People Power: Growing Students’ protests in Canada spread to Toronto

Montreal student protest Growing protests across Canada against tuition hikes have now spilled over from Montreal to Toronto as talks between student leaders and officials continue in Quebec aimed at ending the 16-week dispute.

Protesters on Wednesday gathered in downtown of Toronto in solidarity with their counterparts in Quebec, protesting the high cost of tuition.

There were also marches in several other Ontario cities including London and Kingston.

Meanwhile, negotiations between students and the provincial government will resume Thursday after students left a third night of talks saying the government wanted time to study their latest proposal.

On Tuesday, police in Quebec arrested at least 84 protesters outside the venue of the meeting between the two sides.

Students have been protesting across Canada’s eastern province of Quebec since February in a bid to add up pressure on the province’s government to drop a plan to increase tuition fees.

Nearly 170,000 students are refusing to attend classes in protest at the plan.

Earlier, the government passed an anti-protest law aimed at limiting the right to protest, prompting angry demonstrations across the province.

The protest-related law, the Bill 78, outlines strict regulations for demonstrations and conditions of heavy fines for students and their federations. Under the new law, for any demonstration of 50 or more people, police should be informed eight hours in advance and told of the route of the demonstration.

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