Auditor-General slams Vic bureaucrats

Deluded, lazy bureaucrats in Victoria don’t give ministers the advice they need, and large projects are retro-fitted to match political announcements, the state’s auditor-general says.

Auditor-General Des Pearson and his colleague, Paul O’Connor, delivered a scathing assessment of the relationship between the public service and the government in evidence to a parliamentary inquiry into the delivery of infrastructure projects on Tuesday.

They argued no effective mechanisms were in place to stop hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars being tipped into dodgy rail and road projects.

Mr Pearson said government agencies were too reliant on external advice and often, especially when it came from a big firm, accepted it without scrutiny.

Departmental staff often based their advice around what had already been announced by a minister and didn’t take viable alternatives into consideration.

“Often, when we’re talking to departmental staff, they are sort of saying `oh, the government announced’ and they’re using that as what I call a get-out-of-jail card not to provide frank and fearless advice,” he told the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee.

“My fear is ministers mightn’t be told … what they should be told.

“I have got a suspicion that bureaucrats use the announcement to avoid having to do the hard work.”

Billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money have been used to cover cost blowouts and delays in major infrastructure projects in Victoria recently, including the Regional Rail Link and the Wonthaggi desalination plant.

Mr O’Connor, a performance audit director, said for years, business cases for projects had been retro-fitted to ministerial announcements.

“As soon as people start talking openly about that, then some of these cost overruns or bad project issues may at least be given more attention,” he told the inquiry.

“I don’t see overt criminal deception occurring in the public sector. I don’t believe that that’s a driver,” he said.

“I do think, though, there is a fair degree of delusion … driven by lack of knowledge and lack of research.”

Mr O’Connor cited the M1 upgrade, announced by Labor at a cost of $1 billion in May 2006, as an example of a project that had been retro-fitted to match the announcement.

Two years later the upgrade was re-announced at close to $1.4 billion.

Infrastructure Australia required extensive evidence to support a proposal’s cost/benefit ratio before it would be considered for funding, Mr O’Connor said.

“There isn’t necessarily a proscriptive or required processes (in Victoria) in order to stop a dodgy project from getting funding.

“The process is more defined by what gets through, the lemons that make it, rather than the good oranges that are progressed in an orderly way.”

The auditor-general said he wanted an extension of power to be able to access information held by companies contracted by government to deliver services.

Industry group Infrastructure Partnerships Australia chief executive Brendan Lyon said Mr Pearson already had substantial powers to call in documents relevant to auditing major public private partnership projects.

“Those (extra) powers would act as a disincentive … to the private sector in terms of engaging with the public sector in a robust sense,” he said.

Federal government advisory body Infrastructure Australia executive director Rory Brennan said there was high-quality strategic planning behind Victoria’s funding bids.

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