Houstonians Revolt Over TSA On Buses

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“It was used as a pretext to harass people”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, April 27, 2012

Dozens of outraged residents attended a Houston METRO board meeting yesterday to express their disgust at how TSA workers were used to interrogate passengers on buses during a so-called “anti-terror” exercise last week.

Complaining of how their fourth amendment rights were violated, residents were joined by several prominent lawyers in an extraordinary backlash against the federal agency and local authorities.

The meeting was dominated by more denials on behalf of METRO that warrantless bag searches had occurred during the drill, labeled BusSafe, which was billed as a counter-terror exercise yet only managed to snag alleged prostitutes and drug users.

Despite the fact that the METRO’s official website stated after the exercise that “Law officials performed random bag checks,” in addition to a press release before the exercise that stated bag checks would take place, METRO officials continued to deny that any bag searches had occurred besides those where the passenger had been coerced into giving permission.

“On April 13, the METRO Police Department invited TSA to be a part of its bus-safe exercise. METRO said then and repeated for days afterwards there would be random searches of bus and train passengers’ bags,” reports ABC 13.

What definitely did take place was police officers and TSA agents interrogating passengers about their behavior and journey details.

“METRO and TSA were going onto the buses and questioning people about their normal routes and their normal behavior, and it just kind of creates an atmosphere of fear,” said METRO rider Derrick Broze.

“I don’t feel like by purchasing a ticket or riding a bus that I have to forfeit my Constitutional rights and my protections and be subject to search or seizure,” Broze told METRO board members. “We don’t plan on letting this issue die if the TSA stays in our city.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

A photo taken by Broze’s friend shows a ‘TSA Inspector’ looking at a passenger’s bus ticket.

“You’ve gone one step too far by bringing the TSA into our house,” another resident fumed.

“The good citizens of Houston are not stupid enough to believe Metro was actually expecting to find terrorists at a bus stop here. Instead, it was used as a pretext to harass people,” said Robert Fickman, past president of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, adding that the exercise was clearly unconstitutional. “Metro police can do all the police exercises they want on each other: They can sic dogs on each other, they can Taser each other, they can throw rocks at each other for all I care. What Metro cannot do is practice their police exercises … on innocent Houstonians who just happened to be riding bus or rail.”

Fickman’s colleague Earl Musick then received rapturous applause after he presented the METRO board with a copy of the Constitution.

The notion that the event was merely a one off “exercise” is a misnomer. Police Chief Victor Rodriguez has already confirmed that the program will be put into operation again and it’s clearly designed to become a routine practice, although METRO President and Chairman George Grenias promised that warrantless bag searches would not occur, despite Rodriguez telling ABC 13 last week that “he does have the right to search your bag and may tell his officers to do it.”

The treatment Houston residents were subjected to is set to become more commonplace with the expansion of the TSA to become a literally occupying army across America. The federal agency was responsible for over 9,000 checkpoints last year alone, with extra funding from Congress guaranteed to increase that figure and open the door to more TSA goons harassing Americans at transport hubs across the country.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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37 Responses to “Houstonians Revolt Over TSA On Buses”

  1. I look forward to the first, ” stand your ground”, killing of a TSA agent. Any amerikkan in a unifoirm is the enemy to free citizens. It’s a good start, Texas. Now, follow the TSA agents and find out where they live. You know what comes next: time to take out the trash.

    Equality is Slavery. Debt is Wealth. War is Peace.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 4:58 am

    The solution to the “TSA issue” is a good old fashioned boycott. If enough people stop flying, or taking the bus in places like Houston, the airlines/airports will lose big money and will be forced to act

    Killing a TSA agent is not only extreme; it reinforces the government’s reasons for using the TSA……think about it. Why kill TSA agents when you can boycott them and bankrupt their asses? A boycott on a nationwide scale is the best way to smash these guys once and for all. I own a gun and will use it, but putting bullets in people should always be seen as a last resort.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:01 am

    One more thing…….I practice what I preach. I haven’t flown on a plane since 2009; if we can get millions of other Americans to do the same, that would put an end to the TSA once and for all. Clearly, I don’t expect everyone to do this, as some must travel for business internationally. But if we can get a sufficient number of people to boycott the airlines for a few months, the damage will be done. People like Ron Paul and celebrities are in the best position to spearhead it. This is the only real solution.

    Captain Ron Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:32 am

    All well and good… you neglect to take into account the fact that the airlines are “gubment” owned and operated… to try and strangle them would only shift the burden back onto the taxpayer by way of another corporate bailout… more debt more taxes for all of us.

    Before the Fall Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 6:42 am

    That is, if you file federal income taxes or participate in the grid. You have choices, one of which is to thrive in the $1.3 trillion economy. That is not gruel for everyone. Some people have taken measures to extricate themselves from the criminals. You should join us instead of disparaging everyone.

    LittleBee Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:03 am

    That’s what they want. They want your travel restricted. It’s part of Agenda 21 and totalitarian government.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:37 am

    They won’t be able to restrict travel Little Bee. Think about it…….if we boycott the airports, we are CHOOSING to restrict our own travel. Some Americans will still fly because the have to, but the point is to bankrupt the system or hurt the airlines so much that they turn on the government. Think strategically LittleBee……..

    You defeat your enemy by dividing and conquering him. Divide the airport and the TSA. Boycott the airports, cut into their bottom line, then the airports will turn on the TSA. An airport here in the USA already is rejecting the TSA in favor of a private firm. If private firms are allowed to compete for airport security they will have an incentive to provide good service.

    As far as restricting travel, how will the Feds do it? If they set up road blocks, we can use explosives to destroy them. The U.S. government doesn’t have the ability to restrict travel throughout the all 50 states, they don’t have enough manpower and the Feds will soon be bankrupt anways.

    sbee1441 Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:41 am

    @LittleBee: Yes tptb want to restrict our movement. That is true. If the public boycotts air travel for a while that will hurt the airlines and the airlines will then get on the band wagon to get rid of the TSA.

    daniyel Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:35 am

    Thank You Houstonian’s for drawing a line in the sand, and standing up to duh Tyrannical Sexual Assault (TSA) Agents. As this Psy-Op to condition US to Tyranny, has been met with strong Constitutional Based resistance by the public with help from concerned Attorney’s the people of Houston have helped to wake folk’s up to this encroaching descent into Tyranny in the USSA of Amerika.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:48 am

    This is the best way to resist the Illuminati; by rejecting their system in mass. Getting into a shootout with anyone should be the last resort…….why do I say this? Because once bullets start flying, your survivability dramatically diminishes. A revolution does not have to be bloody….there are countless examples of governments being overthrown without a drop of blood being shed. But people have to organize and coordinate in mass.

    Another non-violent resistance tactic is an “IRS tax revolt.” Millions of Americans revolt on paying income taxes on April 16, in order to cripple the IRS. Americans can even stage a modern “Boston Tea Party” where a bunch of IRS forms are tossed into a harbor or something. We also can stage an “Election revolt” where millions of Americans simply refuse to vote due to the vote fraud and preselected NWO candidates. The Illuminati can be defeated but only if the masses organize. In a nutshell, to beat the NWO you must simply say NO, just as we’ve been taught to say no to drugs.

    Dandroid Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 8:04 am

    Bravo. I didnt know Houstonians had it in them.

    BlackSheep2012 Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 6:40 am

    Don’t advocate killing people wtf is wrong with you?!?! Boycott won’t work because too many people need to travel. Change starts from bottom up not top down. Start at local level like in the meeting above it just depends on how many people you can get to petition against it.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 6:54 am

    BlackSheep2012……….you act like killing someone is no big deal. It is. Have you ever killed someone? Besides, I never said not to kill, I said that you should only kill when your life is in IMMEDIATE, UNVOIDABLE, and EXTREME danger of death or grave bodily harm. This is the ONLY time you should shoot someone, and that is based on self defense law.

    People don’t “need” to travel. They choose to. I haven’t flown on a damn plane since 2009, and I’m doing fine. Hell, I don’t even own a car, but I digress. Anyways, only a minority of people need to travel for business reasons, most people have jobs locally.

    I would love to travel; but I don’t like this TSA nonsense, and if one of these TSA goons groped my wife or kid I would want to send him to the emergency room. So I’ve done my own personal boycott of the TSA, and haven’t flown for a number of years. I’m not asking people to refrain from flying as long as I have. If millions of Americans could do it for a few months, it would be devestating for the airline industry. I’ll tell you people this……..if you truly want to defeat the NWO, you will need to make sacrifices. If you can’t sacrifice travel for a few months to crush the TSA, then you don’t have the courage to defeat the NWO.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 7:09 am

    Exactly, you said it right [Before the Fall]. We need to extricate ourselves from these criminals. Captain Ron says well if we boycott them they will counter with more corporate bail outs and taxes. The counter to that is either a refusal to pay taxes and or purchasing gold, silver, platinum, and other hard assets that can counter the resulting inflation.

    Look people, the U.S. government is going down. It is like the Dinosaurs right before the asteroid hit. There is no way they can sustain all these wars, government programs, etc, without a major collapse, If the people can work in mass to financially strangle them even further, we’ve got them. It is going to happen anyways. With a weak central government, power will naturally be transferred back to the states, as it is supposed to be. But the people must mobilize. We need more people doing what I’m doing, not flying, buying gold, buying ammo, etc. Once the people begin reject the system the system will implode, because the system’s power is dependent on our participation. Why do you think the NWO needs to use pysops? To condition you to go along with the plan. Don’t.

    Dandroid Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 8:05 am


    Perhaps but Houston is vast and many dont have cars and depend on the bus for work etc.

    trouble8696 Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 7:31 am

    Well done Houstonians ….just not Houstonians …AMERICA should revolt against TSA Monsters …Disgusting example of TSA sexually assaulting women and children in U.S airports… This is a sick agency with sick workers committing crimes daily in airports ( now at bus terminals highways )…TSA is security theater and a jobs program for unemployable MISFITS … This agency is so full of criminals and perverts that it looks like a work release program… Is this one of the 20 layers of security that TSA touts?…It’s creepy that this wholesale sexual assault on women and children is being sponsored by a blatantly gay woman… Napolitano claims empathy for the breast cancer victims being felt up at checkpoints but she doesn’t have to endure it, although she may enjoy watching…There have been 12 TSA screeners arrested this year and another 72 TSA screeners arrested in 2011, including eleven sex crimes involving children…After sixty billion dollars over eight years they can’t cite one success… In two separate GAO tests in 2011, TSA failed to detect weapons 70% of the time… They confiscate items their website says are allowed but five of their screeners were caught smuggling drugs through security…This agency is a criminal organization…Big Sick Sis Napolitano, Pistole and those responsible for inflicting this travesty on America should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and the Constitution…

  2. The really annoying thing is how everyone thinks they are “bound by law” not to defend themselves against tyranny and I have read your constitution and it clearly says otherwise. You have to defend yourselves you ARE NOT bound by law to fall to your knees and kiss their feet. Of course I am talking from a distance and I am not there but I do feel for what is coming is coming to the US and its ALL UNLAWFUL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL. If you fall so we will be attacked thereafter. How can anyone believe that a man made law disempowers them so totally that they must simply go into the darkness quietly and without a fight. Thats not what your country was built on, your country was built on a rebellion against tyranny and has it really been so long that its no longer valid to defend yourselves. Ignorance is not a defence they say in law and when your country falls to the corporations tyranny “they” will remind you of that and then they will “blame you” for doing nothing. HOW can the 3rd largest continent in the world fall victim to the control of corporate rule (9,361,791 square miles) I suppose the answer to that is “no one was looking” it would be like blaming the victim of a murderer who was sneaked up on whilst watching TV but then again you know the murderers are in the house. Not enough people are awake to the intruders and I am afraid the killers have already raised the bludgeon ready to kill. YOU ARE THAT CLOSE TO BEING MASS MURDERED. You are one of the few countries on earth with personally owned firearms and the corporate rulers want them all. If you give up that inalienable right, thats it game over.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:18 am

    Sissy Americans on the East Coast gave up their gun rights, and they will pay for it when and if America falls. I talked to a guy in the UK who is 100% against guns; any man who won’t arm himself is a chump and will be fair game for any criminal, government or street thugs.

    However, regarding the TSA, guns are a side issue. The real problem isn’t guns, the problem is the refusal of Americans to unilaterally reject this organizatioin and the airlines that endorse it. Getting into a shoot out with the TSA won’t solve anything, it will just make the government more heavy handed and will want them to restrict guns even more. If you read the book “In the Gravest Extreme” by Massad Ayoob, he makes it clear that your gun is only supposed to be used when your life is in extreme, immediate, and unavoidable danger. An example of this would be a home invasion, armed robbery, or government thugs trying to drag you to a FEMA camp. Regarding the TSA the answer is a massive, nationwide Boycott. Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and others should put together a money bomb and fund a massive boycott with the goal of financially cripping the TSA and airlines that support it.

    JohnLocke Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 7:53 am

    What do you mean when you say “East coast sissy”. I live in Connecticut. I own firearms and a carry permit. Many of my friends do as well. Connecticut’s right to own and carry laws are one of the best in the nation. Unlike many other states we don’t have to give a reason to carry a firearm when we apply.

    Dandroid Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 8:07 am

    Chump? Coward!


    My extended fam is from Long Island and none like guns and in fact despise them. Cowards!

  3. “Dozens”???? They do not care if “dozens” of people are irritated!! They don’t care if everyone is irritated! They don’t care if everyone stops riding the bus!!! They’re purposely TRYING to restrict movement. Remember Agenda 21? They want people to be limited. They want them to not like it and stay off planes and buses. Next it will be car checks en masse.

    It’s going to take a lot more than dozens of irritated people to change this.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:32 am

    I agree and disagree LittleBee. Look, the airlines, bus stations, etc, these guys need to make money. If people start boycotting, these companies will start losing money. Once these companies begin losing money, they will naturally turn against TSA and the government. It has already happened, some airports in the USA are getting rid of the TSA.

    Listen, the Illuminati are like Vampires, they depend on coercion in order to get you to fall for their NWO system. I’ve said it before; the key to beating these people is to reject their system. If we reject it, they lose. If the Illuminati control military tells American soldiers to fire on Americans, and these soldiers refuse and mutiny, what can the military do? What will the Feds do if local cops join with the resistance? The key to victory is everyone, or enough people, turning against the system. The System depends on the acceptance and participation of the sheep, which is why they rely on psyops.

  4. Was listening to a comedian on Bob and Tom on the way to work yesterday and they all started talking about the TSA. Seriously, not for jokes. The guy (who was named Guy), said he had a friend who was denied employment with Target as a security guard but was then hired by the TSA. That says about everything you need to know about the illegal, fraud that is the TSA. As the threat of terrorism is a fabricated illusion, and the TSA created only to harrass us, only drooling knuckle-draggers would take the jobs.


    Lexington, ky

  5. Well said grey !!!

    Now that we are in a police state, those Nazi bastards had better watch their step, for when a country’s citizens become inflamed they may opt to strike at night with little warning pursuing the tactics of Guerrilla warfare. I don’t believe that the American citizens will go so willingly into those concentration camps as did the Jews during WWII.

    The leaders of our country are pushing their Nazi Socialist agenda, and any who would want to take the side of government intrusions had better know what they are about to get into.

    For the people of this great country, Do know, that the psychology of those who want to shoot and kill another human on our home turff CAN ONLY be met with like determination. You don’t have time to do a sit down with those psychopaths and try and reason with them. They understand this as well, so your only option may have to be, to take the first step, and as “Grey” said take out the garbage.

    Our government is forcing the issue, knowing full well that our country is armed to the teeth will try and take you out one at a time. Talk to your neighbors, get an idea as to which side of the fence they lean toward. Stupidity knows no bounds, when it comes to seeking out aggrandizement and/or accolades from the psychopaths, when those minions are ordered to fire upon our own citizens.

    If our boys and girls in Afghanistan think it is bad there, they had better rethink what it will be like if America’s anger reaches a point of Critical Mass. Do remember that the TSA is the enemy of the people as is the whole Nazi terminology of “Homeland”, as in homeland security. It just reeks of elitism.

    Also remember; America has NO NATIONAL SECURITY problem, as this is purely a manipulative fear tactic to get you to believe that what they are doing will make you feel secure. DO YOU? YOU WON’T WHEN THE HAMMER COMES DOWN !!!


    Also for the citizens; They have already worked out that scenario backwards and forwards and have a pretty good idea as to just how far and how fast they can push you before you explode. Stay flexible and movable and don’t present yourself as a sitting target. The less they know of your plans the better, because the less they know, the more they have to guess, which will serve you in Guerrilla type tactics !!!

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:28 am

    benth163, I would use guerrilla tactics as a last resort. Americans should really start out with “non-violent resistance.” In the past, I thought non-violence was stupid, but, I must admit, both Gandhi and Martin Luther King used it rather successfully. If millions of Americans simply refused to fly due to the TSA’s behavior, that would hurt the bottom line of the airlines.

    The airlines are in business to make money, and if they suddenly started losing tens of millions monthly due to a TSA boycott, many airliners would simply kick the TSA out. This has already happened in several places. It is best to save the guns and guerrilla tactics for when the government tries something really stupid, like taking our guns or trying to force us into FEMA camps. Taking on the U.S. government violently is high risk, remember what happened during the Civil War? Washington has serious firepower to. It is best to attempt a “bloodless revolution” first. Hey, Gaddafi did it in Libya, he overthrew King Idris and no one died!

  6. TSA demanding “inspection” IS an assault on personal freedom.
    no different than a criminal in uniform, impersonating an “officer”.

    I’ve posted many times, DHS-TSA was formed on the back of the LIE about 911.
    financial fraud investigations by the SEC in WTC-7,
    pending audit of the pentagon for 2.3 trillion “missing”,
    WERE NEVER A THREAT to some “great sand ghost bin lala”.

    OF COURSE they insist their LIE is the facts,
    and they’ve remained in power another whole fuggen decade!

    did osama bin laden “legalize” derivatives and credit default swaps?
    did osama bin laden pass regs to cripple businesses and buy put options?
    did osama bin laden hand out corporate welfare to make people unemployed and homeless?
    did osama bin laden have “the patriot act” ready and waiting for the “big event”?
    did osama bin laden tell NORAD to fuggen STAND DOWN?
    did osama bin laden arrange “drills” for aircraft flying into buildings to confuse the FAA?
    did osama bin laden make police bust little girls for having lemonade stands?
    did osama bin laden invent naked body scanners for free kiddie porn to DC?
    did osama bin laden tell the feds they better buy 450 million .40 caliber hollowpoints?
    did osama bin laden tell bushco to fly his family out of the US?
    did osama bin laden tell DC to shred everything Constitutional?

    (trust me this list could easily become 5 miles long)

  7. If asked by a cop or TSA can I search your car or can I search your bag, you say “I do NOT consent to you searching my car, my bag or my person”. If the goons still do, write down their name and badge number and file a civil lawsuit. After about 20 million dollars in lost revenue a city will understand their cops can’t break our 4th Amendment. This is exactly how to handle the above situation.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:55 am

    Good idea dude! That is another way to hurt TSA, a massive class action lawsuit. Alex Jones could do a money bomb just for that. Straight take these fools to court and sue their pants off for violating the 4th amendment. Man, if you combine with with a massive boycott of the airlines these guys are finished! If Alex puts together a Money Bomb for a TSA boycott or class action lawsuit I will definitely donate to it! F the TSA!

  8. All the while you sit here toiling to and fro, arguing the niceties of your total enslavement, their agenda grinds on… for the “machine” cares not.


  9. this has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with the war on plants. mission creep….

  10. TSA employees arent law enforcment officers! why are they searching people?What right do they have to search us? What arrest powers do they have? Im glad the citizens are standing up to this las time i checked we were still in America arent we innocent untill proven guilty? Warrantless searchs of bus riders or anyone else should not be tolerated. The attempt to make criminals out fo the public at large sounds very much like something out of WWII era Nazi Germany. When the terrorists start hijacking our busses I believe the citizens of Texas will deal with them on thier own without federal help. This BS needs to be stopped as citizens we are innocent until proven Guilty! not vice versa. I certainly dont advocate violence but if this keeps up im pretty sure there will be a tragedy soon. As Americans we should all contact our representatives and let them know how we feel about this wholesale infringment upon our rights as Citizens oof the United States of America.

  11. No guns on this issue..That move will result in death to the citizen. I am a avid gun rights indivudal.
    I believe our constitution protects Americans right to own and carry guns legally.
    But BROTHER is locked and loaded if we kill police officers or TSA ect. If you truly want to make a difference…bust the pricks that gave you this Dictatorship…They are a viable target.
    The public outcry in Texas by everday blue collar and professional hardworking Americans did go a very long way in putting the Gestapo on notice as to this random harrassment of Americans going about their daily lives.The police chief stood his ground and said that these exercises will continue.. Well that tells you who owns his ass.The Fed has scared his ass to death and probably told his department that their big play money fund would go up in smoke. The people should continue to resist this crap..Never let up. WE THE PEOPLE CAN WORK TOGETHER TO FRUSTRATE THEIR ASS INTO SUBMISSION. It worked in WWII with the resistance in Europe against the 3rd Reich..It will work here in America against the 4th Reich also..Hiters ass went down…These pricks will also..People UNITE…FUK THE REICH……………
    I was a professional soldier and also contractor for over 40 years. I also have a masters in History with the Middle East as a minor ..
    Mark these words………The Pan Arabic movement you are seeing today is real. Have they infiltrated our Government: YES…you have one in the white house. The Muslim Brotherhood is represented in high level sensitive positions within HomeLand Security. Do they use their houses of worship as safe houses?….YES….Are Middle Eastern Terrorist loose in the US..YES…………
    Is it our Government leaders fault that they operate here?….YES……….
    Here is the key that most all good hardworking Americans have missed.
    If Hezbolla..PLO….Black September…Muslim Brotherhood…CAIR….Iranian Ayatollas….want a plane to fall….it will fall….A train to be destroyed………..it will be done……….A bus explosion……
    it will happen……….A mall….so be it………..get my point….You can grope average citizens till the cows come home…will do no good whatsoever.
    We as intelligence operators know who these key people are…where they operate….who funds them…yet the white house says keep hands off…NOTE: The TALIBAN do not operate here…..period………….They are tribal freedom fighters and remain in the STAN regions. I am sick of seeing the MSM telling the world that the Taliban was responsible for Kadaffi’s death in the Sudan….The CIA/MI-6/did that shit….Its always the Taliban this and the Taliban that..There is no such thing as the Taliban..They are really the Mujahideen which means Freddom Fighter. Taliban is a CIA buzzword…Comes from the word TALIB…(means ankle…what a joke that one is..)….
    We as Americans are being Fuked with from the word go…………
    What you are really seeing is a joint Fabian Socialist (Nazi) Arab(Terroist) effort to control the world..We are just another pawn in this epic event..That is what it is…You are witnessing the most profound effort in printed history taking place before you ….
    Better seize the moment now……in a year they will have your ass in bondage…
    GOOD LUCK………………………..6…………………………….

  12. “Fickman’s colleague Earl Musick then received rapturous applause after he presented the METRO board with a copy of the Constitution.”

    Now if only they were literate.
    Actually they probably didn’t even know what was going on. They probably just did what they were told, like dummies.
    Remember there is no ‘u’ in government.

  13. Next there will be bars on the windows shackles for everyone,
    aka prison transport vehicle …

  14. The government has a huge deficit, why are they spending money on this? Maybe congress should think about de-funding things like the TSA, rather than wasting money.

    The public should not have to stop flying or using public transportation to avoid TSA.

    Here’s some better ideas.

    (1). Require each and every TSA agent to post a surety bond guaranteeing good behavior and obedience to the constitution.
    (2). Have local judges issue restraining orders forbidding illegal/unconstitutional acts by TSA agents and supervisors.
    (3). Petition your local grand jury to investigate misconduct and unlawful behavior by TSA.
    (4). Contact your congressman and local representatives regularly and encourage your friends and familly and coworers to do the same.
    (5). This is an election year. Get both candidates for the house to sign a pledge to abolish the TSA, and have them issue a joint statement to that effect.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 8:02 am

    This is my message to all of you who are complaining about the TSA, yet are still flying: put your money where your mouth is. If you hate being groped, boycott the airlines and TSA by not flying. Don’t sit here and whine if you’re not willing to take action, that is weak and hypocritical.

    Udog says “the public should not have to stop flying or using public transportation to avoid TSA.” Okay…….that is like saying I want to make an omelette for breakfast, but I don’t want to break any eggs! Impossible! If you guys want to defeat the TSA then you need to SACRIFICE. During WW2, Americans had to sacrifice using certain materials in order to fund the war effort to defeat Hitler. Many American soldiers gave their lives! Is boycotting the TSA and not flying for three months going to kill you! How about 6 months!? Seriously, those of you who whine about the TSA, but yet are still willing to fly and let them stick their hands down your pants, are weaklings who are a part of the problem!

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 8:04 am

    Udog, did you say contact your Congressman? Dude, most of the damn Congress is bought and paid for, what good will you do by contacting them about the TSA!? And as for this being an election year, yes, it sure is, and I hear the candidates will be meeting at Bilderberg in a few days……..do you really think that Obama or Romney are going to listen to you? They’ve already sold you out.

    While I appreciate you at least offering some solutions, most of the five solutions who offered won’t do much, if anything. I agree that the problem should probably be attacked at the local level, but at the end of the day, a massive boycott will really make the TSA feel it. People can even organize sit ins and other things to disrupt the TSA. It is time to take the fight directly to these guys, Gandhi style.

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