Gay rights keep bothering Campbell Newman


LNP leader Campbell Newman, with his wife Lisa. Picture: Sarah Marshall
Source: The Courier-Mail

CAMPBELL Newman has aborted another media conference in frustration over his policies being robbed of their thunder by other issues, this time by gay marriage.

The Liberal National Party (LNP) leader has been subjected to persistent Labor campaigning on his financial affairs, but now it’s Katter’s Australian Party that has confounded him.

The party for “hootin’, huntin’ and fishin'” – as it declared at yesterday’s campaign launch – has sparked a row over homophobia with an ad intended to hurt Mr Newman.

The party of eccentric Federal MP Bob Katter is this week running a TV ad that asks how Mr Newman’s personal support for gay marriage fits with a conservative party when it puts him on the same page as Australian Greens leader Bob Brown.

But instead of playing up Mr Newman’s position on gay issues, the result is that Katter’s party has been condemned as tawdry, bizarre and homophobic.

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Katter ad

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Mr Newman today announced a $16 million plan to cut public surgery waiting lists.

But his announcement was drowned out by the gay ad storm, which ramped up pressure on him to clarify his plans for same-sex civil unions if the LNP wins government.

“It’s a democracy and that’s the view of my team,” he said who asked how he reconciled his personal views with those of his party.

For the second time in the campaign, Mr Newman shut down his media conference in frustration.

An earlier check at a medical clinic had revealed his blood pressure was a little high – 149/95.

The LNP has a new ad out attacking Labor for being a “tired” government, using an unflattering picture of Premier Anna Bligh with half-closed eyes.

Labor has refreshed its “web” of finances ads after last week targeting Mr Newman’s wife Lisa.

Mrs Newman joined her husband on Network Ten morning program The Circle today.

She admitted feeling under pressure, in an answer tailor-made for the infomercial world.

“I suppose it’s the passion behind the move that keeps you going, the adrenaline, and it’s a very effective weight-loss program,” she joked.

Meanwhile, Labor continues to campaign on integrity issues.

At Labor’s campaign launch Ms Bligh announced her government would require the declaration within 48 hours of all political donations over $1000.

Today the Premier said councils needed more scrutiny, because voters were worried about Mr Newman’s track record as Brisbane’s lord mayor after it was revealed he had received large donations from developers who got questionable approvals.

Mr Newman maintains there was no wrongdoing.

With just two weeks until polling day, interest groups are worried they’ve received little attention.

Up to 1000 farmers and greenies marched through Brisbane today demanding controls be put on the coal seam gas industry.

The Queensland Council of Social Services is crying out for more than $100 million for voters on the poverty line.

And AMA Queensland president Dr Richard Kidd is tired of the political “soap opera” overrunning health announcements.

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