Posts Tagged ‘mardis’

Prosecutor says “Jury Nullification Could Create a Lawless Nation”

Keith Woods is being charged with felony obstruction of justice and misdemeanor jury tampering.  If convicted, he is facing five years in prison. Keith didn’t try to rig a jury or anything crazy, all he did was pass out jury nullification pamphlets. His courtroom was packed with supporters on Thursday morning, for his preliminary hearing. After […]

Government Secretly Involved in Slaughtering Horses to Process for Meat

Jay Syrmopoulos | The Free Thought Project The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the federal agency tasked with sustaining the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands, has been implicated in a scheme to illegally sell captured wild horses to a Colorado rancher, who then sold the animals […]

Christopher Bollyn: ‘Solving 9/11 Ends the War’

Posted on November 6, 2015 Christopher Bollyn is an investigative journalist whose website can be found here. The presentation he gives in this video, delivered in California earlier this year, is basically a two-part talk. In the first part, Bollyn dwells on the forensic evidence, establishing, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the World Trade Center […]

USA , like Israel, doesn’t “do” International Law. Obama’s Syria War Illegal

Ron Paul: Without Authority, Obama’s Syria War Illegal As the US State Department goes around the world lecturing other countries about how they must adhere to the rule of law, the White House again proves it is one of the most lawless entities on earth. The Constitution is clear; the War Powers Resolution is clear: […]