It is well-known that the academic mathematicians of ancient Greece made a hugely significant contribution to world thought. However, the ancient inhabitants of the tiny village of Pyrgi on the island of Chios present to us their mathematical brilliance in a more unexpected way – through their design tradition, patterns called xysta. Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘masterminds’
The Pandemic Masterminds are Literally Throwing Dirt at the Sun!

A team of scientists is calling for greater research into how sunlight inactivates SARS-CoV-2 after realizing there’s a glaring discrepancy between the most recent theory and experimental results. UC Santa Barbara mechanical engineer Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz and colleagues noticed the virus was inactivated as much as eight times faster in experiments than the most recent theoretical […]
The Feds Charged the Masterminds Behind a DJ Khaled-Endorsed ICO With Fraud

On Monday, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a complaintagainst the masterminds of an initial coin offering (ICO) promoted by the boxer Floyd Mayweather and producer DJ Khaled, charging them with fraud. The founders were separately arrested and charged by law enforcement. The men in question are Sohrab Sharma and Robert […]
Putin: Masterminds of suicide ‘death groups’ are no different from murderers

People who encourage minors to join groups promoting suicide are no different from murderers, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. Russia is now struggling with ‘death groups,’ which are believed to contribute to teen suicides. “Look, they [the organizers of ‘death groups,’ which urge minors to commit suicide] bring [the young people] to suicide. What’s […]
Putin: Masterminds of ‘death groups’ are no different from murderers

“Look, they [the organizers of ‘death groups,’ which urge minors to commit suicide] bring [the young people] to suicide. What’s that? It is an attempt upon the life of a man,” Putin said on Tuesday. He added that the organizers even make money on their activities. “So what makes them different from murderers? Right, nothing […]
Rezaei: Masterminds of Tehran terrorist attacks to be introduced

IRNA – Secretary of the Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei said on Wednesday that people should maintain their calmness as those masterminding two terrorist attacks in Tehran will be introduced in no time. In his twitter, Rezaei ensured people that the adventure will be concluded urging them to stay calm. In an apparently coordinated attempt, two […]
Claims that No One Died in the Istanbul Airport Terrorist Are a Distraction and Zionist Plot

Claims that No One Died in the Istanbul Airport Terrorist Are a Distraction and Zionist Plot After filling the world with hoaxes, now comes at the hands of the criminal arch-Zionist mob a real terrorist attack, in this case at the Istanbul International Airport, just like those which occur, routinely in the Apartheid-based Zionist occupation […]