Analysis of Manly P. Hall’s Initiates of the Flame

I like to analyze the knowledge and insight of our enemies, or at least people who seem to get some of the material but somehow, at the end, still remain controlled by the Jewish agenda. As Charles Giuliani would say – sometimes there’s one single chapter that is important within a book – the rest is bullshit. Even though M.P.Hall’s book of “The Initiates of the Flame” is interesting, it has a lot of strange and irrational stuff in it. I won’t go through the entire book in detail, but I’ll point out some interesting things. The first curious element of the book is that every single page has a border which consists of swastikas and stars of david – 4 of each. Perhaps he wishes to symbolize that the world is battling between these two ways of existence, between these two paths?

There are many interpretations of the “star of David”, which never had this label behind it through history – but became defined as such during our modern times. Some will say that it was an ancient sigil or rune symbol that was drawing power towards itself; in other words whatever was protected by this symbol would draw to itself only positive energy – “this enterprise will flourish under that symbol. No wonder that Jews would steal such a powerful sigil and put it literally on everything they control, own or operate.

Others will talk about the Union of Fire and Water, of Mind and Soul, Knowledge and Emotion. Balance. There is, also, a different word for this positive aspect of “balance” – I might define it as “negative” – neutralization. Wherever the symbol of the star of David appears in modern times, it neutralizes the culture, nation and people above which it operates. In other words, it destroys both Fire and Water by mixing them – essentially the Water wins, even though it is questionable whether it will remain in a completely fluid state – which would again explain to us why there are literally millions of mindless emotional zombies floating around our Western Nations right now, complaining about everything, being offended by everything, losing their minds – entirely. Be as it may, let us begin with our analysis :

Few realize that even at the present stage of civilization in this world, there are souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. Purified ones they are, who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the Flame, that spiritual principle in man, now hidden beneath the ruins of his fallen temple.

Indeed; we find ourselves in a situation where the “flame” of our People is becoming extinguished – few of us awaken, some are true protectors of knowledge and wisdom. But, what is to be done? What exactly can re-kindle this flame? A disaster? A challenge? A group of wise people? Who are these hidden purified individuals that are supposed to protect the flame? Much of the allegory used in this book is based upon the Bible and Egypt – everything, supposedly, was a metaphor and was basically portraying the Human Body, Mind and Soul as it achieves its highest state of Consciousness – usually referenced with the term “Christ”. We continue :

As we think of the nations that are past, of Greece and Rome and the grandeur that was Egypt’s, we sigh as we recall the story of their fall; and we watch the nations of today, not knowing which will be the next to draw its shroud around itself and join that great ghostly file of peoples that are dead.

This is where you simply have to face palm yourself; and would, if you could, bitch slap people like him. Why, he wonders, did these ancient civilizations fall? They became multi-cultural, for starters. They became Diverse. They lost their belief in greatness and in their ancestors and accepted the Jewish monotheism. They had Jews within their Nations, who were creating riots and challenging everything that made these Civilizations great. Finally, through Jewry, strangers became officials within the Civilizations and even their Supreme rulers. This is why all these Nations/Civilizations fell. This is the same ABC that killed Egypt, Greece, Rome; and is now killing America and Europe, followed by Canada and Australia. Why, Egypt wasn’t being destroyed by God in the Bible anywhere, not even here.

But, to these Masons and “great minds”, such a thing seems to be impossible. Why, Jews gave us the Bible, they “preserved” hidden knowledge and told us their monotheistic view of Life and the Universe – surely they can’t be the reason of all the Chaos in the world. They must not be. This book was published in 1922 – so the 6 gazillion mantra could not have yet been used to brainwash these “great minds”.

Today, it is self-evident that the Jew is behind the destruction of the whole Western civilization – and still, Masonry is not stopping them, neither is it doing any anti-propaganda. Quite the contrary – more and more Jews are being accepted within the System; lodges celebrate Kosher holidays and ways of life; they even accepted the Noahide laws and pretend to be Goyim that are great in the eye of the Jews. In other words – these people actually convinced themselves that White Genocide is a positive thing. It takes a lot of mind-fucking to become such a disgusting traitorous whore. I guess we need to invent condoms for the brain to protect ourselves from Jewish influence – one for every metaphysical aspect of our Reality.

In its essence, the idea of “monotheism” can be reasonably analyzed – but it is not a religion, it has no religious aspect behind it. If we really wish to talk about a Single God then this Single Being must be everything and nothing. It cannot do anything that our human minds can come up with, because it would fall under error just as we do – and this great God cannot do error. He can’t choose anything because that would mean he has preferences, which would lead to desires and temptations – God, as a Perfect idea/entity – can’t fall under such properties. We could go on for hours like this, but you’d come to the point that all he can be is – existing. And since he must be above any kind of limitation, he must also be above Time, which means he can’t be subject to a beginning or end – he must simply Be. He Is.

But, would such an entity identify with the words “I am”? What is the “am” of the “I” in God? The only thing it could be is everything he creates through it – which leads to the idea that a portion of God is in everything and everyone – which explains the mystery school fascination of being able to get in touch with God, by uplifting that particle of him within us, by uplifting our spirit – by basically becoming God, through knowing God.

Jews made a fairy tale out of this simple analysis and portrayed themselves as “chosen”, as heirs to some kind of throne, as those who are supposed to and destined to rule this planet through their idiocy and degeneracy. But, as per usual, no one mentions them as a problem or as the source of all problems. They are simply to be ignored and people like Hall wonder why civilizations fall and how the “flame” of the people gets extinguished.

If we turn again to the races now dead, we shall, if we look, find the cause of their destruction. The light had gone out. When the flame within the body is withdrawn, the body is dead. When the light was taken from the altar, the temple was no longer the dwelling place of a living God.

One has to be very careful when reading such metaphors. He is talking about the “spirit” of the Body – the Flame – which produces light at the altar, your own Self where you sacrifice yourself in order to rise in Spirit. These sacrifices are basically processes of “knowing thyself” and removing all obstacles until you finally become “good”, to say the least. The temple, your body, without the flame – lost its connection to the “living God”, that is to say the Spirit. The White Race is heading towards the same thing – it has lost its sense of being an Organism that had a high connection to the Spirit, its Ancestors, Gods, the living God.

It stopped nourishing itself, not only individually, but racially – it stopped taking care of the Fire. And yet again, we are supposed to think that these things happen by chance and are random environmental events of which we haven’t been aware of. No, my friends – it is the same earthly parasite that is the reason behind the fall of Spirit in the most enlightened Human races throughout history – the Jew.

Think about it – Jews replaced our thirst for knowledge, wisdom and spirituality with a dead kike on a stick. That’s it. Millions of people are literally worshiping this image and the Jewish fairy tale behind it – and do absolutely nothing afterwards with themselves. No spiritual development exists. No knowledge is gained. No wisdom attained. No experiences enter their lives. Jews replaced our own individual uplifting, and therefore collective racial development, with kneeling before a Jew. This is also why it is so difficult to explain to Christians the many aspects of reality under which the Jew is waging war against us. Blinded by “Love” and “Happiness” they are being operated like sheep – no wonder they are eagerly awaiting their shepherd to pick them up.

Degeneracy, lust, and passion, hates and fears, crept into the souls of Greece and Rome, and Black Magic overshadowed Egypt; the light upon the altar grew weaker and weaker.

One should not be shocked then, that for example, Grimoires – “magical books” – of Greater and Lesser Keys to Solomon – were referred to as the “Book of Black Magic”. That there also exists a Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, outside the traditional Torah Bible which is, yet again, referred to as Magic used to summon and dismiss spirits to achieve worldly ends. Is this same “magic”, which killed Egypt, Rome and Greece, now operating in Europe and the rest of the Western world? Has it not become degenerate, lustful, passionate with hate and fear? Are we not witnessing the downfall of our people and their transformation into Undead Zombies?

But the Flame did not die. Like spirit of which it is the essence, it cannot die, because it is life, and life cannot cease to be. Those who worship this Flame are now called heathens. Little do we realize that we are heathen ourselves until we are baptized of the Holy Spirit, which is Fire, for fire is Light, and  the children of the Flame are the Sons of Light, even as God is Light.

I guess we could say that we, who are attempting to re-kindle our ancestral knowledge, are heathens who worship this Flame – but the end effect of this worship is that we ourselves have to become that which we worship – we have to become like the Gods we remember and have portrayed as Archetypes of Nature. I often tell people – imagine if we had a government of people consisting of individuals that were the living expressions of Odin, Perun, Thor, etc. – we wouldn’t be in the shit we are today. Furthermore, remember how Jung said that Adolf Hitler represented the spirit of Wotan? That is the point of this Spiritual uprising.

The collective Racial Organism has to bring about these Godlike individuals who are able to keep it going alongside its proper path. Jews said that they will kill God – they can’t really kill the “source”, but they can kill God within all of us – in other words – extinguish this flame forever, so that no one will ever really connect to the Spirit, ever again. Hall then continues by saying that there were many individuals who attempted to remind our people of that Flame and includes the following characters :

Orpheus, Hermes, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Confucius, Odin, Moses.

This is where you kind of start to disconnect with him – because people like him attempt to really see only the uttermost positive aspect of something – even if it doesn’t exist within the context, or even if the text itself goes against it. They simply see everything as wrongly written, or as written wrong on purpose – as a challenge so to speak – so that only those who really dismantle the messages in a proper manner, can find those little elements that are important. One could understand this idea – but to include Moses and Mohammed, even the Jew Jesus kind of a goes beyond any reasonable thinking.

What is it that Mohammed brought to this world that we can regard as wonderful teaching? Are we simply to believe that all the millions that were killed because of him are “mistakes” because the people who he was talking to were low IQ Arabs who just “didn’t get it”? What about all the death and destruction in the name of Jesus? Are we, yet again, to believe that all of this happened because idiots around Jesus – even though selected by him and his Father, personally – didn’t get it, yet again?

“Tiny mistakes” that have led us to the situation we find ourselves in, in the 21st century? Those little pieces of wisdom that you can get from reading Jesus in the Bible? Wisdom that already pre-existed in Egypt, Greece and India? How is it that these people can say some very intelligent things and then just suddenly drop a Jew-bomb of lunacy?

They were the Sons of Flame. They were without creed or clan; they served but one great ideal. From the same place they all came, and to the same place they have returned. There was no superiority there. Hand in hand they labor for humanity.

I guess the “kill all infidels” part of Mohammed was also a labor for humanity. I assume that when Jesus said – bring all those who don’t believe in me before me and kill them – it was also just a great ideal; nothing superior here. The sacrificing of Bulls and sprinkling their Blood over People was also just practice of love for humanity – Moses had nothing else in Mind. We are led to believe that all of the “teachings, sayings”, idiocy and inhumane crap of these “holy books” are merely metaphors which billions simply misunderstood. The same God, the same entity talking to these prophets; he just doesn’t seem to be able to get his message across clearly.

There is always some kind of misunderstanding going on and it results in death and destruction. God should really work on his Radio-transmitter. This is where sane people like us disconnect from these “masters of the Occult” – because they go from Wisdom to Horseshit. It is impossible to even begin thinking that the “Source”, that is to say God, is supposed to be the lunatic, maniac, bloodthirsty entity of the Bible and all its other variations. And if he indeed is, then I see no Reasonable reason to follow this entity – it doesn’t deserve respect, for it has brought nothing but death, chaos and destruction upon our World. It would seem that it designed us for no other reason. This leads us to the understanding that, at the end of the day, they perhaps really do worship Yaldabaoth – the demiurge. This is all part of the introduction of the book, mind you, and he ends it with this :

There is but one religion in all the world, and that is the worship of God, the spiritual Flame of the universe. Under many names He is known in all lands, but as Iswari or Ammon or God, He is the same, the Creator of the universe, and fire is His universal symbol.

We can see that Jews and their Shabbos Goy are, yet again, trying to turn everything into One Universal thing – as if Odin has anything directly to do with Semites. Sure, we can force ourselves and try to find some similarities between certain symbolism, but I’ll be damned if the context of Odinism has anything to do with any Semitic idiocy. It is remarkable, that Jews actually believe that everything is their own, or at least part of them. Whatever someone discovers – it is Kosher, Goyim. Odin? Also Kosher. Horseshit. As said, we won’t go through the whole book – I suggest you read it just and only to get more insight about their way of thinking. I will add several more interesting points :

There are two paths or divisions of humanity whose history is closely related to that of the Wisdom Teachings. They embody the doctrines of fire and water, the two opposites of nature. Those who follow the path of faith or the heart, use water, and are known as Sons of Seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Children of Cain, who was the son of Samael, the Spirit of Fire. Today we find the latter among the alchemists, the hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons.

Well, well – this is the part where our CI friends might start to masturbate, but – let us elaborate on it. The Creator of this universe is Yaldabaoth, the demiurge – and we have seen how his universal symbol is Fire – and Cain is son of Samael, the Spirit of Fire. Samael, a nickname, means “Blind God” because Yahweh/Yaldabaoth thought he was the only god and that there are no other gods before him. So it was Yahweh himself that would be the father of Cain – how can our CI buddies then be against Cain and his offspring? Ah, the confusion, the confusion.

If we ignore literally all these stories – including the Bible – we can be reasonable about this and conclude the following: When we look at the Oriental spirituality, do we see any kind of action in it? Do we see the actual analyzing of the Mind or the Creative principle? No. They follow the heart and water. Western civilization is all about mind and action, creativity, knowledge and wisdom through experience – we follow the fire. And although there are mixtures of both within each, there are these definite differences which one cannot avoid. Jews are bringing Water and irrational emotions to our Fire and we are drowning.

This, of course, is the reasonable approach to this story. If you wish to include all the Biblical stuff, then it becomes immediately a war zone of ideologies and belief. The Jew, ironically, remains a constant in this equation – the definite destroyer. Let us now look at how quickly he ignores all the in-detail described sacrifices within the Bible :

It is said that King Solomon, when he completed his temple, offered bulls as a sacrifice to the Lord, by burning them upon the temple altar. Those who believe in a harmless life wonder why so many references are made in the Bible to animal sacrifice. The student realizes that the animal sacrifices are those of the celestial zodiac, and that when the Ram or the Bull was offered upon the altar, it represented the qualities in man which come through Aries, the celestial Ram, and Taurus, the Bull in the zodiac. In other words, the Initiate, passing through his tests and purification, is offering upon the altar of his own higher being the lower animal instincts and desires within himself.

Sounds reasonable enough – one could even easily agree with him. But what about the scene where Jepthath had to sacrifice his daughter to God? What about the scenes were people are eating their own children? What about all the children God killed in order to prevent them from growing up into heretics? What about all the first-born Egyptians killed by God? Are those also “zodiac representations”? What about this :

Moses wrote down all the words of the LORD. Then he arose early in the morning, and built an altar at the foot of the mountain with twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel. He sent young men of the sons of Israel, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls as peace offerings to the LORD. Moses took half of the blood and put it in basins, and the other half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar.

Then he took the book of the covenant and read it in the hearing of the people; and they said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient!” So Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people, and said, “Behold the blood of the covenant, which the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.”

Surely this must also be just and only a zodiacal reference. Or, perhaps, Moses didn’t quite get the message, even though he was hand picked by God and supposedly got wisdom and knowledge through him and his light. Somehow, whoever seems to get in touch with God becomes a lunatic. Kind of makes you not want to uplift your Flame to that level, right? There are many more things that could be analyzed within this book; he also mentions the Christ Consciousness – which is basically Kundalini and the uplifting of the Human Spirit to a level of Consciousness which would then be able to receive God. This, in its essence, is probably the “hidden” message of all scriptures. Nevertheless, the are many things which these guys simply make up – they literally invent them – and somehow, suddenly everything is connected to Jews and Judaism. It’s all Kosher, Goyim!

Symbolism is important. Understanding it and being able to unlock its hidden meanings is enlightening. Recognizing certain Archetypes of Nature and Knowledge within Gods is crucial. But not mentioning the Jew and his Poison, or the Poison that the Bible has brought upon this world is simply ignorant. How these people ignore all the crap that the Jews have done to this planet – and are still doing to this day – is beyond me. The only explanation that you can come up with – is that they are in league with them. Or, they simply accept them as someone who is following a “different path”. This is why the book ends with two extremes, even though he himself warns that following any extreme leads to destruction:

The White Grail – Service, Self-Sacrifice, Purification, Love, Study

The Black Grail – Prosperity at others expense, Selfishness, Short-cuts, Mastered by appetite, Comfort

We can see how the Black Grail Jews are applying the utter most extreme of the White Grail upon Western civilization – we are to serve and self-sacrifice for non-Whites and Jews; the World in general. We are to “purify” the world by allowing our genocide to happen, because, according to Jews – we are a “cancer upon the planet”. We are to Love everyone, including our Enemies (thanks Jesus) and to Study other Cultures and become Diverse and Multi-cultural. This is the extreme applied unto our Western civilization.

I shall end this with a final quote from him :

In this way the old dream of the philosophic empire descend from the ancient world to modern time. Secret societies still exist, and regardless of the intemperance of the times, they will continue to flourish until the Quest is complete. For more than three hundred years, secret societies have labored to create the background of knowledge necessary to the establishment of an enlightened democracy among the nations of the world.

So much about the “we are just a fraternity of old fucks who play cards on weekends”. What is the Quest, one might wonder? The only “Quest” we see unfolding is the genocide of the White Race and the establishment of Global Communism. Is this future without the White race going to represent the “old philosophical dream”? Is such a world going to be enlightened? There is one dangerous assumption all these people take into consideration – the “alchemical nature” of things. They believe that there is a part of everything in anything, that is to say that, for example, within Water is a Horse – to put it bluntly. Or, to be more realistic, that you can turn any metal into Gold.

Therefore, they believe that in a race-mixed person, there still is the White person – it just needs to be “elevated” into being and uplifted in such a way that the “black person”, or whatever other race, is ignored. They literally believe this nonsense. So, they agree with the Jewish plan of White genocide, because “secretly”, they know that we won’t be “really exterminated”. Yeah, right. Horseshit.

It is all supposedly about “creating an equal level upon which humanity will then square itself”. Who knows what kind of lie and nonsense the Jew has sold them anymore – sometimes I wonder how people can take in such massive amount of bullshit and then even make a mystery out of it – but, then again – people believe in a talking donkey within the Bible – why should then other stuff amaze me at all anymore?

Finally, we must understand that books such as this one are basically advertisement for their Jewish cult. If you, for example, started to wake up a little bit, but hadn’t been introduced to the Jewish question and problem – you’d fall right into their trap. Some “dark black magic” has been going around and destroying glorious civilizations and they seem to be battling against it – why, you want to save the world too – and essentially end up exactly where they want you to be. Mixed truth with a lot of made up stuff and the push for global universalism. Can’t get more Kosher than that.

Know your Enemy. Learn their ways of Thinking. Study them. And, for crying out loud, do not Love them.

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