Egyptian businessmen support the endowment project to support Jerusalem

[ PIC 09/05/2012 – 04:14 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– The Egyptian economic Delegation, that is visiting Gaza currently and that includes members of the Egyptian contracting and engineering syndicates, asserted its support for the Palestinian Contractors Union’s project in Gaza provinces, which intended to create endowments to support Jerusalem and strengthen its people’s steadfastness against the Zionist occupation policies aiming at Judaizing Jerusalem through displacing its residents.

Chairman of the Palestinian Contractors Union, Osama Kahil, praised the Egyptians’ insistence to visit Gaza, despite the difficulties and complexities they faced, stressing that Egypt has been always supportive of the Palestinian cause.

In a press release, on Tuesday, Kahil said that it has been agreed with the Egyptian delegation to build coalitions with Egyptian Palestinian companies to implement large projects, to ameliorate the housing and the construction sectors, to create a common market where the Egyptian product will have the right to priority, to cooperate in the fields of research and various technical issues and to use the experience and the classification of Palestinian and Egyptian partner through the common coalitions in both countries.

He added: “The agreement included cooperation in various areas, including exhibitions and conferences, and joining actions to encourage the Arab construction industry and the creation of integration between Arab countries in the construction field

Furthermore, he revealed that the Contractors Union will create an investment project in Ramallah in occupied West Bank, which will be funded by the contractors, aiming to support the prisoners as well as the institutions in Jerusalem.

He emphasized the Egyptians’ support for this project, urging all the civil society institutions in Egypt and the Arab and Islamic countries to follow such steps.

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