Posts Tagged ‘woods’

Learning to Trust

17th February 2016 By Michael Roads Guest Writer for Wake Up World During my world tour each year as a spiritual teacher, I spend plenty of time talking with people who are on their spiritual path. They often mention to me that they are learning to trust. I usually ask them if they actually know what […]

Setup for failure: The facade of the Geneva peace talks for Syria

     The talks on the Syrian settlement in Geneva have taken a turn that could have been easily predicted. After the start of negotiations under the authority of the UN, launched on February 4 under an extensive amount of pressure from Washington, they were suddenly disrupted. The official statement reads that the talks have been […]

They Rule the World From Switzerland

What do these occult Illuminati symbols really mean? Find out here. Deciphered from Freemasonry and Kabbalah, Freeman puts all the puzzle pieces together. Sean Hross is a great Warrior for truth against the rising  Global Beast.  This is a very interesting individual and his story needs to be known and shared far and wide. By […]

How Playing in the Dirt Benefits the Immune System

At present, our culture is overly obsessive about germs, cleanliness, and hygiene. Parents are constantly washing their children’s hands, using antibacterial soap, alcohol tinged wipes or changing them the second they have dirt on their clothes. I don’t know about you, but when I was a child I liked to make mud pies, walk around […]

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