1 student wounded, man arrested in Ariz. shooting

WILLCOX, Ariz. (AP) — Police in southeastern Arizona have arrested a man they say fired a rifle indiscriminately at a high school and wounded a student who was watching a baseball game.

Willcox Department of Public Safety officials say 40-year-old Arthur J. Tineo was arrested shortly after the shooting Thursday afternoon at Willcox High School.

DPS Chief Jake Weaver says authorities believe Tineo fired three rounds, but authorities don’t yet know the motive for the shooting about 200 miles southeast of Phoenix. It happened around 3:30 p.m., after classes had been completed.

Authorities say a 17-year-old boy was hospitalized for treatment of minor lacerations from flying glass after the car he was riding in was shot at.

They say the weapon Tineo is accused of using was recovered about a block away.

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