the many side effects of
consuming aspartame, of course, but it is one of the most serious.
Millions of people think that using aspartame instead of sugar will help
them safely lose weight, when in fact aspartame is far more harmful
than even processed sugars like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

amino acids in aspartame freely enter the arcuate nucleus (at low
dose), cause inappropriate release of hormones, and at high dose
actually destroy these regulatory neurons,” says Dr. Madelon Price,
another aspartame expert. “This is why sexual dysfunction is associated
with aspartame.”

Contrary to the claims made by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and others that aspartame is safe, a wealth of independent
research has verified that aspartame is linked to causing autism
spectrum disorders, neurological problems, birth defects, and
gastrointestinal problems, among other things (


Ethan A Huff – March 22, 2012 – NaturalNews


You can learn more about the dangers of aspartame by visiting:

Sources for this article include:



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