Wal-Mart Almost Wiped Clean of Guns as Concerns Amongst Americans Deepen

Once again, the Illuminati plan to convince America that handing over their weapons is necessary to protect them has had the opposite of the desired effect. After the Aurora Batman Theatre massacre gun sales escalated. Since the Sandy Hook event it’s gone even further. And guns are no good without bullets, so we’re clearing out the ammo shelves too!

Someone posed an interesting question in another article. If the Obama administration is opposed to guns, why did they recently requisition 1.6 billion rounds of ammo? Read the article. The answer isn’t pretty. It’s to kill us after we’ve been disarmed. The sheeple had better wake up and stop ranting for gun control.

Here are some of the comments/replies to this Wal-Mart article:

  1. You may also want to think about getting a crossbow for at home. Study up on em as they are VERY effective!

  2. This is the line in the sand, You want my guns you sorry bastards you can have them BULLETS first. And for all you anti Americans and anti gun bastards hope you rot in HELL!

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[…] Guns sold.. See Buck Ofama!! Guns are selling and fast. […]

Wal-Mart Almost Wiped Clean of Guns as Concerns Amongst Americans Deepen

By Shepard Ambellas
December 21, 2012

The retail giant Wal-Mart has sold out of guns in many stores across the US as the beginning of Obama’s second term nears.

More importantly this could signify the public’s awareness that the factions of the US government and mainstream media alike, have been hyping mass shootings in a rhetorical-like manner heavily for the past few years, pushing toward full scale confiscation or heavy gun control policies at minimum. Wal-Mart’s recent sell-out of guns could also signify that the people are not going to stand for the removal of their rights granted under the US Constitution.

Make no mistake the recent school shooting was the last straw to break the camel’s back as policymakers will rush, struggling to limit and eventually ban guns nationwide. The UN is already lining up such measures on a world scale.

Although gun sales are boosting gun dealers and manufacturer’s profits, it will be interesting to see if manufacturers will keep producing the guns.


Source Article from http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2012/12/22/wal-mart-almost-wiped-clean-of-guns-as-concerns-amongst-americans-deepen/

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