The controlled mass media is deliberately distorting the facts around the drowned “Syrian” boy incident in a blatant attempt to morally blackmail Europeans into accepting the nonwhite invasion of their continent—by deliberately ignoring the two primary causes of the tragedy: the original cause of the invasion and the utterly irresponsible behavior of the dead […]
Posts Tagged ‘mass media’
Mass Media Distortion about Drowned “Syrian” Boy Aims to Morally Blackmail Europeans into Accepting Nonwhite Invasion

Communist Subversion More Advanced than We Think

August 28, 2015 Clearly “psycho political operatives” have infiltrated all institutions: military, religion, law, mass media, education and business. They have infiltrated all religions and political parties of every stripe. In the US, they are coordinated by the CFR, CIA , the Rockefeller network of Foundations, NGO’s, think tanks, professional associations and Freemasonry. Comments […]
Kingpins and Cutouts Aliens and Hybrids

by Preston James Who is the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, pulling the strings? Once a Bright and Rising Star, a great economic engine and the hope of the World, America has been transformed into an international Terror Factory at home and abroad. The USG has become an enemy of the American People and […]
Vatican Jews control the CIA

Vatican Connection To The CIA Although the CIA began as a mostly Protestant organization, Roman Catholics quickly came to dominate the new covert-action wing in 1948. All were staunchly conservative, fiercely anti-communist and socially elite. Just a few of the many Catholic operatives included future CIA directors William Colby, William Casey, and John McCone. […]