The End of Internet Freedom Called CISPA

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 22, 2012




Groups like MPAA, RIAA, and the Bilderberg Group have met for years with the head of CyberSecurity for the White House, looking for ways to take away the freedom of information flow from the American public. They made two attempts through SOPA and PIPA last year. Protests caused these bills to be shelved.

Now they have come back with CISPA and this one is even scarier than the previous bills.

On Twitter, users have been asked to use “hashtags” such as #CongressTMI and #CISPA, to bring a high level of publicity to the protests against the CISPA bill. There are no plans to blackout the internet as was done with SOPA and PIPA.

A coalition of advocacy groups  has organized this week for intense protests against CISPA.

“Freedom of expression and the protection of online privacy are increasingly under threat in democratic countries, where a series of bills and draft laws is sacrificing them in the interests of national security or copyright . . . A blanket monitoring system is never an appropriate solution. Reporters Without Borders opposes CISPA and ask Congress to reject this legislation.” Reporters Without Borders said in a statement.

Across the globe governments are setting up internet taxation, IDs and comprehensive censorship of the free flow of information to people through the Web. Microsoft, Yahoo and  Google (along with other big corporations) are aiding those countries in censoring, setting up “firewalls” and information grids to block their internet to users.

CISPA has the support of over 3 million businesses in the domestic US while the Chamber of Commerce lists over 800 corporations that also show their support.

These are businesses we use every day like ATT, Google, Microsoft, Boeing, IBM, and others.

It is important that we come together and protest this bill that will destroy our freedom of information and 1st Amendment rights on the Web.

The agenda behind CISPA is that corporations are resolved of liability and regulatory pressure. The private sector can point the finger at the US government. And this alleviates their stress. Corporations will be protected from lawsuits from private entities and individuals.

Rainey Reitman, the Activism Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), has spoken out about CISPA. “CISPA would allow ISPs, social networking sites and anyone else handling Internet communications to monitor users and pass information to the government without any judicial oversight . . . The language of this bill is dangerously vague, so that personal online activity — from the mundane to the intimate — could be implicated.”

Under CISPA “access to any information regarding a ‘cyber threat’ is granted to the government, privacy security agencies and private companies.”

CISPA’s definition of “cyber threat” is:

  • Efforts to disrupt or destroy government or private systems or networks.
  • Theft or misappropriation of private or government information, intellectual property, or personally identifiable information.

“Wrongful borrowing” can encapsulate any intellectual property, programs, and anything in between.

The EFF also defines what CISPA means by “privacy policy”:

“Any existing legal protections of user privacy will be usurped by CISPA. The bill clearly states that the information may be shared ‘notwithstanding any other provision of law.’”

And this language is meant to be vague because it can be reinterpreted by the judicial branches of our government to criminalize any citizen for infringing on CISPA any time the US government wants.

The real threat is the US government’s ability to:

  • shut down any website it wants
  • change any information on any website it wants
  • charge any citizen for information on any website (whether previously altered or not)

Click Here for list of Corporations that support CISPA

The central banking cartels know that there is a massive awareness happening with the people of the world. They know that as people come out of their catatonic state, they are organizing en mass to protest against their governments and legislations that seek to enslave them to the debt based system. CISPA (like their predecessors, SOPA and PIPA) are designed to crush the rights of the people of the world to be free.

The threat of an American Spring is real and the global Elite want to stop any progress the public may have toward out right non-compliance with the US government. As the people expose the plans of the global Elite, we see more and more legislation designed to remove our freedom to protest, freely move about the country, right to own a gun, speak freely, and many more.

The absolute necessity of a non-compliance attitude is an imperative now. We can and must protest to bring this system down. Let’s start again with CISPA as we did with SOPA and PIPA. Together, we are stronger than the global Elite.

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