White House Draws Closer To Occupy Wall Street, Says Obama Is Fighting For The Interests Of The 99%

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Zeke Miller
Business Insider
October 17, 2011

The White House continued its embrace of the Occupy Wall Street protests on Sunday, using the strongest terms yet to identify President Barack Obama with the growing movement.

In a call previewing Obama’s upcoming bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama “will continue to acknowledge the frustration that he himself shares,” about Washington’s laggard response to the financial crisis.

Earnest added that while on the trip, Obama will make it clear that he is fighting to make certain that the “interests of 99 percent of Americans are well represented” — the first time the White House has used the term to differentiate the vast majority of Americans from the wealthy.

Obama, who has been branded a “class warrior” by Republicans unhappy with his plans to increase taxes on the rich to pay for his jobs and deficit plans, has embraced the term.

“I’ll tell you what, if asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a plumber or a teacher or a bus driver makes me a warrior for the middle class, I will wear that charge with honor,” he told donors in Dallas earlier this month.

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3 Responses to “White House Draws Closer To Occupy Wall Street, Says Obama Is Fighting For The Interests Of The 99%”

  1. White House Draws Closer To Occupy Wall Street, Says Obama Is Fighting For The Interests Of The 99%

    Bullshit! Obama is “drawing closer” to save his ass for the 2012 elections. He wants to be seen as a “man for the people”, which his record clearly shows, he is NOT.

    Obama is all about “obama’….nothing more. He is a communist, a fake, a Kenyan born muslin, another NWO puppet and represents everything that is wrong with the USA. Is he the only cause? NO. He has had a lot of help or he wouldnt be where he is at.

    On the other hand, he has only worsened our situation due to his communist policies.

    ————————————R. Paul 2012———————————————


  2. ROFL, who do they think they’re kidding?!!

    DC (bush-clinton) rammed NAFTA-GATT through for her majesty’s corporate nicknames to leave the country on welfare grants, for slavewage labor, to leave skilled workers unemployed..
    with many workers and few positions, they’re dime-a-dozen with wages flushed down the toilet.

    BUNGHOLIO’s appointed secretary of state hillary, was there on the board of directors to WALMART
    selling cheep Chinese goods, expanding into every little city possible, bankrupting thousands and thousands of smaller retailers, cancelling millions of cashier, stockboy, and delivery driver jobs,
    ON TOP OF all the damage done to the jobs and wages of the skilled manufacturing workers!

    THEN WE HAVE DC.. handing out “no-bid contracts” and rushing to Wall Street to “bet” that those companies stocks will go up, shall we ask dick cheney about halliburton-KBR as example?

    DC passes regs that cripple businesses and places “put options” against them so they can profit from the failures they engineered, is insider trading and unAmerican activity,
    that anyone else would be sent to JAIL for!

    with unemployment UP, wages DOWN, DC’s buddies the federal reserve (private bank!) is counterfeitting the currency like mad and making it worth-less. counterfeitting a country’s currency is a classic tactic of WARFARE, its called economic sabotage, and it is treasonous to the people!
    -same thing happening in about every NATO-EU member nation across this planet, BANKSTERS!

    after decades of TREASONOUS WARFARE, now DC wants to claim they’re on OUR SIDE?!
    they dont declare war, they just practice it. they even call warfare “humanitarian”, wtf.

    their “feds” are going after healthfood stores, Gibson guitars, people who cant pay student loans,
    people who dont want their kids vaccinated, people who have or do the drugs THEY ship in…
    their buddies the banksters are allowed to launder the drug money, and we’re supposed to trust?!!

    they hire blackwater-xe mercenaries to do things the military isnt allowed to do, for 10x the pay,
    -if the military isnt allowed then how are merc’s who’s pay comes from the same places?!!
    they hire Israeli’s to spy on US citizens, espionage is also a tactic of WARFARE, isnt it!

    the IRS auditing the fed and DC is like police investigating themselves, “no wrongdoing here!”..
    their SEC (securities exchange commission) just destroyed a bunch more investigation work,
    -nothing to see here, right?

    building 7 of the WTC wasnt hit by a plane destroyed pending financial fraud investigations.
    the pentagon got a missile straight into its accounting department..
    those FINANCIAL FRAUD INVESTIGATIONS, werent gonna put OSAMA BIN LADEN behind bars..
    if anyone had something to worry about, it’d been DC, Wall Street, and the banksters.
    isnt it convenient those investigations were stopped cold?
    hey lets bang the war drums!

    dncholas Reply:
    October 17th, 2011 at 4:32 am

    I couldn’t have said it better.

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