Time Magazine Wants You to Know How To Die

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Alex covers the latest news including TIME magazine’s quest to make sure you know how to die.

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20 Responses to “Time Magazine Wants You to Know How To Die”

  1. I dunno TIME; why not give us a demmo, you have the experts. After all just ask the ghost of JFK how your founder HENRY LUCE aided in his demise !!!!

  2. If Grandma just ate a pot brownie, she’d come home from the hospital with a smile on her face.

  3. Well, if the alternative media would quit talking about it, I doubt Time Magazine’s article on how to die would impact no one other than the 47 subscribers they have left. By giving audience to their drivel, you have given them the attention they were after.

    Ignore them and they will go away.

    ConspiratusUbiquitus Reply:
    June 8th, 2012 at 6:11 am

    correction….45 😉

  4. all of you Time magazine ghouls, and fake Oligarchs and anti-little people snobs can serve your theory best by leading by example.
    The rest of us will take good notes.

    Wisconsin Task Force……..


  5. Yeah, don’t worry, what you can’t see will kill you anyway: radiation.

    June 8th, 2012 at 6:38 am

    What i saw at work Today nearly did kill me.Life is so short,live it to the Max.I got chased by a 7″Foot Long Tiapan snake.Very scary and i could not get back to the 4×4 Wheeler to get my 12GAU.It is the Middle of Winter and this Serpent should not be active at this Time of Year.Time Magazine will die a Natural Death.No need to give them anymore Rope.

  6. Just like in the UK NHS as you get older your Treatment Coefficient (TC) reduces and you dont get the care you need.
    The main reason us proles get any care is to train doctors/surgeon and keep them up to speed for the elites, also to try out new medicine and operating procedures on the guinea pigs, I mean volinteers.

    jonuhs Reply:
    June 8th, 2012 at 6:33 am

    wow awesome so then the queen can’t get cough syrup at her age?

    wiggins Reply:
    June 8th, 2012 at 6:52 am

    He said Proles…..no water for elderly patients – dehydration is not a good way to die – in some hospitals the nurses hardly speak Englinsh. Welcome to the Brave New World.

    jonuhs Reply:
    June 8th, 2012 at 7:13 am

    I dunno what a proles is

    morwith Reply:
    June 8th, 2012 at 7:54 am

    I think it stands for proletariat, i.e. us peasants.

  7. It worked on Ron Paul

  8. On youtube you all should check out the radio shows of Mae Brussels from over 30 years ago. She was talking about the Bilderberg group in 1978. Her research is impeccable and she links it all to Nazi Germany and the aftermath when their intelligence “experts” were brought here to “teach” our rotten apples (Allen Dulles et al) to build a super intelligence apparatus. That generation is leaving the planet but they have morphed into the corporatist transhumanist movement that we see in our media everyday.
    Mitt Romney is a part of the Mormon mafia that supported the intelligence community during Nixon’s watergate days and remember it was Nixon who, as vice president under Eisenhower hosted the Nazi emmigres. That is what we are dealing with…out and out Nazis..every last one of them are Nazis.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    June 8th, 2012 at 9:38 am

    thankyou Scrumbs…Willard is a kingpin in the Morman Mafia

  9. “For every ACTION there is an equal and opposite REACTION.” What is the reaction the globalist scum fear? They fear that once a person has, let’s say, a terminal incurable disease (fukushima TEPCO/GE cancer) … that they will oh, wrap themselves in dynamite, find a key Senator, House Member, President, or Federal Reserve Bankster and take out as many “devils” with them in a blaze of glory with a huge smile on their face. They fear that MANY people will get this idea into their heads and the balance of power will shift from them to the people as exploding intent expands into the political parasite class. A “plague of smiles…” Such is the lessons of history. Because when a person has nothing left to lose, then what better way to die, than with honor? I’m not saying I agree with that idea… but it is out there and it is what they fear. They fear the good reaction to their evil action.

    morwith Reply:
    June 8th, 2012 at 8:02 am

    Suicide bombers in the Middle East likewise feel they have nothing left to lose.
    When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it.

  10. We need an alternative parallel medical system. Maybe like a hospice type thing, but with herbal and other alternative cures. If someone has a supposedly incurable disease and is “slated” to not receive care due to their age or advanced illness anyway, the medical establishment ought to have no problem with them shuffling off to a hospice and try that stuff.

    The only way it would work would be for the hospice to run on private donations and a sliding scale fee system, and for there to be releases of liability.

    It would be good if anyone who wanted to bypass “Obamacare” could go to an alternative clinic system, too. Well, I guess they can anyway, it’s called Mexico. My uncle had a lot of dental work done there at about 20% of what it would cost in the US.

  11. Boy…I’m glad I’m not a zombie….

  12. I cant wait to see the editors of that commie rag called “time” strung up by their necks and hung until dead…..or maybe just hurt them REAL bad so they end up in a hospital bed…….with doctors deciding on when to pull the PLUG ON THEM!

    I bet they would change their fucked-up opinions then…..

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