IMF urges U.S. to avoid taxes, cutbacks; cites risk of worldwide recession

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IMF urges U.S. to avoid taxes, cutbacks; cites risk of worldwide recession

Cleveland Plain Dealer – U.S. lawmakers must work quickly to avoid sharp tax increases and spending cuts that could throw the economy into recession next year, an international lending organization said Tuesday. The International Monetary Fund also warned in its annual report of the U.S. economy that Europe’s debt crisis could slow U.S. growth. A recession in Europe would lower profits for large U.S. corporations, pushing down their stock prices. The IMF forecasts the U.S. economy will grow 2 percent this year and 2.3 percent in 2013, roughly in line with forecasts by the Federal Reserve and private economists. While that is a weak pace of growth, it is a bit better than last year’s 1.7 percent expansion. Read article

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