100% Certainty of Total Catastrophic Failure of Entire Power Infrastructure Within 3 Years

Mac Slavo
April 21, 2012

As smart grid metering systems expand across the developed world, many are starting to ask whether the threats posed by the new devices, which officials promise will save energy and reduce end user utility costs, outweigh their benefits. In addition to documented health concerns resulting from radiation emissions and no cost savings being apparent, opponents of the technology argue that smart meters are violative of basic privacy rights and give the government yet another digital node of unfettered access to monitor and control personal electricity consumption.

Now, an alarming new documentary suggests that security problems with the inter-connected and seemingly convenient smart grid may be so serious that they could lead to a catastrophic failure of our nation’s entire power infrastructure.

In an interview for the upcoming documentary titled Take Back Your Power, Cyber defense expert David Chalk warns that our nation is in crisis. Not only are our smart power grids susceptible to hacking, but they may very well already be infected with Trojan viruses and back doors that will ultimately lead to disastrous consequences:

(Video interview follows excerpts)

The front door is open, and there is no lock to be had.

There is not a power meter or device on the grid that is protected from hacking, if not already infected with some sort of Trojan horse than can cause it to be shut down, damaged or completely annihilated.

We can’t take a massive outage all at once.

When we say ‘it goes down,’ we’re talking about generators burning out. We’re talking about coal plants being damaged. We’re talking about destruction of equipment. This isn’t just a matter of electrons going around and shutting off the moving data.

Physical equipment can be damaged… watch some of the videos of cyber attacks on generators and other devices. You’ll see they’re actually damaged. Multi million dollar machines are hacked into.

We look at corporations. We look at the very companies like Symantec that are there to protect us having been hacked, and their code is in the public domain.

Bring forward a technology and I will show you that it’s penetrable. I’ll do it on national TV, I’ll do it anywhere… I can guarantee you 100% that there is nothing out there today – nothing – that can’t be penetrated.

We need safety and security, and today that does not exist in the smart grid.

Via Business Wire

“Unless we wake up and realize what we’re doing, there is 100% certainty of total catastrophic failure of the entire power infrastructure within 3 years,” said Chalk.

“This could actually be worse than a nuclear war, because it would happen everywhere. How governments and utilities are blindly merging the power grid with the Internet, and effectively without any protection, is insanity at its finest.”

Preview Take Back Your Power:

As Mr. Chalk points out, even the top security firms in the country have been hacked, and the head of US Cyber Security confirms that military systems are under constant attack and have been broken by hackers who have gained access to sensitive military and space agency systems (including active Jet Propulsion Labs spacecraft). Our entire drone fleet, yet another node in the ever expanding control grid, was recently compromised by a virus that was able to log access commands and passwords for high security military systems. The vulnerabilities of these systems became starkly clear when Iran’s military broke global positioning encryption and took control of aU.S. military drone over their airspace.

This is no longer about a single computer going down or file directories being accessed. Cyber conflict is moving into an entirely new realm, where rogue hackers or state-sponsored cyber operations are capable of targeting physical grid infrastructure like power, water,  and oil refineries, commerce and transportation systems. According to one expert, such an attack has the potential bring down life as we know it in America in a matter of just 900 seconds.

Some would argue that we need more governance over the grid system, or stricter penalties for those who compromise it, or further yet, more monitoring and tracking so attacks can be prevented.

The other option, however, is that we take individual Americans off the traditional grid altogether by empowering them through tax credits and de-regulation, so that every one of us can have their own personal smart grid in their home, independent of intervention from government or traditional energy industry players.

Only this limited government, personal responsibility solution is capable of providing a truly impenetrable level of power grid safety and security for each and every person in the United States.

However, like all things government, the narrative seems to be to first create the problem, then move to fix it by more centralization, control and dependence. It’s a trend we see not just in our energy sector, but every aspect of our lives.

Hat tip Satori

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29 Responses to “100% Certainty of Total Catastrophic Failure of Entire Power Infrastructure Within 3 Years”

  1. The power company’s been hounding me about not letting them install one of these on my house for nearly 3 years now. It’s actually getting to be pretty funny; every once in a while I’ll hear my dogs barking and I’ll go outside and there’ll be this dude standing there outside my gate with a tool belt on, a smart meter in his hand and a big shit eatin” grin on his face, and as I approach him he’ll be like,” I’m here to install a new meter on your house.” Then I simply tell him something like “again? Well, if my dogs say it’s OK, then be my guest!” They don’t like it when I tell them that. Then I proceed to tell them that their meter will NEVER go on my house, and then they tell me that it’s the law and my power will be shut off and blah blah blah, in which case I tell them “I’m still waiting.” They’ve tried every type of threat including threatening to shut off my power, getting a court order, raising my utility rate and issuing me a “code violation” fine everyday until I allow it. Still nothing! The last dude they sent out had a bit of an arrogant attitude and he’s lucky I didn’t fire his ass up! He had the audacity to tell me “whether you like it or not, this meter WILL be on that house sooner or later” I explained to him how the government is using them to stick their noses into our business and monitor our power cunsumption habits, and that they pose a health risk, etc etc. He just arrogantly laughed like I was some sort of a nut job ,he probably thinks that watching the History and Discovery Channels makes American people the “smartest and most informed people in the world!”, like the kid who thinks he can get away with writing a book report by simply watching the movie. It’s funny how people will mistake your concerns over something as paranoia, weakness and fear, then they all of a sudden feel superior to you and think they can psychologically bully you, that is until you change your whole attitude on them like Jeckle and Hyde ans show them that you see right through their BS attempt at intimidation. This fool told me that very soon my gas and water meter would soon be replaced with similar divices. I just told him “nothing that solar water heating panels, a wood stove and water storage tanks can’t fix.” A couple of years ago when they first threatened to shut my power off, I informed them that If they did I would just install an off the grid solar system,; they responded with “it’s illegal to live completely off the grid in this city” Lol! I guess they didn’t realize that I actually live in an “un-incorporated” area just outside the city limits. The point of all this? NEVER let people who “think” they have some sort of power and authority over you to intimidate you or bend your will, because if you do, then you’ve just given them power and authority over you that they really did not have previous to that moment, and as we all know; when you give a bully an inch, they will take a mile. Refuse,Resist, and never give in!

  2. This is a little far fetched no?

  3. There will come a time in human history when there will be NO electricity!!! Without it civilization as we know it will cease!!! In the words of Grand Funk Railroad…”Are you ready” ??? Y’all have a goodin’!!!

    “All ‘HAIL’ Thermal Expansion!!!”

    HillbillyJihad TheBubbaLiberationFront

    • Are you ready to RUMBLLLE ???.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  4. does this mean i won’t have a flying car and a home robot in 2015~

  5. Of course they will false flag the power grid. It is the only way to turn off the internet without being blamed. They can dole out electricity as a reward for submission to martial law and deny it to areas with defiant activity and blame the disruptions on those who fight for freedom.

    People’s will melts without electrical power unless they have strong political resolve. It is the carrot and the stick and the false blame game and brute censorship rolled into one.

    Tyranny cannot exist in an environment of instant mass communications such as the internet provides. Therefore they must shut down the internet and what better way than to attack our electricity.


  6. This is where homeland security should be spending their money but are not! — Instead they spend the money available on extremely sophisticated tracking devices and drones and arms to control and even kill the population if they rebel!

  7. No, really what I had to say was, that the ProPur water filters are way over-priced.
    You could just buy the filters and make your own holding tanks for much less money.
    I have mine filtering into a 5 gallon glass water bottle.
    To be fair, this is the first thing I bought from Infowars (or something I heard about here)
    that I didn’t think was worth the money.
    I guess I’ll try Cal Ben soap soon.
    Who cares…right?

  8. Install solar,wind or water generators. Grow food. Simple,just takes some work and a desire to survive

    • Leave Amerimuck first before making upgrades else everything U do is for not!!

  9. gloom and doom bullshit! remember y2k alex? according to you the world was suppose to destroy itself in 2000, didn’t happen did it. all you stupid retards keep buying the t-shirts hats and videos and books at an inflated price. alex jones says “thanks for making me richer than god dumb fucks”

    • Shut up,ya whacko asshole

    • agree gordy.

    • Yeah, you’re the a-hole for pointing out something that actually happened while the two nodding dolts above me encourage more fear mongering nonsense. It’s one thing to discuss problems and possibilities, it’s absurd to claim 100% certainty about something like this.

      • Unfortunately, I have to agree with you on this one. Fanboys always cheer anything Alex and some don’t give him any credit at all. Examples of both here.

  10. The entire electric grid has to be replaced throughout the world. In some parts of the cities from the ground up you cannot seen the sun with all of the transmission lines and telephone lines draped off poles, all part of an ancient technology that should have been shit canned decades ago. All kept in place to to kept the vampires in control of everything.

    Like the internal combustion engine in the car, kept in place for over 100 years morphing into the “eternal combustion engine” whereby everything on the planet changes except that contemptible relic. Each home on the planet, every building should have its’ own power cell. Losing 40% of our power in the transmission of electricity over power line is beyond insane. When we get a blow out at Niagara Falls power grid, one half of the country is out of power, who set that up? What kind of national security is that?

    All vehicles should have electric motors with self generating kinetic charging devices capable of recharging the car while driving.

    95% of the Congress should be facing jail time for holding up on the rebuilding of our infrastructure and most of the lunatics in the gangster corporations should have their charters removed and never allowed to operate in the nation. Everyone at the Federal Reserve Bank should be examined using the R.I.C.O. Act to pin down the Petro/Dollar scam they have run with the criminals in the oil racket.

  11. This is a false flag waiting to happen and will be blamed on the terrorist! Remember Obama signed an executive order to declare marshall law anytime he wants for any reason he chooses! We loose power here all the time so we invested in a whole house generator. Don’t want to deal with having to go get gas for portable ones in the crazies out there! There is one station that has backup generators to pump gas but when they are out you and your whole town is SOL! Also, get a bike! you will need it to get around!

  12. “….and reduce end user utility costs….”

    Through rationing…..but they don’t call it that. They call it “sustainability”. They call it a “smart grid”.


    “There are too many people [DECEIVE, DECEPTION] …”We must reduce the population [DESTROY]



  14. Its probably all part of the overall plan to totally collapse civilization in the west. Its no longer about just the engineered collapse of the economy but the collapse of all areas that make up western nations. Civilizations come and go, but our demise is not the fault of ourselves but rather that fault of a few who seek to dominate the world.

  15. i see thru this. u know what this means? it means that there will be an engineered temporary collapse of our power. and guess who’s behind it? the cronies who run this country and have invested into companies whom make power generators! they will get rich overnight. their stocks will soar

    it’s another heist and the american people will passively accept it as “an accident”

    • Double :
      Think about what any given ” city ” is like 3 days into a power outage….
      No water , no toilets , big trouble.
      If we go to a ” code red ” max “allert” all interstate roads / deliveries ( Food / Fuel ) Stop.
      Things would turn Mad Max fast.





      ______________PREPARE FOR THE ZOMBIES_______

      • a Zombie apocalypse it is!!… a gift, from those who create reality….

        Kill the king!!!.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

    • They are not just cronies but the Devil’s usurpers and fifth columnists, not Americans, but Israelis who are hell bent on having their way eventually destroying you when you have served ‘their’ purposes!

  16. the new fuel pumps at gas stations cannot be switched over to manual, if the power goes out then you cant get gas. it has happened to me at the diesel pumps several times thru the years.

    • sounds like progress – for the plan for change that is…

    • WHAT!!??? Pumps have been electric for YEARSSSS

      • i guess the point being, if the power goes down, he wasn’t able to get fuel!!..
        ..which is pathetic… gotta wonder why that is ????.. hm

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